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funny things to say when a girl rejects you

Certainly! Here are some light-hearted and humorous responses you could use if a girl rejects you:

  1. “Rejected again! My ego can’t handle all this fame.”
  2. “Well, at least I can cross ‘getting rejected’ off my bucket list.”
  3. “Guess I’ll have to find someone who appreciates my charm… and terrible dance moves.”
  4. “No worries, my mom says I’m a catch.”
  5. “It’s okay, I’ll just add you to my ‘Excruciating Rejection Stories’ collection.”
  6. “Looks like my magic potion for making you fall for me needs a bit more testing.”
  7. “Ah, I see you’re playing hard to get with my heart.”
  8. “Next time I’ll bring a bouquet of pizza slices. Can’t say no to pizza.”
  9. “If at first you don’t succeed, try again with better pickup lines.”
  10. “Well, my cat likes me, so I’m not totally unlovable.”
  11. “I must have caught you on a day when your ‘date awesome guys’ button was broken.”
  12. “Rejected? Don’t worry, I have enough self-confidence to fill a stadium.”
  13. “I think you mistook me for someone who takes rejection seriously.”
  14. “I’ve been rejected by experts. Your rejection is just the cherry on top.”
  15. “Can I put ‘survived rejection’ on my resume now?”
  16. “Don’t worry, I’ll recover from this… eventually.”
  17. “I hear rejection builds character. I’m practically a superhero now.”
  18. “Rejected? I was going for the ‘friendzone Olympics’ anyway.”
  19. “Rejected? That’s just my cue to work on my next killer pickup line.”
  20. “It’s okay, I’m used to being the comic relief.”
  21. “Rejected? I’ll be fine. I have a stash of ice cream waiting at home.”
  22. “I knew it was love at first sight… for me, not you.”
  23. “If rejection was a sport, I’d be a gold medalist by now.”
  24. “Rejected? That’s okay, my dog thinks I’m awesome.”
  25. “Rejected? No worries, my Netflix queue needs attention anyway.”
  26. “Can I at least get a participation trophy for effort?”
  27. “You’re just playing hard to get, right? Right?!”
  28. “Rejected? Fine, I’ll start my own dating app… with blackjack and pizza.”
  29. “Rejected? Good thing I brought my emotional resilience helmet today.”
  30. “Rejected? Challenge accepted! I’ll win you over with dad jokes.”
  31. “Rejected? That’s fine, I wasn’t emotionally prepared to share my snacks.”
  32. “I understand. Even I can’t handle this much awesomeness sometimes.”
  33. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ve been training for this my whole life.”
  34. “Rejected? I’ll just add it to my collection of life’s unforgettable moments.”
  35. “Rejected? No worries, my backup plan involves tacos.”
  36. “Rejected? This is just my origin story for becoming a dating guru.”
  37. “Rejected? Time to hit the gym and work on my emotional strength.”
  38. “Rejected? I was aiming for ‘quirky best friend’ status anyway.”
  39. “Rejected? Don’t worry, I have a playlist for this exact situation.”
  40. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just cry… with laughter.”
  41. “Rejected? I can’t say I’m surprised. My dating strategy involves puns.”
  42. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’ll just live vicariously through rom-coms.”
  43. “Rejected? I was actually here for the free food and awkward small talk.”
  44. “Rejected? My plants love me, so I’m good.”
  45. “Rejected? That’s cool, I’ll just practice my air guitar skills.”
  46. “Rejected? My cat warned me this might happen.”
  47. “Rejected? I’ll just add this rejection to my highlight reel.”
  48. “Rejected? Time to update my LinkedIn profile to include ‘rejection handling.'”
  49. “Rejected? My horoscope said this might happen.”
  50. “Rejected? No worries, I’m a resilient flower in the garden of life.”
  51. “Rejected? I was aiming for ‘adorably persistent,’ but okay.”
  52. “Rejected? I’ll just console myself with memes and ice cream.”
  53. “Rejected? I’ll use this as motivation to learn a new dance move.”
  54. “Rejected? This is just a plot twist in my rom-com saga.”
  55. “Rejected? I guess my charm dial needs a little adjustment.”
  56. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’m on a journey to find my spirit animal.”
  57. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘life experiences’ scrapbook.”
  58. “Rejected? I hear rejection is the secret ingredient to success.”
  59. “Rejected? I’ll bounce back like a resilient rubber band.”
  60. “Rejected? I’m resilient like a super bouncy ball.”
  61. “Rejected? That’s okay, I have enough self-confidence to power a spaceship.”
  62. “Rejected? I was just practicing my ninja dodging skills.”
  63. “Rejected? This is just my way of testing your sense of humor.”
  64. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just practice my acceptance speech.”
  65. “Rejected? No worries, I’ll just add this to my ‘life lessons learned’ list.”
  66. “Rejected? I’ll just blame it on Mercury retrograde.”
  67. “Rejected? I’m an expert at turning lemons into lemonade.”
  68. “Rejected? No biggie, I’ll just focus on perfecting my air high-five.”
  69. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’m used to being the comic relief.”
  70. “Rejected? I’ll just consult my magic eight ball for the next move.”
  71. “Rejected? That’s cool, I’ll just practice my interpretive dance moves.”
  72. “Rejected? I’ll just channel this rejection into creative writing.”
  73. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’m a magnet for rejection letters.”
  74. “Rejected? I’ll just update my ‘best rejection quotes’ collection.”
  75. “Rejected? This is just another chapter in my epic saga of rejections.”
  76. “Rejected? I’ll just blame it on my magnetic personality.”
  77. “Rejected? It’s okay, I’ll just update my dating strategy.”
  78. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘life experience’ bank.”
  79. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just practice my moonwalking skills.”
  80. “Rejected? That’s fine, I’m here for the banter.”
  81. “Rejected? I’ll just treat myself to some self-care.”
  82. “Rejected? No worries, I’m a pro at resilience training.”
  83. “Rejected? I’ll just call my mom for some moral support.”
  84. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘rejection bingo’ card.”
  85. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just update my dating profile.”
  86. “Rejected? That’s fine, I’ll just consult my lucky charm.”
  87. “Rejected? I’ll just blame it on my charm overload.”
  88. “Rejected? It’s okay, I’ll just embrace my inner disco dancer.”
  89. “Rejected? No biggie, I’ll just sing ‘Eye of the Tiger’ in the mirror.”
  90. “Rejected? I’ll just practice my stand-up comedy routine.”
  91. “Rejected? I’ll just sharpen my wit for the next round.”
  92. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’ll just practice my victory dance.”
  93. “Rejected? That’s cool, I’ll just update my rejection playlist.”
  94. “Rejected? It’s okay, I’ll just channel my inner zen.”
  95. “Rejected? No worries, I’ll just consult my crystal ball.”
  96. “Rejected? I’ll just perfect my comedic timing.”
  97. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just update my rejection therapy.”
  98. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘life lessons learned’ playlist.”
  99. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’ll just perfect my emoticon art.”
  100. “Rejected? That’s cool, I’ll just update my ‘life goals’ list.”
  101. “Rejected? I’ll just recalibrate my charm settings.”
  102. “Rejected? No biggie, I’ll just consult my rejection coach.”
  103. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’ll just perfect my backup plan.”
  104. “Rejected? That’s okay, I’ll just practice my resilience.”
  105. “Rejected? I’ll just upgrade my dating app.”
  106. “Rejected? No worries, I’ll just adjust my radar.”
  107. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just work on my ninja skills.”
  108. “Rejected? That’s fine, I’ll just consult my rejection hotline.”
  109. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘life experience’ playlist.”
  110. “Rejected? It’s okay, I’ll just polish my rejection letter.”
  111. “Rejected? No biggie, I’ll just add this to my ‘growth journey’ journal.”
  112. “Rejected? That’s cool, I’ll just update my rejection manifesto.”
  113. “Rejected? It’s fine, I’ll just channel my inner superhero.”
  114. “Rejected? No worries, I’ll just practice my resilience.”
  115. “Rejected? That’s okay, I’ll just update my dance moves.”
  116. “Rejected? I’ll just add this to my ‘life experiences’ compilation.”
  117. “Rejected? It’s cool, I’ll just perfect my comeback.”

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