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best comebacks when someone makes fun of your clothes

  1. “Well, at least my clothes don’t have an identity crisis.”
  2. “Thanks for noticing, I’m really into the retro-chic look.”
  3. “I’m sorry, did I accidentally walk into a fashion police convention?”
  4. “I’m glad my clothes could provide you with some entertainment.”
  5. “Oh, I didn’t realize we were in a ‘Who Wore It Better’ competition.”
  6. “I wear what makes me happy. Can’t say the same for your negativity.”
  7. “Looks like my outfit is living rent-free in your mind.”
  8. “It’s called fashion, darling. Look it up sometime.”
  9. “Ah, the classic ‘I have nothing nice to say, so I’ll insult your clothes’ move.”
  10. “If my clothes offend you, I can lend you some sunglasses for protection.”
  11. “Well, my clothes might not be fashionable, but at least I have a personality.”
  12. “I’m flattered that you pay so much attention to my wardrobe.”
  13. “I wear my clothes with confidence. Maybe you should try it.”
  14. “My clothes are a reflection of my unique style. Can’t say the same for your lack of originality.”
  15. “Ah, the timeless art of projecting insecurities onto someone else’s outfit.”
  16. “I’m glad my outfit could brighten your day with some unexpected comedy.”
  17. “My clothes may not be designer, but at least they’re not as cheap as your insults.”
  18. “Wow, I didn’t realize we were in a fashion critique session. Did I miss the memo?”
  19. “At least my clothes don’t have an expiration date like your jokes.”
  20. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I had to dress to impress you.”
  21. “Thanks for the input, but I prefer to wear what makes me comfortable.”
  22. “If you’re looking for fashion advice, maybe try asking someone who actually cares.”
  23. “I dress to express, not to impress you.”
  24. “My clothes might not be trendy, but at least they’re not as outdated as your insults.”
  25. “I see you’ve taken up a new hobby: amateur fashion critic.”
  26. “My clothes might not be high-end, but at least they don’t come with a snobby attitude.”
  27. “Well, my clothes might not be runway-ready, but neither is your sense of humor.”
  28. “Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Now, can we move on to something more interesting?”
  29. “If you think my outfit is bad, you should see my collection of witty comebacks.”
  30. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I needed your approval to get dressed this morning.”
  31. “My clothes may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least I’m not a walking fashion disaster like you.”
  32. “I dress for myself, not for the peanut gallery.”
  33. “Well, I’m sorry my clothes aren’t up to your impeccable standards.”
  34. “My clothes are a reflection of my personality. What does your outfit say about you?”
  35. “If my clothes bother you so much, I can lend you a blindfold.”
  36. “Oh, I didn’t realize we were in a fashion face-off. My bad.”
  37. “Well, if my clothes are the worst thing you’ve seen today, consider yourself lucky.”
  38. “I’m glad my outfit could provide you with some much-needed entertainment.”
  39. “My clothes may not be trendy, but at least I’m comfortable in my own skin.”
  40. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I was supposed to dress to impress you and your impeccable fashion sense.”
  41. “I’ll make a note to consult your wardrobe before getting dressed next time.”
  42. “If my outfit offends you, I’ll be sure to wear it every day.”
  43. “My clothes may not be designer, but at least they’re not as cheap as your insults.”
  44. “I’m glad my outfit could spark some joy in your otherwise dull day.”
  45. “If you don’t like my clothes, you should see my closet. It’s full of even worse choices.”
  46. “I didn’t realize my outfit came with a side of unsolicited fashion advice.”
  47. “If my clothes are the worst thing you have to criticize, I must be doing something right.”
  48. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I was supposed to dress according to your outdated fashion rules.”
  49. “Well, my clothes may not be trendy, but at least I’m not as out of touch as your sense of style.”
  50. “If you spent as much time working on your personality as you do critiquing my outfit, you’d be a much nicer person.”
  51. “My clothes are like me—simple, low-maintenance, and unbothered by petty comments.”
  52. “I’m flattered that you’re so invested in my wardrobe choices. Need fashion tips?”
  53. “Oh, are we playing ‘Guess the Fashion Police Officer’ now?”
  54. “If my clothes bother you that much, I can recommend a good optometrist.”
  55. “Well, my clothes might not be runway-worthy, but at least they’re not as bland as your personality.”
  56. “If you’re trying to insult me, you’ll need more creativity than mocking my outfit.”
  57. “My clothes are like me—comfortable in their own skin. Can’t say the same for you.”
  58. “I’ll remember to consult your fashion manifesto next time I get dressed.”
  59. “Wow, I didn’t realize my clothes were on trial today. Do I get a defense attorney?”
  60. “My clothes are a reflection of my mood, not your opinions.”
  61. “If my outfit is the most interesting thing about me to you, that’s on you.”
  62. “Sorry, I don’t speak ‘Fashion Police.’ Can you translate that into something useful?”
  63. “Well, my clothes may not be Instagram-worthy, but at least I’m living in the real world.”
  64. “I dress for comfort, not for your approval.”
  65. “If you don’t like my outfit, you’re welcome to lend me something better.”
  66. “My clothes are like my personality—quirky and unapologetic.”
  67. “If my outfit is the highlight of your day, you need to get out more.”
  68. “I’m glad my clothes could give you something to talk about.”
  69. “Oh, I didn’t realize we were judging outfits today. What’s the prize?”
  70. “Well, my clothes might not be fashion-forward, but at least they’re not as backward as your attitude.”
  71. “If my clothes are the worst thing you’ve seen today, consider yourself lucky.”
  72. “I’m not here to impress you with my wardrobe. I’m here to live my life.”
  73. “If my outfit bothers you, you can always look the other way.”
  74. “I wear what makes me happy. Your opinion is irrelevant.”
  75. “My clothes are like a good book—open to interpretation, but not up for debate.”
  76. “Well, my clothes may not be fashionable, but at least they’re not as transparent as your intentions.”
  77. “If you don’t like my outfit, you’re welcome to buy me a new wardrobe.”
  78. “I’m sorry, did I accidentally step into a fashion show or are you just bored?”
  79. “Well, my clothes might not be trendy, but at least they’re authentic.”
  80. “If my outfit is the most interesting thing about me to you, I feel sorry for you.”
  81. “I dress for myself, not for the approval of others.”
  82. “Well, my clothes might not be designer, but at least I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not.”
  83. “If my outfit is offensive to you, I suggest you recalibrate your priorities.”
  84. “I’m glad my outfit could brighten your day with a little humor.”
  85. “Well, my clothes may not be high-fashion, but at least I’m comfortable in my own skin.”
  86. “If you’re trying to insult me, you’ll need to try harder than picking on my outfit.”
  87. “I’ll make a note to consider your fashion expertise next time I go shopping.”
  88. “My clothes are like a canvas—open to interpretation, but ultimately my own creation.”
  89. “If my outfit isn’t up to your standards, you’re welcome to look away.”
  90. “Well, my clothes might not be runway-ready, but at least I’m not seeking validation from strangers.”
  91. “If my outfit is the worst thing you have to worry about, you must have a pretty easy life.”
  92. “I’m sorry, did I accidentally walk into a fashion critique convention?”
  93. “Well, my clothes may not be fashionable, but at least I’m comfortable with who I am.”
  94. “If my outfit is bothering you, maybe you need to examine why it affects you so much.”
  95. “I’m sorry, did I miss the memo where you were appointed the fashion police?”
  96. “Well, my clothes might not be on trend, but at least I’m not trying too hard to fit in.”
  97. “If my outfit is the most interesting thing about me to you, you’re not looking hard enough.”
  98. “I’m glad my outfit could provide you with some entertainment. Now, can we move on?”
  99. “Well, my clothes might not be to your taste, but at least they’re authentic to who I am.”
  100. “If you’re going to insult me, at least come up with something original. My outfit is tired of hearing the same old jokes.”

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