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funny responses to how was school

Sure, here’s a list of funny responses you could use to answer the question “How was school?”:

  1. Oh, you know, I survived. The school didn’t know what hit ’em!
  2. School? It’s like a reality show I can’t turn off.
  3. School was like a roller coaster, but without the fun parts.
  4. If school were a movie, it’d be a comedy of errors.
  5. School was as thrilling as watching paint dry.
  6. School was a maze, and I’m still looking for the cheese.
  7. School was like a long-haul flight, but with less legroom.
  8. School was an adventure, if adventure meant waiting in line for the bathroom.
  9. School was like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle.
  10. School was like trying to herd cats during a thunderstorm.
  11. School was a wild ride on the struggle bus.
  12. School was a circus, and I was the clown trying to juggle homework.
  13. School was like trying to play chess with a pigeon.
  14. School was a marathon, and I think I hit the wall around third period.
  15. School was a game of “Guess what’s due tomorrow!”
  16. School was like trying to decipher hieroglyphics in math class.
  17. School was a maze of lockers and lost pencils.
  18. School was a comedy sketch where I was the punchline.
  19. School was a quest to find the mythical perfect attendance award.
  20. School was a conspiracy to make me need caffeine.
  21. School was like trying to herd squirrels on roller skates.
  22. School was a journey through the land of confusing assignments.
  23. School was a battle of wits with my alarm clock.
  24. School was like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.
  25. School was like swimming in a pool of unfinished homework.
  26. School was a test of endurance, and I think I passed out around lunchtime.
  27. School was a puzzle where the pieces were missing.
  28. School was like a survival reality show without the prize money.
  29. School was a reality check I didn’t know I needed.
  30. School was like trying to navigate the Bermuda Triangle.
  31. School was a whirlwind tour of procrastination.
  32. School was like being in a sci-fi movie where the aliens speak in equations.
  33. School was a parade of teachers who seem to know my name for all the wrong reasons.
  34. School was a conspiracy to make me think I need more highlighters.
  35. School was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, repeatedly.
  36. School was an experiment in how many snacks one backpack can hold.
  37. School was a treasure hunt for the lost art of paying attention.
  38. School was like trying to solve a mystery with Google Translate.
  39. School was a scavenger hunt for the elusive perfect lunch spot.
  40. School was like being a detective searching for clues in the lost-and-found.
  41. School was a masterclass in creative excuses.
  42. School was a game of dodgeball with due dates.
  43. School was a journey into the unknown depths of my backpack.
  44. School was a journey through the realm of “Do I really need to know this?”
  45. School was like being a contestant on a quiz show I didn’t sign up for.
  46. School was a maze where I kept finding dead ends called pop quizzes.
  47. School was a documentary on the life cycle of the procrastinator.
  48. School was like trying to survive on a desert island with only a pencil.
  49. School was an obstacle course designed by someone who hates sleep.
  50. School was a battlefield, and I think I left my lunch on the front lines.
  51. School was a comedy of errors with me in the starring role.
  52. School was a journey through the realm of “Who invented homework, and why?”
  53. School was like playing dodgeball with due dates.
  54. School was like a math problem: hard to figure out, but I managed to solve it.
  55. School was like a roller coaster: full of ups and downs, and sometimes I felt nauseous.
  56. School was like a marathon: challenging, but I crossed the finish line.
  57. School was like a puzzle: confusing at times, but I managed to piece it together.
  58. School was like a game of chess: strategic moves and thinking ahead.
  59. School was like a journey: I learned a lot along the way.
  60. School was like a movie: sometimes dramatic, sometimes funny, but always entertaining.
  61. School was like a circus: juggling multiple tasks and balancing everything.
  62. School was like a comedy show: filled with laughter and unexpected moments.
  63. School was like a puzzle: trying to fit all the pieces together.
  64. School was like a roller coaster: thrilling and fast-paced.
  65. School was like a game: challenging and competitive.
  66. School was like a journey: discovering new things and growing.
  67. School was like a marathon: requiring endurance and determination.
  68. School was like a dance: finding my rhythm and moving forward.
  69. School was like a book: each day a new chapter to explore.
  70. School was like a puzzle: figuring out the pieces and solving problems.
  71. School was like a roller coaster: full of ups and downs.
  72. School was like a game: strategizing and playing to win.
  73. School was like a journey: discovering new paths and opportunities.
  74. School was like a challenge: pushing myself to do better.
  75. School was like a puzzle: finding the missing pieces and solving problems.
  76. School was like a movie: full of drama, comedy, and excitement.
  77. School was like a journey: learning and growing along the way.
  78. School was like a roller coaster: thrilling and unpredictable.
  79. School was like a game: competing and striving for success.

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