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funny ways to say you messed up

Sure! Here are some funny ways to say “you messed up”:

  1. “Oops-a-daisy!”
  2. “Well, that went south!”
  3. “Whoopsie-doodle!”
  4. “You really dropped the ball on that one!”
  5. “You stepped in it this time!”
  6. “That’s a grade-A blunder!”
  7. “You really cooked your goose!”
  8. “You flubbed it!”
  9. “You pulled a classic oopsie!”
  10. “You really botched that one!”
  11. “Nice fumble!”
  12. “That was a royal screw-up!”
  13. “Epic fail, my friend!”
  14. “You really hit a snag there!”
  15. “You blew it!”
  16. “You really threw a wrench in the works!”
  17. “That was a doozy!”
  18. “That’s a blunder of epic proportions!”
  19. “You really laid an egg!”
  20. “You really tripped over your own feet!”
  21. “That was a major misstep!”
  22. “You totally goofed up!”
  23. “You went and did it now!”
  24. “Well, that was a swing and a miss!”
  25. “You really mucked that up!”
  26. “You just had a brain fart!”
  27. “That’s a real snafu!”
  28. “You really goofed big time!”
  29. “You really made a hash of that!”
  30. “That’s one for the blooper reel!”
  31. “You really took a wrong turn there!”
  32. “You went full derp!”
  33. “That’s a facepalm moment!”
  34. “You really hosed that up!”
  35. “You just biffed it!”
  36. “That’s a classic blunder!”
  37. “You zigged when you should have zagged!”
  38. “You really derailed that one!”
  39. “You bungled it!”
  40. “That’s a colossal flub!”
  41. “You just pulled a Homer!”
  42. “You really hit a brick wall!”
  43. “You just had an oopsie-poopsie!”
  44. “You fell flat on your face with that one!”
  45. “That’s a whopper of a mistake!”
  46. “You totally beefed it!”
  47. “You just had a total failboat moment!”
  48. “You really tripped up!”
  49. “You royally goofed!”
  50. “That was a total misfire!”
  51. “You really miscalculated there!”
  52. “You just had a doofus moment!”
  53. “You really put your foot in it!”
  54. “That was a massive flub-up!”
  55. “You completely botched that!”
  56. “You pulled a major oops!”
  57. “You just had a major lapse in judgment!”
  58. “That’s a real doozy of a mistake!”
  59. “You really took a tumble!”
  60. “You just faceplanted!”
  61. “You fluffed it up!”
  62. “That’s a monumental gaffe!”
  63. “You really messed the pooch!”
  64. “You fumbled that pretty bad!”
  65. “You really stepped in it!”
  66. “You just had a total brain blip!”
  67. “That’s a big whoopsie!”
  68. “You really blew a gasket!”
  69. “That was a significant oopsie!”
  70. “You really mucked it up!”
  71. “You really tanked that one!”
  72. “You just had an epic bungle!”
  73. “You royally hosed it!”
  74. “You goofed big time!”
  75. “That’s a major mess-up!”
  76. “You totally botched the job!”
  77. “You really went off the rails!”
  78. “That’s a whopper of a screw-up!”
  79. “You really fumbled the ball!”
  80. “You just borked it!”
  81. “You made a real dog’s breakfast of that!”
  82. “You really crapped out!”
  83. “You made a right royal mess!”
  84. “You flubbed that one royally!”
  85. “You just had a classic muck-up!”
  86. “You really dropped a clanger!”
  87. “You made a complete pig’s ear of that!”
  88. “You really bollocksed that up!”
  89. “That was a monumental stuff-up!”
  90. “You just had a total meltdown!”
  91. “You really bungled the works!”
  92. “You made a massive cock-up!”
  93. “That was a major flub-a-dub!”
  94. “You just had a complete misfire!”
  95. “You really had an oopsie moment!”
  96. “You turned that into a real snafu!”
  97. “You just had a colossal brain fade!”
  98. “That was a significant misstep!”
  99. “You really turned that into a fiasco!”
  100. “You really fouled up!”
  101. “You completely dropped the ball!”
  102. “You turned that into a train wreck!”
  103. “You really made a meal of that!”
  104. “That was a major faux pas!”
  105. “You turned that into a dog’s dinner!”
  106. “You just had a total cock-up!”
  107. “You really flubbed the dub!”
  108. “You made a complete hash of that!”
  109. “You turned that into a disaster!”
  110. “You really turned that into a catastrophe!”
  111. “You really muffed it!”
  112. “You made a massive mess!”
  113. “You really went off the deep end!”
  114. “You totally screwed the pooch!”
  115. “That was a major gaffe!”
  116. “You turned that into a calamity!”
  117. “You really fouled that up!”
  118. “You made a complete blunder!”
  119. “You totally cocked that up!”
  120. “You really mucked it!”
  121. “You turned that into a shambles!”
  122. “You really did a number on that!”
  123. “You made a complete muck-up!”
  124. “You really turned that into a flop!”
  125. “You turned that into a blooper!”
  126. “You really went haywire!”
  127. “You turned that into a total mess!”
  128. “You really boffed it!”
  129. “You made a complete shambles!”
  130. “You turned that into a flop!”
  131. “You really blew a fuse!”
  132. “You totally mucked it up!”
  133. “You turned that into a total disaster!”
  134. “You made a complete pig’s breakfast!”
  135. “You really dropped a brick!”
  136. “You turned that into a right royal mess!”
  137. “You really fluffed your lines!”
  138. “You made a total miscalculation!”
  139. “You really missed the mark!”
  140. “You totally flubbed that up!”
  141. “You turned that into a flop!”
  142. “You really fumbled the play!”
  143. “You turned that into a total bungle!”
  144. “You made a complete dog’s dinner!”
  145. “You really took a wrong turn!”
  146. “You totally misfired!”
  147. “You really turned that into a howler!”
  148. “You totally fouled that up!”
  149. “You made a complete blunder!”
  150. “You really threw a spanner in the works!”
  151. “You turned that into a right cock-up!”
  152. “You really bungled the operation!”
  153. “You made a complete botch!”
  154. “You really blew your cover!”
  155. “You totally botched the execution!”
  156. “You turned that into a major snafu!”
  157. “You made a complete flub!”
  158. “You really turned that into a fiasco!”
  159. “You totally dropped the ball!”
  160. “You really goofed up!”
  161. “You turned that into a complete mess!”
  162. “You made a total error in judgment!”
  163. “You really mucked that up!”
  164. “You made a major blunder!”
  165. “You really turned that into a disaster!”
  166. “You completely blew it!”
  167. “You really fouled that up!”
  168. “You turned that into a complete flop!”
  169. “You made a massive muck-up!”
  170. “You really turned that into a catastrophe!”
  171. “You completely stuffed it up!”
  172. “You really dropped a clanger!”
  173. “You made a total pig’s ear of that!”
  174. “You really turned that into a snafu!”
  175. “You turned that into a major bungle!”
  176. “You really turned that into a debacle!”
  177. “You made a complete cock-up!”
  178. “You really botched that one!”
  179. “You made a total error!”
  180. “You turned that into a complete fiasco!”
  181. “You totally botched it!”
  182. “You turned that into a right royal mess!”
  183. “You really blew your chance!”
  184. “You turned that into a total misfire!”
  185. “You really made a dog’s breakfast of it!”
  186. “You made a total mess-up!”
  187. “You completely fouled that up!”
  188. “You turned that into a major disaster!”
  189. “You really mucked that up!”
  190. “You made a complete flop!”
  191. “You turned that into a total blunder!”
  192. “You really threw a wrench in the works!”
  193. “You turned that into a major catastrophe!”
  194. “You really made a pig’s ear of it!”
  195. “You totally fouled it up!”
  196. “You really made a major muck”

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