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funny ways to tell someone to hurry up

Sure, here are 50 funny ways to tell someone to hurry up:

  1. Chop chop! Time’s a-wastin’!
  2. Tick-tock! The sloth is gaining on you!
  3. Hustle, dear tortoise, the hare’s already crossed the finish line!
  4. Quit lollygagging and move those legs!
  5. Let’s put some pep in that step, shall we?
  6. Speed it up, we’re not building pyramids here!
  7. Time’s flying faster than you are!
  8. Don’t dilly-dally, we’ve got places to be!
  9. Move like you’re running late for a sale!
  10. Pronto, pronto! The snails are passing you by!
  11. Time’s a-ticking, and you’re a-slowing!
  12. Chop chop, we’re not on island time here!
  13. Quit moseying and start moving!
  14. Move it or lose it, buttercup!
  15. Hop to it, bunny, we’re not planting carrots!
  16. Snap to it, Speedy Gonzales!
  17. The turtles are overtaking you, mate!
  18. Don’t drag your feet, we’re not on a catwalk!
  19. Run, Forest, run! The chocolates are melting!
  20. Quit stalling and start hauling!
  21. Don’t be a sloth, be a cheetah!
  22. The world’s fastest snail is faster than you!
  23. Let’s go, we’re burning daylight!
  24. Stop lollygagging and start jogging!
  25. Quit your dawdling, we’ve got a deadline!
  26. Time’s a-wasting, and you’re a-lollygagging!
  27. Move it or lose it, pal!
  28. Pronto, pronto! We’re not on island time!
  29. Let’s move it like the wind, shall we?
  30. Hustle, hustle, hustle! The caffeine’s wearing off!
  31. Don’t be a sloth, be a gazelle!
  32. The sloth is gaining on you, speed up!
  33. Time’s a-wastin’, and you’re a-laggin’!
  34. Faster than a speeding bullet, come on!
  35. Don’t crawl, gallop like a racehorse!
  36. Quicker than a hiccup, let’s go!
  37. Stop dragging your feet, we’re not on a red carpet!
  38. The ants are marching faster than you!
  39. Faster than a ferret up a drainpipe, let’s move!
  40. Quit your dilly-dallying, we’ve got places to be!
  41. Faster than a speeding bullet train, let’s hustle!
  42. Time’s a-ticking, and you’re a-dragging!
  43. Move it or lose it, buddy!
  44. Pronto, pronto! The snails are overtaking!
  45. Let’s go, we’re not on turtle time!
  46. Chop chop, we’re not planting seeds here!
  47. Stop plodding, start sprinting!
  48. Quit your meandering and start marching!
  49. Time’s slipping away faster than you are!
  50. Snap to it, slowpoke, we’ve got a schedule to keep!
  51. Quit your dawdling, we’re not on a stroll through the park!
  52. Move it or lose it, poky!
  53. Speed it up, we’re not in sloth mode here!
  54. The tortoise is napping ahead of you, let’s go!
  55. Stop dilly-dallying and start hustling!
  56. Don’t mosey, gallop like a racehorse!
  57. Faster than a herd of turtles, please!
  58. Quit your sauntering and start sprinting!
  59. Let’s go, we’re not on a leisurely Sunday stroll!
  60. Faster than molasses in January, come on!
  61. Time’s slipping away faster than a greased pig, hurry!
  62. The glaciers are melting faster than you’re moving!
  63. Stop ambling and start scrambling!
  64. Move it or groove it, we’re not here for a slow dance!
  65. Let’s pick up the pace, we’re not snails!
  66. Time’s flying faster than you’re moving, speed up!
  67. The sloths are racing past you, get going!
  68. Quit your laggardness and start zipping!
  69. Don’t plod, gallop like a unicorn!
  70. Faster than a herd of turtles on tranquilizers, please!
  71. Quit your loafing and start zooming!
  72. The glaciers are moving faster than you, let’s go!
  73. Stop meandering and start marching!
  74. Move it or lose it, slugger!
  75. Faster than a speeding bullet, hurry up!
  76. Stop stalling and start sprinting!
  77. The glaciers are receding faster than you’re advancing!
  78. Quit your loafing and start hoofing!
  79. Don’t trudge, dance like nobody’s watching!
  80. Faster than a snail on roller skates, let’s move!
  81. Stop your puttering and start puttin’ on the speed!
  82. Move it or lose it, pokey!
  83. Faster than a tortoise with jet propulsion, please!
  84. Stop your dallying and start your rallying!
  85. The glaciers are retreating faster than you’re approaching!
  86. Quit your foot-dragging and start jet-packing!
  87. Don’t mosey, scoot like a rocket!
  88. Faster than a tortoise on caffeine, hurry!
  89. Stop your lingering and start your flinging!
  90. Move it or lose it, sleepyhead!
  91. Faster than a herd of turtles on a coffee break, let’s go!
  92. Stop your malingering and start your sashaying!
  93. Don’t drag your feet, dance like the floor’s on fire!
  94. Faster than a sloth on a sugar rush, please!
  95. Stop your stalling and start your balling!
  96. Move it or lose it, snail!
  97. Faster than a tortoise with a jetpack, hurry!
  98. Stop your loafing and start your hoofing!
  99. Don’t loiter, gallop like a unicorn on a rainbow!
  100. Faster than a snail with turbo boosters, please!
  101. Would you like more?

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