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funny things to write on a dry erase board

Certainly! Here are 200 funny things you can write on a dry erase board:

  1. “Out of office, gone fishing.”
  2. “Gone to the moon, be back by lunch.”
  3. “Warning: highly contagious smile zone.”
  4. “Today’s forecast: 99% chance of coffee.”
  5. “Caution: board under the influence of caffeine.”
  6. “On a break, contemplating the mysteries of the universe.”
  7. “If you can read this, you are close enough to clean.”
  8. “Not all who wander are lost. Some are just looking for snacks.”
  9. “Currently accepting bribes in the form of chocolate.”
  10. “Please excuse the mess, but I’m busy being awesome.”
  11. “Office Olympics postponed until further notice.”
  12. “Gone for a walk to find more snacks.”
  13. “Warning: entering the zone of maximum productivity.”
  14. “Dance break in progress. Please join if you dare.”
  15. “If Mondays were shoes, they’d be crocs.”
  16. “Back in 5 minutes, or 5 days. Who’s counting?”
  17. “Daydreaming about pizza toppings, please leave a message.”
  18. “Don’t make me use my teacher voice!”
  19. “Today’s goal: conquer the world (or at least this to-do list).”
  20. “When life gives you lemons, make coffee.”
  21. “Inhale tacos, exhale negativity.”
  22. “Warning: approaching the land of endless puns.”
  23. “Be the reason someone smiles today. Or just bring them cake.”
  24. “Please don’t feed the stress monster.”
  25. “Out to lunch, or possibly on a secret mission. You decide.”
  26. “In a relationship with coffee. It’s getting serious.”
  27. “Stop staring at the board and get back to work. Unless you’re writing something funny.”
  28. “If at first, you don’t succeed, then skydiving is not for you.”
  29. “Office rule #1: There are no rules. Except the ones about snacks.”
  30. “Keep calm and pretend it’s on the to-do list.”
  31. “Remember, you miss 100% of the coffee you don’t drink.”
  32. “I’m not lazy, I’m energy-efficient.”
  33. “Coffee: because adulting is hard.”
  34. “On a coffee break. Back in 5 cups.”
  35. “If in doubt, add more coffee.”
  36. “Warning: Genius at work. Or possibly just pretending.”
  37. “Feeling productive today. Ask me again tomorrow.”
  38. “This is not a drill. Well, technically it is. But it’s also not.”
  39. “Today’s menu: coffee, coffee, and more coffee.”
  40. “Keep calm and pretend it’s on the agenda.”
  41. “Duct tape fixes everything. Except stupidity.”
  42. “Don’t worry, I’m silently judging you.”
  43. “Today’s thought: Why is there no mouse-flavored cat food?”
  44. “I’m not procrastinating. I’m strategically delaying.”
  45. “Note to self: never skip coffee.”
  46. “Eating my feelings. They taste like chocolate.”
  47. “Don’t worry, I’m fully caffeinated and ready to pretend to work.”
  48. “If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.”
  49. “I’m not short, I’m fun-sized.”
  50. “I’m not lazy, I’m just saving energy for later.”
  51. “Today’s agenda: coffee, sarcasm, repeat.”
  52. “Warning: entering the realm of dad jokes.”
  53. “If you’re happy and you know it, you probably don’t work here.”
  54. “In case of emergency, break out the chocolate.”
  55. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
  56. “Office policy: Mandatory fun is strictly enforced.”
  57. “I’m silently correcting your grammar.”
  58. “Keep calm and carry on. Or panic. Whatever works for you.”
  59. “Warning: Genius at work. Or possibly just pretending.”
  60. “Back in my day, we didn’t have dry erase boards. We had to use stone tablets.”
  61. “Running on coffee and inappropriate thoughts.”
  62. “I’m not clumsy. It’s just the floor hates me.”
  63. “Today’s to-do list: 1. Drink coffee 2. Avoid responsibilities.”
  64. “The early bird can have the worm. I’ll take coffee instead.”
  65. “Reality called. I hung up.”
  66. “I’m not procrastinating. I’m marinating on ideas.”
  67. “Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not.”
  68. “Dance like no one is watching. Email like it may one day be read aloud in a deposition.”
  69. “I’m not lazy, I’m in energy-saving mode.”
  70. “Today’s mood: selective hearing engaged.”
  71. “If at first, you don’t succeed, redefine success.”
  72. “Do I run? Yes, on caffeine and inappropriate thoughts.”
  73. “Currently out of my mind. Please leave a message.”
  74. “I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”
  75. “Warning: I have a black belt in sarcasm.”
  76. “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”
  77. “Coffee, because adulting is hard.”
  78. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  79. “Keep calm and pretend it’s on the agenda.”
  80. “Today’s goal: Keep the tiny humans alive.”
  81. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
  82. “Today’s good mood is sponsored by coffee.”
  83. “Happiness is an unexpected parcel in the mail.”
  84. “Note to self: coffee first, adulting later.”
  85. “I’m not bossy, I just know what you should be doing.”
  86. “Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.”
  87. “I’m not a control freak. You’re just doing it wrong.”
  88. “Today’s agenda: coffee, sarcasm, repeat.”
  89. “Coffee, because it’s too early for wine.”
  90. “I don’t need an inspirational quote. I need coffee.”
  91. “Coffee: because adulting is hard.”
  92. “I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”
  93. “Warning: I have a black belt in sarcasm.”
  94. “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”
  95. “Coffee, because adulting is hard.”
  96. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  97. “Keep calm and pretend it’s on the agenda.”
  98. “Today’s goal: Keep the tiny humans alive.”
  99. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
  100. “Today’s good mood is sponsored by coffee.”
  101. “Happiness is an unexpected parcel in the mail.”
  102. “Note to self: coffee first, adulting later.”
  103. “I’m not bossy, I just know what you should be doing.”
  104. “Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.”
  105. “I’m not a control freak. You’re just doing it wrong.”
  106. “Today’s agenda: coffee, sarcasm, repeat.”
  107. “Coffee, because it’s too early for wine.”
  108. “I don’t need an inspirational quote. I need coffee.”
  109. “Warning: I’m not responsible for what I say before my first cup of coffee.”
  110. “Coffee: because it’s a Monday somewhere.”
  111. “I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”
  112. “Note to self: coffee first, adulting later.”
  113. “Today’s mood: highly caffeinated and slightly sarcastic.”
  114. “Keep calm and pretend it’s on the to-do list.”
  115. “Coffee, because angry is not socially acceptable.”
  116. “If you need me, I’ll be in my blanket fort.”
  117. “Warning: approaching the zone of maximum productivity.”
  118. “I’m not a morning person. I’m a coffee person.”
  119. “Coffee: the most important meal of the day.”
  120. “This is your brain on coffee. Any questions?”
  121. “Current status: pretending to work.”
  122. “I can’t adult today. Please don’t make me.”
  123. “Current mood: 99% coffee, 1% human.”
  124. “Coffee: the only way to survive Mondays.”
  125. “If I ever go missing, just follow the coffee cups.”
  126. “Coffee is the answer. What was the question again?”
  127. “Out of coffee, out of order.”
  128. “Coffee: because adulting is hard.”
  129. “My blood type is coffee-positive.”
  130. “Life happens. Coffee helps.”
  131. “Coffee: the original energy drink.”
  132. “Step aside, Monday. This is a job for coffee.”
  133. “If you can read this, bring coffee.”
  134. “Coffee: because punching people is frowned upon.”
  135. “This office runs on coffee and sarcasm.”
  136. “Coffee first, adulting later.”
  137. “I’m not addicted to coffee. We’re just in a committed relationship.”
  138. “Coffee: the nectar of the gods.”
  139. “Keep calm and drink coffee.”
  140. “Coffee is my spirit animal.”
  141. “All you need is love and a cup of coffee.”
  142. “Coffee: because Monday happens every week.”
  143. “Coffee: because it’s too early for this.”
  144. “Coffee: the elixir of life.”
  145. “Coffee: the official beverage of procrastination.”
  146. “Coffee: the original magic potion.”
  147. “Coffee: my favorite coworker.”
  148. “Coffee: the reason I’m not in jail.”
  149. “Coffee: because mornings are hard.”
  150. “Coffee: fueling dreams since forever.”
  151. “Coffee: my one true love.”
  152. “Coffee: the ultimate productivity tool.”
  153. “Coffee: my anti-morning potion.”
  154. “Coffee: the real MVP.”
  155. “Coffee: my reason for waking up.”
  156. “Coffee: the source of my power.”
  157. “Coffee: the cure for everything.”
  158. “Coffee: making mornings bearable since forever.”
  159. “Coffee: my lifeline.”
  160. “Coffee: my happy place.”
  161. “Coffee: because adulting is hard.”
  162. “Coffee: the liquid version of hugs.”
  163. “Coffee: the reason I’m not a morning person.”
  164. “Coffee: because Mondays exist.”
  165. “Coffee: my daily dose of sanity.”
  166. “Coffee: the best part of waking up.”
  167. “Coffee: the secret to my superpowers.”
  168. “Coffee: my constant companion.”
  169. “Coffee: the glue that holds me together.”
  170. “Coffee: my soulmate.”
  171. “Coffee: the only thing I’m committed to.”
  172. “Coffee: the solution to all my problems.”
  173. “Coffee: my favorite part of the day.”
  174. “Coffee: the only thing that gets me.”
  175. “Coffee: my liquid motivation.”
  176. “Coffee: my daily ritual.”
  177. “Coffee: the key to my heart.”
  178. “Coffee: my love language.”
  179. “Coffee: the reason I’m functioning.”
  180. “Coffee: my morning hug in a mug.”
  181. “Coffee: the answer to all questions.”
  182. “Coffee: my saving grace.”
  183. “Coffee: my personal hero.”
  184. “Coffee: the reason I’m not a morning zombie.”
  185. “Coffee: my constant craving.”
  186. “Coffee: the highlight of my day.”
  187. “Coffee: my daily joy.”
  188. “Coffee: the driving force of my existence.”
  189. “Coffee: my liquid sunshine.”
  190. “Coffee: the best part of every morning.”
  191. “Coffee: the reason I’m not a morning person.”
  192. “Coffee: the elixir of life.”
  193. “Coffee: the reason I’m not a morning zombie.”
  194. “Coffee: the fuel for my dreams.”
  195. “Coffee: the reason I’m not asleep right now.”
  196. “Coffee: my daily indulgence.”
  197. “Coffee: the magic in my mornings.”
  198. “Coffee: my daily dose of happiness.”
  199. “Coffee: the reason mornings aren’t so bad.”
  200. “Coffee: my favorite way to start the day. Feel free to pick any of these funny phrases to write on your dry erase board!

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