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Clever responses to street harrassment

Addressing street harassment with clever responses can be empowering. Here are 200 responses that blend humor, wit, and assertiveness:

  1. “Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?”
  2. “Wow, original. Never heard that one before.”
  3. “Sorry, I’m not interested in unsolicited comments.”
  4. “Did you really think that would work?”
  5. “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?”
  6. “I’m too busy for this nonsense.”
  7. “I’ll pass, thanks.”
  8. “Please, keep your comments to yourself.”
  9. “I’m not here for your entertainment.”
  10. “Does this actually work for you?”
  11. “Respect is a two-way street.”
  12. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion.”
  13. “Do you think this is acceptable behavior?”
  14. “You must be joking.”
  15. “You can stop now.”
  16. “I deserve better than this.”
  17. “Not today, creep.”
  18. “I have higher standards.”
  19. “Your approval isn’t necessary.”
  20. “Take your comments elsewhere.”
  21. “That’s enough.”
  22. “Respect boundaries.”
  23. “I’m not interested in your attention.”
  24. “Is this how you spend your time?”
  25. “Gross.”
  26. “I have better things to do.”
  27. “Move along.”
  28. “Not impressed.”
  29. “Do you even hear yourself?”
  30. “Nope.”
  31. “Hard pass.”
  32. “I’m not flattered.”
  33. “Stop objectifying people.”
  34. “Wow, that’s pathetic.”
  35. “You need a hobby.”
  36. “Buzz off.”
  37. “I have no interest in engaging.”
  38. “Respect women.”
  39. “You’re embarrassing yourself.”
  40. “Pathetic.”
  41. “I’m not amused.”
  42. “Save it.”
  43. “Absolutely not.”
  44. “Take a hike.”
  45. “That’s harassment.”
  46. “Keep your distance.”
  47. “Seriously?”
  48. “You’re wasting your breath.”
  49. “I’m not here for your entertainment.”
  50. “Grow up.”
  51. “That’s inappropriate.”
  52. “Back off.”
  53. “Don’t bother.”
  54. “That’s not okay.”
  55. “Get lost.”
  56. “Mind your manners.”
  57. “Move along.”
  58. “This isn’t flattering.”
  59. “Stop it.”
  60. “Go away.”
  61. “No, thank you.”
  62. “Unwelcome.”
  63. “Cut it out.”
  64. “Out of line.”
  65. “Rude.”
  66. “Not interested.”
  67. “Disrespectful.”
  68. “That’s harassment.”
  69. “Stay away.”
  70. “Knock it off.”
  71. “Just no.”
  72. “Unacceptable.”
  73. “I don’t need your validation.”
  74. “This is inappropriate.”
  75. “Don’t speak to me.”
  76. “That’s offensive.”
  77. “Not your business.”
  78. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
  79. “Your behavior is disgusting.”
  80. “Go harass someone else.”
  81. “Nope, not happening.”
  82. “Your words are worthless.”
  83. “Find some respect.”
  84. “I’m not interested.”
  85. “Don’t objectify me.”
  86. “Mind your business.”
  87. “I’m not here for you.”
  88. “Don’t harass people.”
  89. “Move on.”
  90. “Save your breath.”
  91. “You’re out of line.”
  92. “This isn’t a compliment.”
  93. “Just stop.”
  94. “Disrespectful.”
  95. “Gross behavior.”
  96. “You’re wasting your time.”
  97. “Get some manners.”
  98. “This is harassment.”
  99. “Not appropriate.”
  100. “Take your comments elsewhere.”
  101. “I’m not your object.”
  102. “Get a grip.”
  103. “I don’t need your comments.”
  104. “Respect my space.”
  105. “Go away.”
  106. “Not cool.”
  107. “That’s enough.”
  108. “Respect women.”
  109. “Do better.”
  110. “No means no.”
  111. “You’re being creepy.”
  112. “This isn’t flattering.”
  113. “Back off.”
  114. “I’m not interested.”
  115. “Don’t bother me.”
  116. “I’m not impressed.”
  117. “You’re crossing the line.”
  118. “Grow up.”
  119. “No, thank you.”
  120. “Mind your manners.”
  121. “I don’t want your attention.”
  122. “Respect boundaries.”
  123. “Not okay.”
  124. “You’re harassing me.”
  125. “That’s inappropriate.”
  126. “Move along.”
  127. “Just no.”
  128. “Knock it off.”
  129. “I’m not your target.”
  130. “Get some respect.”
  131. “I don’t appreciate this.”
  132. “Don’t speak to me like that.”
  133. “I deserve better.”
  134. “You’re being rude.”
  135. “Save it.”
  136. “I’m not here for your comments.”
  137. “Out of line.”
  138. “Go away.”
  139. “I’m not flattered.”
  140. “That’s enough.”
  141. “You need to stop.”
  142. “Your behavior is gross.”
  143. “No, just no.”
  144. “You’re wasting your time.”
  145. “I don’t want to hear it.”
  146. “Respect my space.”
  147. “This is harassment.”
  148. “You’re being inappropriate.”
  149. “Go harass someone else.”
  150. “Your comments are unwanted.”
  151. “Mind your business.”
  152. “You’re out of line.”
  153. “Move along.”
  154. “This isn’t flattering.”
  155. “Back off.”
  156. “I don’t need your attention.”
  157. “Respect boundaries.”
  158. “That’s inappropriate.”
  159. “I’m not interested.”
  160. “Find some manners.”
  161. “Go away.”
  162. “This isn’t okay.”
  163. “Grow up.”
  164. “I don’t appreciate this.”
  165. “You’re being creepy.”
  166. “Save your breath.”
  167. “Don’t objectify me.”
  168. “I’m not your object.”
  169. “You’re being rude.”
  170. “Get a grip.”
  171. “I don’t need your comments.”
  172. “Respect women.”
  173. “No means no.”
  174. “You’re crossing the line.”
  175. “Knock it off.”
  176. “This is harassment.”
  177. “Move along.”
  178. “I’m not here for your comments.”
  179. “Back off.”
  180. “Your behavior is gross.”
  181. “Don’t speak to me.”
  182. “You’re out of line.”
  183. “I don’t want your attention.”
  184. “You need to stop.”
  185. “Respect my space.”
  186. “I’m not flattered.”
  187. “This isn’t flattering.”
  188. “Get some respect.”
  189. “I deserve better.”
  190. “I’m not your target.”
  191. “Grow up.”
  192. “I’m not impressed.”
  193. “You’re harassing me.”
  194. “That’s inappropriate.”
  195. “Move on.”
  196. “Don’t bother me.”
  197. “You’re crossing the line.”
  198. “I’m not here for you.”
  199. “Find some manners.”
  200. “You’re being creepy.”

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