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Clever Responses to Yet

Sure, here are 200 clever responses to “Yet”:

  1. Not quite.
  2. Still waiting.
  3. Patience is a virtue.
  4. Almost there.
  5. Hang tight!
  6. Working on it.
  7. In due time.
  8. On the way!
  9. Soon, my friend.
  10. Just a bit longer.
  11. The suspense is killing me!
  12. Any moment now.
  13. It’s in the pipeline.
  14. Anticipation building!
  15. Stay tuned.
  16. We’re getting there.
  17. On the horizon.
  18. In progress.
  19. Just around the corner.
  20. Hold your horses!
  21. Close, but no cigar.
  22. Ticking away.
  23. On the brink.
  24. We’re not there yet.
  25. Nearly there.
  26. In the works.
  27. Getting warmer.
  28. The wait continues.
  29. So close!
  30. Just a hair away.
  31. In the queue.
  32. Approaching soon.
  33. Almost in sight.
  34. At the final stretch.
  35. Just a matter of time.
  36. Practically there.
  37. Nearly complete.
  38. On the cusp.
  39. Just about.
  40. It’s happening.
  41. At the eleventh hour.
  42. Very soon now.
  43. Just you wait!
  44. Nearing the end.
  45. Not far off.
  46. On the verge.
  47. Just a heartbeat away.
  48. Approaching fast.
  49. Right on the edge.
  50. Getting closer.
  51. Approaching the finish line.
  52. In the final stages.
  53. Soon enough.
  54. Any second now.
  55. Almost upon us.
  56. On the doorstep.
  57. Nearly at hand.
  58. Inching closer.
  59. Just beyond reach.
  60. At any moment.
  61. It’s imminent.
  62. Drawing nearer.
  63. The countdown is on.
  64. Looming ahead.
  65. Around the bend.
  66. The clock is ticking.
  67. Coming right up.
  68. Practically finished.
  69. Any day now.
  70. Not much longer.
  71. It’s in sight.
  72. Just a stone’s throw away.
  73. Just on the brink.
  74. Coming down the line.
  75. Any instant now.
  76. Approaching the horizon.
  77. Just a whisker away.
  78. Getting oh so close.
  79. Nearly in our grasp.
  80. Almost tangible.
  81. Just within reach.
  82. Moving towards it.
  83. All but done.
  84. The final countdown.
  85. Virtually there.
  86. Just a step away.
  87. Coming into focus.
  88. On the threshold.
  89. The end is near.
  90. Closing in.
  91. Just a smidgen away.
  92. Concluding soon.
  93. Just out of reach.
  94. Practically in our hands.
  95. Right at the edge.
  96. On the final leg.
  97. Just shy of it.
  98. Peeking over the horizon.
  99. In the home stretch.
  100. Nearly visible.
  101. Almost in the bag.
  102. Sooner rather than later.
  103. Just within sight.
  104. Approaching rapidly.
  105. So close, you can taste it.
  106. On the final approach.
  107. The wait is almost over.
  108. In the closing stages.
  109. Just a blink away.
  110. About to arrive.
  111. Approaching the goal.
  112. Nearing completion.
  113. Just inches away.
  114. In the last lap.
  115. Fast approaching.
  116. On the precipice.
  117. The final push.
  118. Just at the finish line.
  119. Nearly at the peak.
  120. On the finishing line.
  121. At the threshold.
  122. Just a touch away.
  123. Approaching the summit.
  124. Almost at full circle.
  125. On the home run.
  126. The last hurdle.
  127. Just a jot away.
  128. Nearing the zenith.
  129. On the edge of glory.
  130. So close to fruition.
  131. On the cusp of success.
  132. Almost wrapping up.
  133. Ready to pop.
  134. At the climax.
  135. The apex is near.
  136. Just a whisper away.
  137. On the brink of completion.
  138. So close to the end.
  139. Nearly finished.
  140. At the final frontier.
  141. Just a hair’s breadth away.
  142. Approaching the climax.
  143. On the cusp of finality.
  144. Just a tinge away.
  145. Nearing the pinnacle.
  146. The end is nigh.
  147. Just at the zenith.
  148. Nearing the ultimate point.
  149. Just a flick away.
  150. On the verge of happening.
  151. Almost concluded.
  152. Just a notch away.
  153. Nearing the terminus.
  154. On the verge of completion.
  155. Just a skosh away.
  156. Approaching the endpoint.
  157. Nearing the conclusion.
  158. Just a shade away.
  159. Approaching the terminus.
  160. On the brink of finality.
  161. Just a tick away.
  162. Nearing the ultimate goal.
  163. On the edge of finishing.
  164. Just a snippet away.
  165. Approaching the terminus point.
  166. Nearing the cessation.
  167. Just a breath away.
  168. On the edge of completion.
  169. Just a bit off.
  170. Nearing the final chapter.
  171. Just a step closer.
  172. Nearing the denouement.
  173. Just a scooch away.
  174. Nearing the endgame.
  175. On the verge of finishing up.
  176. Just a nudge away.
  177. Approaching the finale.
  178. Nearing the terminus ad quem.
  179. Just a speck away.
  180. Approaching the last leg.
  181. Just a touch closer.
  182. Nearing the stopping point.
  183. Just a sliver away.
  184. Approaching the destination.
  185. Nearing the point of completion.
  186. Just a hair’s length away.
  187. Nearing the cessation point.
  188. Just a tad away.
  189. Approaching the end of the line.
  190. Nearing the final act.
  191. Just a fraction away.
  192. Approaching the terminal point.
  193. Nearing the conclusion of it all.
  194. Just a mark away.
  195. Approaching the end stretch.
  196. Nearing the last bit.
  197. Just a fragment away.
  198. Approaching the end goal.
  199. Nearing the close.
  200. Just a trace away.

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