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funny responses to or what

Sure, here are 200 funny responses to the phrase “or what”:

  1. “Or I might burst into spontaneous dance!”
  2. “Or I’ll turn into a pumpkin.”
  3. “Or I’ll start singing opera.”
  4. “Or I’ll eat an entire pizza by myself.”
  5. “Or I’ll name my firstborn after you.”
  6. “Or I’ll adopt a cat and name it after you.”
  7. “Or I’ll wear mismatched socks forever.”
  8. “Or I’ll binge-watch your favorite show.”
  9. “Or I’ll challenge you to a dance-off.”
  10. “Or I’ll start a flash mob.”
  11. “Or I’ll write a poem about it.”
  12. “Or I’ll start speaking in riddles.”
  13. “Or I’ll juggle flaming torches.”
  14. “Or I’ll become a mime.”
  15. “Or I’ll take up yodeling.”
  16. “Or I’ll run a marathon in flip-flops.”
  17. “Or I’ll bake cookies and not share.”
  18. “Or I’ll serenade you with a kazoo.”
  19. “Or I’ll prank call your mom.”
  20. “Or I’ll build a pillow fort.”
  21. “Or I’ll start a food fight.”
  22. “Or I’ll dye my hair purple.”
  23. “Or I’ll move to Antarctica.”
  24. “Or I’ll learn to play the accordion.”
  25. “Or I’ll take up extreme ironing.”
  26. “Or I’ll grow a mustache.”
  27. “Or I’ll wear a cape everywhere.”
  28. “Or I’ll become a professional thumb wrestler.”
  29. “Or I’ll train squirrels to do my bidding.”
  30. “Or I’ll adopt a pet rock.”
  31. “Or I’ll start a snail farm.”
  32. “Or I’ll wear pajamas to work.”
  33. “Or I’ll make a quilt out of old t-shirts.”
  34. “Or I’ll start a lemonade stand.”
  35. “Or I’ll learn to breakdance.”
  36. “Or I’ll become a stand-up comedian.”
  37. “Or I’ll write a novel in a day.”
  38. “Or I’ll join a circus.”
  39. “Or I’ll start a band called ‘The Or Whats.'”
  40. “Or I’ll learn to play the bagpipes.”
  41. “Or I’ll eat ice cream for breakfast.”
  42. “Or I’ll dance like no one’s watching.”
  43. “Or I’ll learn to speak Klingon.”
  44. “Or I’ll juggle rubber chickens.”
  45. “Or I’ll build a robot sidekick.”
  46. “Or I’ll train for a hot dog eating contest.”
  47. “Or I’ll become a ninja.”
  48. “Or I’ll host a game show.”
  49. “Or I’ll write a song about it.”
  50. “Or I’ll perform a magic trick.”
  51. “Or I’ll create a new holiday.”
  52. “Or I’ll dress up as a superhero.”
  53. “Or I’ll paint a masterpiece.”
  54. “Or I’ll start a podcast.”
  55. “Or I’ll learn to surf.”
  56. “Or I’ll bake a cake shaped like a dinosaur.”
  57. “Or I’ll teach my dog to dance.”
  58. “Or I’ll become a professional napper.”
  59. “Or I’ll run away and join the Muppets.”
  60. “Or I’ll climb a tree and stay there.”
  61. “Or I’ll write a letter to Santa.”
  62. “Or I’ll start a book club.”
  63. “Or I’ll learn to play chess.”
  64. “Or I’ll become a human statue.”
  65. “Or I’ll solve a Rubik’s Cube.”
  66. “Or I’ll take up knitting.”
  67. “Or I’ll join a medieval reenactment group.”
  68. “Or I’ll become a beekeeper.”
  69. “Or I’ll start my own country.”
  70. “Or I’ll learn to juggle chainsaws.”
  71. “Or I’ll build a giant sandcastle.”
  72. “Or I’ll wear a different hat every day.”
  73. “Or I’ll invent a new dance move.”
  74. “Or I’ll become a fortune teller.”
  75. “Or I’ll make a time capsule.”
  76. “Or I’ll start a graffiti art project.”
  77. “Or I’ll make a documentary.”
  78. “Or I’ll become a birdwatcher.”
  79. “Or I’ll train for a triathlon.”
  80. “Or I’ll create a new language.”
  81. “Or I’ll start a treasure hunt.”
  82. “Or I’ll write a haiku.”
  83. “Or I’ll learn to play the ukulele.”
  84. “Or I’ll bake a pie from scratch.”
  85. “Or I’ll host a talent show.”
  86. “Or I’ll teach a class.”
  87. “Or I’ll become a wine connoisseur.”
  88. “Or I’ll go on a road trip.”
  89. “Or I’ll build a treehouse.”
  90. “Or I’ll start a fashion line.”
  91. “Or I’ll learn to skateboard.”
  92. “Or I’ll paint my house a crazy color.”
  93. “Or I’ll write a screenplay.”
  94. “Or I’ll become a yoga instructor.”
  95. “Or I’ll learn to play poker.”
  96. “Or I’ll make a giant snowman.”
  97. “Or I’ll train to be a samurai.”
  98. “Or I’ll start a prank war.”
  99. “Or I’ll become a dog whisperer.”
  100. “Or I’ll make homemade candles.”
  101. “Or I’ll start a garden.”
  102. “Or I’ll become a chocolatier.”
  103. “Or I’ll build a model rocket.”
  104. “Or I’ll join a chess club.”
  105. “Or I’ll take a pottery class.”
  106. “Or I’ll make a scrapbook.”
  107. “Or I’ll learn origami.”
  108. “Or I’ll take up photography.”
  109. “Or I’ll learn to play the trumpet.”
  110. “Or I’ll start a YouTube channel.”
  111. “Or I’ll become a cheese taster.”
  112. “Or I’ll write a comic book.”
  113. “Or I’ll start a jazz band.”
  114. “Or I’ll take up fencing.”
  115. “Or I’ll become a movie critic.”
  116. “Or I’ll learn to play the harmonica.”
  117. “Or I’ll create a board game.”
  118. “Or I’ll start a bakery.”
  119. “Or I’ll learn to do magic tricks.”
  120. “Or I’ll become a stunt double.”
  121. “Or I’ll build a miniature city.”
  122. “Or I’ll start a garden gnome collection.”
  123. “Or I’ll learn to play the violin.”
  124. “Or I’ll become a puppet master.”
  125. “Or I’ll create a new sport.”
  126. “Or I’ll make my own soap.”
  127. “Or I’ll become a rock climber.”
  128. “Or I’ll start a radio show.”
  129. “Or I’ll learn to play the cello.”
  130. “Or I’ll build a Lego masterpiece.”
  131. “Or I’ll become a park ranger.”
  132. “Or I’ll make a clay sculpture.”
  133. “Or I’ll start a food blog.”
  134. “Or I’ll learn to play the saxophone.”
  135. “Or I’ll create a new recipe.”
  136. “Or I’ll become a zookeeper.”
  137. “Or I’ll start a knitting club.”
  138. “Or I’ll take up scuba diving.”
  139. “Or I’ll make a quilt.”
  140. “Or I’ll learn to play the drums.”
  141. “Or I’ll create a short film.”
  142. “Or I’ll become a tea connoisseur.”
  143. “Or I’ll start a flower shop.”
  144. “Or I’ll learn to play the flute.”
  145. “Or I’ll make a birdhouse.”
  146. “Or I’ll become a barista.”
  147. “Or I’ll start a comic strip.”
  148. “Or I’ll learn to ice skate.”
  149. “Or I’ll build a go-kart.”
  150. “Or I’ll become a meteorologist.”
  151. “Or I’ll start a woodworking project.”
  152. “Or I’ll learn to play the piano.”
  153. “Or I’ll become a sommelier.”
  154. “Or I’ll start a hiking club.”
  155. “Or I’ll make a gingerbread house.”
  156. “Or I’ll learn to sew.”
  157. “Or I’ll become a personal trainer.”
  158. “Or I’ll start a podcast.”
  159. “Or I’ll learn to play the clarinet.”
  160. “Or I’ll become a life coach.”
  161. “Or I’ll start a travel blog.”
  162. “Or I’ll make a time machine.”
  163. “Or I’ll learn to play the harp.”
  164. “Or I’ll become a meditation guru.”
  165. “Or I’ll start a family tree.”
  166. “Or I’ll build a robot.”
  167. “Or I’ll learn to play the oboe.”
  168. “Or I’ll become a nutritionist.”
  169. “Or I’ll start a bookbinding project.”
  170. “Or I’ll learn to play the marimba.”
  171. “Or I’ll become a pet therapist.”
  172. “Or I’ll start a quilt making group.”
  173. “Or I’ll make a diorama.”
  174. “Or I’ll learn to play the dulcimer.”
  175. “Or I’ll become a wildlife photographer.”
  176. “Or I’ll start a birdhouse building club.”
  177. “Or I’ll learn to play the didgeridoo.”
  178. “Or I’ll become a historical reenactor.”
  179. “Or I’ll start a bonsai tree garden.”
  180. “Or I’ll make a marionette.”
  181. “Or I’ll learn to play the zither.”
  182. “Or I’ll become a gemologist.”
  183. “Or I’ll start a botanical garden.”
  184. “Or I’ll learn to play the hurdy-gurdy.”
  185. “Or I’ll become a bike mechanic.”
  186. “Or I’ll start a dream journal.”
  187. “Or I’ll learn to play the sitar.”
  188. “Or I’ll become a classic car restorer.”
  189. “Or I’ll start a coin collection.”
  190. “Or I’ll learn to play the kalimba.”
  191. “Or I’ll become a personal stylist.”

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