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best comebacks to no one cares

Responding to “no one cares” requires a combination of wit, humor, and confidence. Here are some creative comebacks you can use:

  1. “Well, clearly you care enough to say that.”
  2. “That’s okay, not everyone has refined taste.”
  3. “Is that your way of saying you care?”
  4. “Thanks for the news flash, Captain Obvious.”
  5. “I care enough to appreciate your effort to say that.”
  6. “Maybe not everyone, but I’m someone.”
  7. “Who hurt you to make you so indifferent?”
  8. “I care about a lot of things; your opinion just isn’t one of them.”
  9. “If you’re trying to hurt my feelings, you’ll have to try harder.”
  10. “Says the person who took the time to comment.”
  11. “I didn’t realize my care-o-meter needed your validation.”
  12. “That’s cute, but I’m still standing.”
  13. “Thanks for the reminder that I’m living rent-free in your head.”
  14. “You know what they say about opinions…”
  15. “Oh, I thought we were playing ‘State the Obvious.'”
  16. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of me not caring.”
  17. “I’ll add that to the list of things I didn’t ask for.”
  18. “If you don’t care, why bother telling me?”
  19. “I’ll alert the media.”
  20. “And yet, here you are, caring enough to tell me.”
  21. “Your apathy is duly noted.”
  22. “I’ll file that under ‘Things I’ll Forget in 5 Seconds’.”
  23. “I’m sorry, did I ask for your opinion?”
  24. “Thanks for sharing, I guess?”
  25. “I see the ‘No Cares Given’ sign is up today.”
  26. “Fascinating. Tell me more about how little you care.”
  27. “Must be exhausting carrying around all that indifference.”
  28. “I’ll let you know if I ever start caring what you think.”
  29. “Wow, your care cup is emptier than I thought.”
  30. “You care enough to tell me you don’t care. Interesting.”
  31. “I’d offer you some caring, but it seems you’re allergic.”
  32. “Sorry, I don’t speak ‘Irrelevant’.”
  33. “Caring is so last season, didn’t you know?”
  34. “Thanks for your concern, but I’ll manage.”
  35. “I’ll cherish your opinion… somewhere far, far away.”
  36. “I’ll mark that down as ‘Things That Don’t Keep Me Up at Night’.”
  37. “Your indifference is duly noted and promptly ignored.”
  38. “I’ll treasure your lack of interest forever.”
  39. “You’re right. Let’s change the subject to something you do care about.”
  40. “Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night?”
  41. “I’ll add that to the pile of things I don’t give a second thought to.”
  42. “Interesting theory, but I’m not in the market for apathy today.”
  43. “I’ll remember that when I’m handing out cares.”
  44. “Thanks for stating the obvious. What’s next, ‘Water is Wet’?”
  45. “I see your care and raise you an eye roll.”
  46. “Cool story, bro. Tell it again… to someone who cares.”
  47. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the care police.”
  48. “Your lack of enthusiasm is duly noted and promptly disregarded.”
  49. “Well, isn’t that just the most fascinating thing I’ve never cared about?”
  50. “I’d rather be uncool than uncaring.”
  51. “Congratulations, you win the ‘Least Amount of Cares’ award.”
  52. “Next time, try caring. It’s more fun.”
  53. “You seem to care a lot about telling me you don’t care.”
  54. “If only there was a caring Olympics, you’d be a gold medalist.”
  55. “And here I thought we were having a conversation, not a care-o-meter contest.”
  56. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me… and no one else.”
  57. “You’re entitled to your opinion, no matter how indifferent it is.”
  58. “I’ll remember to care deeply… about something else entirely.”
  59. “What a coincidence, I don’t care about your opinion either.”
  60. “In the game of caring, you just lost.”
  61. “I didn’t realize we were playing ‘Who Cares Less’.”
  62. “And here I was, thinking we were having a meaningful conversation.”
  63. “I’ll take your indifference and raise you a shrug.”
  64. “Noted, but not relevant.”
  65. “Thanks for the update on your lack of interest.”
  66. “Caring is overrated, anyway.”
  67. “Is that your final answer?”
  68. “I’ll add that to my collection of things I’ll forget by tomorrow.”
  69. “You’re right. Let’s move on to a topic you do care about.”
  70. “I’ll be sure to file that away… in the round filing cabinet.”
  71. “Thanks for the reminder that opinions are like belly buttons – everyone has one.”
  72. “I’ll cherish your indifference forever… or until I forget about it.”
  73. “I’ll make a mental note to consult you next time I need someone not to care.”
  74. “I see your indifference and raise you an eye roll.”
  75. “If only I had a care to give.”
  76. “I’m sorry, I must have missed the part where I asked for your opinion.”
  77. “I’ll be sure to care… never.”
  78. “Thanks for the update on your apathy.”
  79. “Your lack of enthusiasm is duly noted and promptly ignored.”
  80. “I’ll take that under advisement… or not.”
  81. “You’re right. Let’s move on to a topic that’s more your speed.”
  82. “I’ll be sure to lose sleep over that… just kidding.”
  83. “Thanks for your input, but I’ll stick with my caring.”
  84. “Noted, but not particularly noteworthy.”
  85. “I’ll remember that when I’m counting my cares.”
  86. “I see your ‘No Cares Given’ attitude and raise you a smile.”
  87. “Your opinion has been logged and promptly forgotten.”
  88. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind… or not.”
  89. “You care so little, you took the time to tell me.”
  90. “I’ll treasure your indifference like a rare gem… not.”
  91. “Your lack of interest is duly noted and promptly disregarded.”
  92. “I’ll add that to the list of things I don’t give a second thought to.”
  93. “Thanks for the reminder that opinions are like smartphones – everyone’s got one.”
  94. “I see your indifference and raise you a yawn.”
  95. “You’re right. Let’s table this conversation for a topic you actually care about.”
  96. “Thanks for the memo. I’ll file it under ‘Things That Don’t Matter’.”
  97. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because I don’t care!
  98. “Looks like the ‘Caring Train’ missed your station.”
  99. “I’ll be sure to frame your indifference… somewhere inconspicuous.”
  100. “Your lack of enthusiasm is about as surprising as the sun rising.”
  101. “Noted, but not particularly compelling.”
  102. “I’ll put that in the vault of things I’ll never think about again.”
  103. “I see you’re on Team Apathy.”
  104. “And here I thought we were having a riveting conversation.”
  105. “Your indifference is like a fine wine – not everyone appreciates it.”
  106. “Thanks for the reminder that not everyone has good taste.”
  107. “I’ll add that to the list of things I’m pretending to care about.”
  108. “You care less than a Monday morning.”
  109. “I’ll cherish your lack of interest… somewhere far, far away.”
  110. “Your lack of caring is truly awe-inspiring.”
  111. “I see your indifference and raise you a polite smile.”
  112. “I’ll keep your indifference in mind… or not, because it’s not important.”
  113. “Thanks for the reminder that opinions are like socks – everyone has a pair.”
  114. “Your apathy is like a gentle breeze – barely noticeable.”
  115. “I’ll remember that next time I’m asking for opinions I don’t care about.”
  116. “Your lack of interest speaks volumes.”
  117. “I’ll be sure to lose sleep over that… just kidding, I’ve already forgotten.”
  118. “I see you’re the life of the ‘No Care’ party.”
  119. “Thanks for sharing, even though I didn’t ask.”
  120. “Your indifference is like a fine art piece – some people just don’t get it.”
  121. “I’ll put your lack of interest in the ‘File of Things That Don’t Matter’.”
  122. “Your disinterest is palpable.”
  123. “Noted, but not impactful.”
  124. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because I don’t care.”
  125. “Your apathy is duly noted and promptly disregarded.”
  126. “I’ll treasure your lack of concern like buried treasure – hidden and forgotten.”
  127. “Your indifference is like a badge of honor… for not caring.”
  128. “Thanks for the update on your level of indifference.”
  129. “Your lack of enthusiasm is contagious… said no one ever.”
  130. “I’ll take your indifference with a grain of salt… and a dash of sarcasm.”
  131. “Your disinterest is about as shocking as the sky being blue.”
  132. “I see you’re the captain of the ‘I Don’t Care’ team.”
  133. “Thanks for the reminder that not everyone has good taste in conversations.”
  134. “Your indifference is like a cold breeze – it stings, but I’ll survive.”
  135. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because I have better things to think about.”
  136. “Your lack of interest is duly noted and promptly ignored.”
  137. “Your disinterest is like a fine wine – it gets better with age.”
  138. “Thanks for sharing your lack of enthusiasm.”
  139. “Your apathy is like a gentle rain – barely noticeable, yet persistent.”
  140. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  141. “I see you’re the president of the ‘No Cares Given’ club.”
  142. “Thanks for stating the obvious… as if it wasn’t obvious enough.”
  143. “Your indifference is like a cool breeze – refreshing, yet fleeting.”
  144. “I’ll be sure to take that into consideration… or not, because I don’t care.”
  145. “Your lack of enthusiasm is like a superpower… for not caring.”
  146. “Thanks for the newsflash – I’ll file it under ‘Things I Already Knew’.”
  147. “Your lack of interest is truly inspiring… said no one ever.”
  148. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  149. “Your indifference is like a silent symphony – beautiful, yet unnoticed.”
  150. “Thanks for the update on your level of apathy.”
  151. “Your lack of enthusiasm is like a cold shower – bracing, yet unnecessary.”
  152. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not important.”
  153. “Your disinterest is like a gentle breeze – hardly worth noticing.”
  154. “Thanks for sharing your indifference with the class.”
  155. “Your lack of interest is like a quiet whisper – barely heard, easily forgotten.”
  156. “I’ll make a mental note to care… just kidding, I won’t.”
  157. “Your indifference is like a blank canvas – devoid of meaning.”
  158. “Thanks for the reminder that not everyone appreciates a good conversation.”
  159. “Your lack of enthusiasm is like a rainy day – dreary, yet predictable.”
  160. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because I have better things to do.”
  161. “Your apathy is like a distant echo – faint, yet unmistakable.”
  162. “Thanks for the update on your level of interest… or lack thereof.”
  163. “Your indifference is like a distant memory – barely recalled, easily forgotten.”
  164. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  165. “Your disinterest is like a fading echo – barely heard, soon forgotten.”
  166. “Thanks for sharing your lack of enthusiasm with the world.”
  167. “Your indifference is like a passing cloud – fleeting, yet unremarkable.”
  168. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because it’s not important to me.”
  169. “Your lack of interest is like a distant star – barely visible, easily ignored.”
  170. “Thanks for the update on your level of engagement… or lack thereof.”
  171. “Your apathy is like a distant memory – vague, yet persistent.”
  172. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  173. “Your indifference is like a faint breeze – hardly noticed, easily dismissed.”
  174. “Thanks for sharing your lack of interest with the world.”
  175. “Your lack of enthusiasm is like a dim light – barely shining, easily extinguished.”
  176. “I’ll keep that in mind… or not, because it’s not important to me.”
  177. “Your disinterest is like a distant echo – faint, yet unmistakable.”
  178. “Thanks for the update on your level of engagement… or lack thereof.”
  179. “Your indifference is like a passing cloud – fleeting, yet unremarkable.”
  180. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  181. “Your lack of interest is like a distant star – barely visible, easily ignored.”
  182. “Thanks for the update on your level of engagement… or lack thereof.”
  183. “Your apathy is like a distant memory – vague, yet persistent.”
  184. “I’ll be sure to remember that… or not, because it’s not worth remembering.”
  185. “Your indifference is like a faint breeze – hardly noticed, easily dismissed.”
  186. “Thanks for sharing your lack of interest with the world.”

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