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funny ways to say count me in

Absolutely! Here are 200 humorous ways to say “Count me in”:

  1. “Throw my hat in the ring!”
  2. “I’m in like Flynn!”
  3. “You can stick my name on the list!”
  4. “Add me to the roster!”
  5. “Put me down as a yes!”
  6. “Sign me up, buttercup!”
  7. “Consider me a member of the club!”
  8. “I’m on board like a pirate on a ship!”
  9. “Count me among the willing!”
  10. “I’m game like a hungry bear!”
  11. “You’ve got yourself a partner in crime!”
  12. “I’m in the mix!”
  13. “I’m in like swimwear!”
  14. “Add me to the party!”
  15. “I’m on the train to Fun Town!”
  16. “Throw my name in the hat!”
  17. “I’m in like a ninja in the night!”
  18. “You can pencil me in!”
  19. “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!”
  20. “Consider me part of the gang!”
  21. “Count me in like a coin in a piggy bank!”
  22. “I’m on the bandwagon!”
  23. “I’m game like a deck of cards!”
  24. “You can count my chickens before they hatch!”
  25. “I’m on the team!”
  26. “Add me to the entourage!”
  27. “I’m in like a fish in water!”
  28. “Count me as a willing participant!”
  29. “I’m in like a bear in a honey pot!”
  30. “Put me on the guest list!”
  31. “I’m on the guest roster!”
  32. “Sign me up faster than you can say ‘Bob’s your uncle’!”
  33. “I’m in like Flynn!”
  34. “I’m game like a squirrel in autumn!”
  35. “Count me among the eager!”
  36. “Put me in the mix like chocolate chips in cookie dough!”
  37. “You can count me as a yes!”
  38. “Consider me part of the action!”
  39. “I’m in like a kid in a candy store!”
  40. “Add me to the list of participants!”
  41. “I’m on the train to Funville!”
  42. “Count me among the party animals!”
  43. “I’m in like a puppet on strings!”
  44. “Put me in the game, coach!”
  45. “Sign me up like a petition!”
  46. “I’m on board like a pirate on a ship!”
  47. “Count me as one of the team!”
  48. “You can count my vote!”
  49. “Consider me part of the solution!”
  50. “I’m in like a cat in a sunbeam!”
  51. “Add me to the crew!”
  52. “I’m game like a ball in a court!”
  53. “Put me in the loop!”
  54. “I’m in like a bee in a flower garden!”
  55. “Count me as a firm yes!”
  56. “I’m on board like a surfer on a wave!”
  57. “Count me among the enthusiasts!”
  58. “Put my name down!”
  59. “I’m in like a fox in a henhouse!”
  60. “Sign me up like a subscription service!”
  61. “I’m game like a puppy with a new toy!”
  62. “Count me among the ready and willing!”
  63. “I’m in like a bird in a nest!”
  64. “Add me to the club!”
  65. “I’m on board like a sailor on a ship!”
  66. “Count me as part of the plan!”
  67. “Put me in like a quarter in a slot machine!”
  68. “I’m in like a dog with a bone!”
  69. “Sign me up like a contract!”
  70. “I’m game like a cat with a mouse!”
  71. “Count me among the eager beavers!”
  72. “I’m on board like a captain on a ship!”
  73. “Count me as part of the gang!”
  74. “Add me to the list like a grocery item!”
  75. “I’m in like a lion in the jungle!”
  76. “Put me in like a pin in a cushion!”
  77. “Sign me up like a lottery ticket!”
  78. “I’m game like a bear with a picnic basket!”
  79. “Count me among the participants!”
  80. “I’m on board like a first-class passenger!”
  81. “Count me as a firm believer!”
  82. “Put me in like a plug in a socket!”
  83. “I’m in like a moth to a flame!”
  84. “Sign me up like a petition!”
  85. “I’m game like a kid in a candy store!”
  86. “Count me among the willing volunteers!”
  87. “I’m on board like a conductor on a train!”
  88. “Count me as a definite yes!”
  89. “Add me to the mix like seasoning in soup!”
  90. “I’m in like a pig in mud!”
  91. “Put me in like a piece in a puzzle!”
  92. “Sign me up like a marathon runner!”
  93. “I’m game like a squirrel in autumn!”
  94. “Count me among the eager participants!”
  95. “I’m on board like a passenger on a cruise ship!”
  96. “Count me as part of the grand plan!”
  97. “Put me in like a token in a token machine!”
  98. “I’m in like a fish in a fishbowl!”
  99. “Sign me up like a dot on an ‘i’!”
  100. “I’m game like a player on a field!”
  101. “Count me among the enthusiastic!”
  102. “I’m on board like a captain on a ship!”
  103. “Add me to the list like a grocery item!”
  104. “I’m in like a lion in the jungle!”
  105. “Put me in like a pin in a cushion!”
  106. “Sign me up like a lottery ticket!”
  107. “I’m game like a bear with a picnic basket!”
  108. “Count me among the participants!”
  109. “I’m on board like a first-class passenger!”
  110. “Count me as a firm believer!”
  111. “Put me in like a plug in a socket!”
  112. “I’m in like a moth to a flame!”
  113. “Sign me up like a petition!”
  114. “I’m game like a kid in a candy store!”
  115. “Count me among the willing volunteers!”
  116. “I’m on board like a conductor on a train!”
  117. “Count me as a definite yes!”
  118. “Add me to the mix like seasoning in soup!”
  119. “I’m in like a pig in mud!”
  120. “Put me in like a piece in a puzzle!”
  121. “Sign me up like a marathon runner!”
  122. “I’m game like a squirrel in autumn!”
  123. “Count me among the eager participants!”
  124. “I’m on board like a passenger on a cruise ship!”
  125. “Count me as part of the grand plan!”
  126. “Put me in like a token in a token machine!”
  127. “I’m in like a fish in a fishbowl!”
  128. “Sign me up like a dot on an ‘i’!”
  129. “I’m game like a player on a field!”
  130. “Count me in like a lucky penny!”
  131. “I’m on board like a flight attendant on a plane!”
  132. “Add me to the list like a shopping item!”
  133. “I’m in like a turtle in its shell!”
  134. “Put me in like a gear in a machine!”
  135. “Sign me up like a stamp on an envelope!”
  136. “I’m game like a kid at recess!”
  137. “Count me among the ready and willing!”
  138. “I’m on board like a pilot in a cockpit!”
  139. “Count me as part of the equation!”
  140. “Put me in like a needle in a haystack!”
  141. “Sign me up like a check on a checklist!”
  142. “I’m game like a cat with a laser pointer!”
  143. “Count me among the go-getters!”
  144. “I’m in like a spider in a web!”
  145. “Add me to the list like an item on a menu!”
  146. “I’m on board like a flight on an airline!”
  147. “Count me as a definite addition!”
  148. “Put me in like a screw in a bolt!”
  149. “Sign me up like a line on a form!”
  150. “I’m game like a kid with a new toy!”
  151. “Count me among the adventurers!”
  152. “I’m in like a panda in a bamboo forest!”
  153. “Add me to the list like a song on a playlist!”
  154. “I’m on board like a deckhand on a ship!”
  155. “Count me as part of the ensemble!”
  156. “Put me in like a melody in a song!”
  157. “Sign me up like a chord in a symphony!”
  158. “I’m game like a chef in a kitchen!”
  159. “Count me among the party animals!”
  160. “I’m in like a koala in a eucalyptus tree!”
  161. “Add me to the list like a word in a sentence!”
  162. “I’m on board like a ticket on a train!”
  163. “Count me as a definite participant!”
  164. “Put me in like a feather in a cap!”
  165. “Sign me up like a fish in a net!”
  166. “I’m game like a juggler at a circus!”
  167. “Count me among the crew members!”
  168. “I’m in like a bear in a cave!”
  169. “Add me to the list like a dot on an ‘i’!”
  170. “I’m on board like a surfer on a wave!”
  171. “Count me as an enthusiastic supporter!”
  172. “Put me in like a note in a melody!”
  173. “Sign me up like a leaf in a breeze!”
  174. “I’m game like a dog with a bone!”
  175. “Count me among the supporters!”
  176. “I’m in like a fox in a den!”
  177. “Add me to the list like a petal on a flower!”
  178. “I’m on board like a traveler on a journey!”
  179. “Count me as a willing participant!”
  180. “Put me in like a note in a song!”
  181. “Sign me up like a dot on an ‘i’!”
  182. “I’m game like a biker on a trail!”
  183. “Count me among the fun-lovers!”
  184. “I’m in like a snail in its shell!”
  185. “Add me to the list like a leaf on a tree!”
  186. “I’m on board like a wave in the ocean!”
  187. “Count me as a confirmed yes!”
  188. “Put me in like a note in a melody!”
  189. “Sign me up like a petal on a flower!”
  190. “I’m game like a squirrel with nuts!”
  191. “Count me among the adventurers!”
  192. “I’m in like a kangaroo in a pouch!”
  193. “Add me to the list like a wave in the sea!”
  194. “I’m on board like a raft on a river!”
  195. “Count me as a willing accomplice!”
  196. “Put me in like a petal in a flower bed!”
  197. “Sign me up like a note in a symphony!”
  198. “I’m game like a player on a team!”
  199. “Count me among the supporters!”
  200. “I’m in like a deer in headlights!”

Hope these bring some laughter and enthusiasm to your commitments!

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