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funny ways to tell someone to calm down

  1. Hey, no need to get your feathers ruffled. It’s just a tiny hiccup.
  2. Woah, there, turbo! Let’s ease off the accelerator, shall we?
  3. Take a chill pill – or two, or maybe the whole bottle.
  4. Relax like a sloth on a Sunday afternoon.
  5. Don’t get your knickers in a twist; we’re all friends here.
  6. Keep calm and carry on, or at least try to keep calm.
  7. Take a deep breath, count to ten, then forget what you were mad about.
  8. Slow down, Speedy Gonzales – the world isn’t going anywhere.
  9. Hey, don’t worry, be crappy! Oh wait, that’s not how the song goes…
  10. Let’s put your enthusiasm on pause for a hot minute.
  11. Cool your jets – we’re not racing to the finish line here.
  12. Don’t stress, just press the “Chill” button.
  13. Don’t blow a gasket, we can handle this with minimal drama.
  14. Hey, easy tiger! Save some energy for the dance floor later.
  15. Take it down a notch – we’re not trying to break the sound barrier.
  16. Let’s not turn a molehill into a mountain, okay?
  17. Hey, no need to unleash the inner Hulk just yet.
  18. Keep your cool like a cucumber, not a hot potato.
  19. Hold your horses – we’re not galloping into battle here.
  20. Don’t sweat the small stuff; save your energy for the big stuff…or nap time.
  21. Relax, you’re not defusing a bomb – it’s just a minor inconvenience.
  22. Hey, no need to go full Godzilla on us; we’re just trying to have a civilized conversation.
  23. Take a chillaxative and let the stress flow away.
  24. Whoa there, partner! Let’s rein in those emotions before they run wild.
  25. Keep calm and pretend you’re on a beach sipping a margarita.
  26. Don’t get your panties in a bunch; it’s not a good look for anyone.
  27. Hey, no need to turn into a fire-breathing dragon over this.
  28. Let’s not turn this into a Shakespearean tragedy – save the drama for your llama.
  29. Hold your horses, we’re not stampeding into battle here.
  30. Take a chill pill, and wash it down with a glass of “I don’t care.”
  31. Woah, woah, woah! Let’s pump the brakes before we crash and burn.
  32. Don’t go all Godzilla on us – we’re just trying to have a civilized conversation here.
  33. Keep calm and carry on – or at least try to keep calm.
  34. Relax like a sloth on a Sunday afternoon.
  35. Don’t get your knickers in a twist; we’re all friends here.
  36. Take a deep breath, count to ten, then forget what you were mad about.
  37. Slow down, Speedy Gonzales – the world isn’t going anywhere.
  38. Hey, don’t worry, be crappy! Oh wait, that’s not how the song goes…
  39. Let’s put your enthusiasm on pause for a hot minute.
  40. Cool your jets – we’re not racing to the finish line here.
  41. Don’t stress, just press the “Chill” button.
  42. Don’t blow a gasket, we can handle this with minimal drama.
  43. Hey, easy tiger! Save some energy for the dance floor later.
  44. Take it down a notch – we’re not trying to break the sound barrier.
  45. Let’s not turn a molehill into a mountain, okay?
  46. Hey, no need to unleash the inner Hulk just yet.
  47. Keep your cool like a cucumber, not a hot potato.
  48. Hold your horses – we’re not galloping into battle here.
  49. Don’t sweat the small stuff; save your energy for the big stuff…or nap time.
  50. Relax, you’re not defusing a bomb – it’s just a minor inconvenience.
  51. Hey, no need to go full Godzilla on us; we’re just trying to have a civilized conversation.
  52. Take a chillaxative and let the stress flow away.
  53. Whoa there, partner! Let’s rein in those emotions before they run wild.
  54. Keep calm and pretend you’re on a beach sipping a margarita.
  55. Don’t get your panties in a bunch; it’s not a good look for anyone.
  56. Hey, no need to turn into a fire-breathing dragon over this.
  57. Let’s not turn this into a Shakespearean tragedy – save the drama for your llama.
  58. Hold your horses, we’re not stampeding into battle here.
  59. Take a chill pill, and wash it down with a glass of “I don’t care.”
  60. Woah, woah, woah! Let’s pump the brakes before we crash and burn.
  61. Don’t go all Godzilla on us – we’re just trying to have a civilized conversation here.
  62. Keep calm and carry on – or at least try to keep calm.
  63. Relax like a sloth on a Sunday afternoon.
  64. Let’s not get our underpants in a knot over this minor hiccup.
  65. Hold your horses, we’re not riding into the sunset just yet.
  66. Hey, no need to go full-blown Tasmanian devil on us!
  67. Take a chill pill and float downstream with the rest of us.
  68. Don’t pop a blood vessel over spilled milk; we’ll clean it up together.
  69. Let’s not turn this into a circus – we’re just trying to keep it chill.
  70. Whoa, Nelly! Let’s rein in those wild emotions.
  71. Don’t go bananas just yet; we’re not swinging from the trees here.
  72. Keep it cool like a cucumber in a freezer.
  73. Let’s not blow this out of proportion; it’s not a Hollywood blockbuster.
  74. Hold your ice cream, we’re not melting down just yet.
  75. Take a step back and put on your cool shades; it’s about to get chill.
  76. Don’t go all Captain Ahab on us; we’re not hunting the white whale.
  77. Let’s not turn this into a three-ring circus; one ring is enough for now.
  78. Keep your cool like a penguin on an iceberg.
  79. Don’t turn into a volcano just yet; we’re not ready for a lava flow.
  80. Hold your horses – we’re not galloping into the sunset here.
  81. Keep it as cool as a cucumber sandwich at a tea party.
  82. Let’s not go full-blown Hulk mode; we’re not smashing anything today.
  83. Hold onto your hat; we’re not riding the rollercoaster of emotions just yet.
  84. Keep it calm like a Zen master in a garden of tranquility.
  85. Don’t go all banshee on us; we’re not summoning any spirits today.
  86. Hold onto your marbles; we’re not losing them just yet.
  87. Keep it cool as a polar bear on an iceberg.
  88. Let’s not flip our lid just yet; we’re not ready for liftoff.
  89. Keep it mellow like a cello in a symphony orchestra.
  90. Don’t go all tornado on us; we’re not flying Dorothy’s house today.
  91. Hold your horses – we’re not rounding up the cattle just yet.
  92. Keep it serene like a swan gliding across a calm lake.
  93. Let’s not turn this into a soap opera; we’re not filming any dramatic scenes.
  94. Keep your cool like an ice cube in Antarctica.
  95. Don’t go full-on Godzilla mode; we’re not stomping through the city just yet.
  96. Hold onto your pants; we’re not jumping out of any airplanes today.
  97. Keep it as chill as a snowflake in winter.
  98. Let’s not go all Godzilla on Tokyo just yet; we’re not causing any havoc.
  99. Keep it calm like a turtle on a log in the pond.

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