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best comebacks when someone makes fun of your looks

  1. “I’m sorry, did I ask for your opinion?”
  2. “I guess some people have beauty, and some have rude comments.”
  3. “Wow, you must be an expert on everything, including my looks.”
  4. “You really went out of your way to say something unkind, didn’t you?”
  5. “I’d rather be kind than just have a pretty face.”
  6. “If only your personality matched your looks.”
  7. “Jealousy is such an ugly trait, don’t you think?”
  8. “I’m sorry you feel the need to put others down to feel better.”
  9. “Thanks for your input, but I didn’t ask.”
  10. “Your opinion is noted, but irrelevant.”
  11. “I love how you’re comfortable being so openly wrong.”
  12. “Bless your heart, you must be having a tough day.”
  13. “I’m beautiful in my own way, just like you are.”
  14. “Everyone has their own taste, I guess yours is just a bit different.”
  15. “Thank you for pointing out something that doesn’t matter.”
  16. “I’m more than just my looks, but thanks for noticing.”
  17. “It’s a good thing I don’t live for your approval.”
  18. “If I wanted to look like you, I’d need to lower my standards.”
  19. “Funny, I didn’t realize I was supposed to look like everyone else.”
  20. “Your negativity isn’t affecting my self-esteem.”
  21. “I prefer to focus on what’s inside, unlike some people.”
  22. “Thanks for your concern, but I’m happy with who I am.”
  23. “It’s sad that you feel the need to criticize others.”
  24. “I hope you find the happiness you’re looking for.”
  25. “My looks aren’t here to please you.”
  26. “If I cared about what everyone thought, I’d be a wreck.”
  27. “Judging others says more about you than it does about me.”
  28. “I can’t hear your negativity over my fabulousness.”
  29. “Do you need glasses, or is it just your personality that’s blurry?”
  30. “My self-worth isn’t determined by your opinion.”
  31. “Imagine being so insecure you need to insult others.”
  32. “If you don’t like my looks, you’re free to look elsewhere.”
  33. “I love myself enough for the both of us.”
  34. “Your words reflect your character, not my appearance.”
  35. “I’m confident enough to not need your validation.”
  36. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but it won’t change how I feel about myself.”
  37. “I’d rather be me and look like this than be you and act like that.”
  38. “My mirror tells me a different story, one that’s much nicer.”
  39. “You must be really unhappy to try to bring others down.”
  40. “I hope you find the self-love you clearly need.”
  41. “Thanks for the feedback, I’ll file it under ‘irrelevant.'”
  42. “I’m too busy loving myself to care about your negativity.”
  43. “I’m sorry you’re projecting your insecurities on me.”
  44. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words don’t affect me.”
  45. “I didn’t realize we were playing the insult game. Are you losing?”
  46. “If beauty is skin deep, your comment is definitely shallow.”
  47. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over how amazing I feel.”
  48. “Isn’t it tiring being so negative all the time?”
  49. “Your comment says more about your character than my looks.”
  50. “I’m more concerned with being kind than being pretty.”
  51. “You must be perfect if you’re criticizing others so freely.”
  52. “Why don’t you work on your own reflection before judging mine?”
  53. “Your approval is neither needed nor wanted.”
  54. “Thanks, but I’m comfortable in my own skin.”
  55. “I hope you find peace with yourself so you can stop projecting on others.”
  56. “My beauty comes from within, and that’s something you can’t take away.”
  57. “If only your manners were as nice as your looks.”
  58. “I’m not here to meet your standards.”
  59. “I wish you the best in finding something better to do with your time.”
  60. “Your negativity doesn’t define me.”
  61. “Sorry, I don’t speak hater.”
  62. “I’ll let your comment slide since you clearly don’t know me.”
  63. “I don’t remember asking for your critique.”
  64. “Beauty fades, but being a good person lasts forever.”
  65. “If only your personality was as attractive as your confidence.”
  66. “I’d rather be happy and look like this than be miserable and look like you.”
  67. “Your comment is like a bad haircut, easy to ignore and soon forgotten.”
  68. “I’m sorry, I don’t take advice from people who are unhappy with themselves.”
  69. “Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it’s wrong.”
  70. “If my looks bother you, feel free to look away.”
  71. “I hope you find what you’re looking for because it’s clearly not in me.”
  72. “My value isn’t determined by your perception.”
  73. “You should really learn to love yourself so you can stop hating on others.”
  74. “Your words say more about you than my appearance ever could.”
  75. “I hope you find happiness beyond insulting others.”
  76. “You must be so perfect to feel comfortable judging others.”
  77. “I’m happy with who I am, and that’s all that matters.”
  78. “I didn’t realize we were in a beauty contest.”
  79. “Your opinion is noted, and promptly discarded.”
  80. “I’m too busy being awesome to care about your negativity.”
  81. “You should really work on your own issues instead of projecting them on others.”
  82. “It’s clear you need to feel better about yourself, but putting others down isn’t the way.”
  83. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but it won’t change my confidence.”
  84. “Your words are just noise to my self-esteem.”
  85. “I don’t need your approval to feel good about myself.”
  86. “It’s a shame you can’t appreciate different types of beauty.”
  87. “My worth isn’t dictated by your standards.”
  88. “I hope you find the peace you’re clearly lacking.”
  89. “I’m sorry you feel the need to insult others to feel better.”
  90. “Your negativity isn’t welcome here.”
  91. “If you have nothing nice to say, maybe it’s best to say nothing at all.”
  92. “I’m not defined by your perception of me.”
  93. “I’m comfortable in my own skin, thanks.”
  94. “You should work on your inner beauty.”
  95. “I’m not here to be judged by you.”
  96. “Thanks for your input, but I’m happy as I am.”
  97. “I hope you find the confidence you’re clearly missing.”
  98. “Your opinion isn’t my reality.”
  99. “I’m beautiful in my own way, and that’s all that matters.”
  100. “I’ll focus on being a good person, you focus on being less negative.”

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