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funny replies to when was the last time you cried

Sure, here are 20 witty and humorous replies to “When was the last time you cried?”:

  1. “Oh, you know, just yesterday when I realized I finished my favorite ice cream. It was a tragic moment.”
  2. “Last time I cried? Let’s just say it involved a particularly emotional episode of a reality TV show.”
  3. “Well, I shed a tear last week when I accidentally dropped my pizza… it was a pizza tragedy.”
  4. “I cry every time I watch a movie with talking animals. Don’t judge, those stories are emotional roller coasters!”
  5. “Yesterday, when I realized my phone battery was at 1% and the charger was all the way across the room.”
  6. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my annual existential crisis. You know, the usual.”
  7. “I cry every time I watch a sad commercial… those puppies and kittens get me every time.”
  8. “Well, it was probably last week when I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. Painful and tear-inducing.”
  9. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to find matching socks. It’s a real tearjerker.”
  10. “I cry every time I finish a really good book… saying goodbye to those characters is like losing old friends.”
  11. “Last time I cried? Probably when I realized I finished all my snacks… it was a snack tragedy.”
  12. “Well, it was definitely last month when I dropped my ice cream cone on the ground… five-second rule betrayed me!”
  13. “I cry every time I watch a romantic comedy… not because it’s touching, but because I can’t believe people fall for those cheesy plotlines.”
  14. “Last time I cried? Oh, just yesterday when I accidentally clicked ‘unsubscribe’ on my favorite newsletter. Heartbreaking.”
  15. “Well, it was probably last night when I burnt my microwave popcorn… a true popcorn tragedy.”
  16. “I cry every time I watch a sad YouTube video… those ‘try not to cry’ challenges are impossible for me.”
  17. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily battle with tangled earphones. It’s a real tearjerker.”
  18. “Well, it was definitely last week when I dropped my sandwich on the floor… sandwich tragedies are the worst.”
  19. “I cry every time I watch a Pixar movie… those animated characters just know how to hit you right in the feels.”
  20. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my weekly struggle to parallel park. It’s an emotional roller coaster every time.”
  21. “Last time I cried? Oh, just yesterday when I accidentally dropped my burrito… it was a burrito tragedy.”
  22. “Well, it was probably last month when I finished binge-watching a TV series… saying goodbye to the characters felt like losing old friends.”
  23. “I cry every time I watch a cooking show and realize I can’t even make toast without burning it. It’s a chef’s tragedy.”
  24. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to get out of bed. It’s a snooze button tragedy.”
  25. “Well, it was definitely last week when I ran out of coffee… a true caffeine tragedy.”
  26. “I cry every time I watch a sports movie… not because it’s touching, but because I can’t believe people get so emotional over a game.”
  27. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my weekly battle with tangled headphones. It’s an untangling tragedy.”
  28. “Well, it was probably last night when I dropped my chocolate bar on the ground… chocolate tragedies are the worst.”
  29. “I cry every time I watch a makeover show… not because of the transformation, but because I realize I need a makeover too.”
  30. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to find matching socks. It’s a sock tragedy.”
  31. “Well, it was definitely last month when I accidentally deleted all my memes… a true meme tragedy.”
  32. “I cry every time I watch a nature documentary… those animals facing adversity really tug at the heartstrings.”
  33. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my annual realization that I haven’t achieved any of my New Year’s resolutions. It’s a resolution tragedy.”
  34. “Well, it was probably last week when I spilled my coffee all over my keyboard… a true coffee tragedy.”
  35. “I cry every time I watch a DIY fail video… not because it’s sad, but because I relate to the struggle.”
  36. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily battle with autocorrect. It’s a spelling tragedy.”
  37. “Well, it was definitely last month when I realized I forgot to save my work… a true technology tragedy.”
  38. “I cry every time I watch a romantic movie… not because it’s touching, but because I can’t believe people fall for those cheesy plotlines.”
  39. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my weekly struggle to fold a fitted sheet. It’s a laundry tragedy.”
  40. “Well, it was probably last week when I accidentally liked my crush’s photo from five years ago… a true social media tragedy.”
  41. “Last time I cried? Oh, just yesterday when I realized I missed the last cookie in the jar… it was a cookie catastrophe.”
  42. “Well, it was probably last month when I accidentally sent a text to the wrong person… a true texting tragedy.”
  43. “I cry every time I watch a baking show and realize my cake looks nothing like the one on TV. It’s a baking disaster.”
  44. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to make a decision at the coffee shop. It’s a caffeine crisis.”
  45. “Well, it was definitely last week when I forgot to save my game progress… a true gamer tragedy.”
  46. “I cry every time I watch a horror movie… not because it’s scary, but because I realize I’m watching it alone.”
  47. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my weekly battle with my inbox. It’s an email overload tragedy.”
  48. “Well, it was probably last night when I dropped my phone on my face while scrolling in bed… a true bedtime tragedy.”
  49. “I cry every time I watch a reality TV show… not because it’s emotional, but because I can’t believe people actually watch this stuff.”
  50. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to find something to watch on Netflix. It’s a streaming service tragedy.”
  51. “Well, it was definitely last month when I realized I forgot to charge my phone overnight… a true battery life tragedy.”
  52. “I cry every time I watch a home improvement show… not because it’s touching, but because I realize I’ll never be that handy.”
  53. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my annual realization that I haven’t finished any of the books on my reading list. It’s a literary tragedy.”
  54. “Well, it was probably last week when I accidentally liked my ex’s post… a true social media mishap.”
  55. “I cry every time I watch a dance competition… not because it’s moving, but because I can’t dance to save my life.”
  56. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my daily struggle to parallel park. It’s a parking predicament.”
  57. “Well, it was definitely last month when I dropped my sandwich and it landed face down… a true lunchtime tragedy.”
  58. “I cry every time I watch a cooking tutorial… not because it’s touching, but because I know I’ll never attempt the recipe.”
  59. “Last time I cried? Oh, just during my weekly battle with my tangled headphones. It’s a headphone havoc.”
  60. “Well, it was probably last week when I realized I forgot my umbrella on a rainy day… a true weather woe.”

Remember, humor is a great way to lighten the mood, so feel free to use these responses to bring a smile to the conversation!

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