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good comebacks for someone who thinks they are cool

Sure, here are some comebacks for someone who thinks they’re cool:

  1. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize we were auditioning for the ‘Coolest Person in the Room’ award.”
  2. “Keep trying, maybe one day you’ll reach room temperature.”
  3. “Cool story, bro. Literally, the coolest story I’ve ever heard… not.”
  4. “Did you hear that whooshing sound? Oh wait, it’s just your ego passing by.”
  5. “Wow, you’re so cool, I bet you could give an iceberg a run for its money.”
  6. “If coolness were a disease, you’d be patient zero.”
  7. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you accidentally inhale some liquid nitrogen?”
  8. “I didn’t realize ‘cool’ had a new definition. Must have missed the memo.”
  9. “Coolness level: Arctic. Maybe you should try thawing out a bit.”
  10. “Keep trying to be cool, maybe one day you’ll make it to lukewarm.”
  11. “If coolness were currency, you’d be bankrupt.”
  12. “I didn’t know we were in a ‘Who Can Be the Most Pretentious’ contest.”
  13. “Oh, I get it now. You’re the ‘before’ picture in the ‘coolness makeover’ ad.”
  14. “Coolness tip: Try not caring so much about being cool. It’s ironically cool.”
  15. “If coolness were a race, you’d still be at the starting line tying your shoelaces.”
  16. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that over the sound of you trying too hard to be cool.”
  17. “Coolness is like happiness; the more you chase it, the further away it gets.”
  18. “I didn’t realize we were playing ‘Who Can Be the Most Ridiculously Overconfident.'”
  19. “Coolness level: Subzero. Maybe you should let it go, Elsa.”
  20. “Are you auditioning for a role in the next ‘Frozen’ movie? Because you’re giving off major ice queen vibes.”
  21. “Coolness factor: Lower than room temperature. You might want to invest in a heater.”
  22. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘trying too hard’ these days?”
  23. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the King/Queen of Cool. My mistake.”
  24. “Coolness tip: Instead of trying so hard, try just being yourself. It’s way cooler.”
  25. “If coolness were an Olympic sport, you’d be disqualified for doping.”
  26. “Did you just invent a new definition of cool? Because I’m not feeling it.”
  27. “Coolness level: Below freezing. Maybe you should thaw out before you get frostbite.”
  28. “Oh, I see. You’re going for the ‘coolest person in the room’ award. Too bad it’s already been won… by someone else.”
  29. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you accidentally walk into a freezer?”
  30. “Coolness status: Nonexistent. Maybe try being genuine instead.”
  31. “Oh, you’re cool? Please, tell me more about how cool you are. I’m dying to know.”
  32. “If coolness were a disease, you’d be the patient zero.”
  33. “Coolness level: Room temperature. Not quite there yet, huh?”
  34. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of a ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  35. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘delusional’?”
  36. “Coolness status: Pending approval. Sorry, you didn’t make the cut.”
  37. “I didn’t realize we were at the ‘try too hard to impress’ convention.”
  38. “Coolness level: Negative. Maybe you should try warming up a bit.”
  39. “Oh, you’re cool? That’s cute. Keep trying, maybe one day you’ll get there.”
  40. “Coolness tip: Less talk, more action. Cool people don’t need to brag.”
  41. “I didn’t realize we were at the ‘who can be the most obnoxious’ competition.”
  42. “Coolness level: Still waiting for it to defrost. Give it time.”
  43. “Oh, you’re cool? I must have missed the memo.”
  44. “Coolness status: On the rocks. Maybe you should try a different approach.”
  45. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you accidentally swallow a popsicle?”
  46. “Coolness level: Room temperature. Not quite there yet, huh?”
  47. “I didn’t realize we were at the ‘try too hard to impress’ convention.”
  48. “Coolness status: Pending approval. Sorry, you didn’t make the cut.”
  49. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of a ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  50. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘delusional’?”
  51. “Coolness level: Negative. Maybe you should try warming up a bit.”
  52. “Oh, you’re cool? That’s cute. Keep trying, maybe one day you’ll get there.”
  53. “Coolness tip: Less talk, more action. Cool people don’t need to brag.”
  54. “I didn’t realize we were at the ‘who can be the most obnoxious’ competition.”
  55. “Coolness level: Still waiting for it to defrost. Give it time.”
  56. “Oh, you’re cool? I must have missed the memo.”
  57. “Coolness status: On the rocks. Maybe you should try a different approach.”
  58. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you accidentally swallow a popsicle?”
  59. “Coolness level: Slightly above lukewarm. You’re getting there… maybe.”
  60. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness police.’ Thanks for the heads up.”
  61. “Coolness factor: Below average. Maybe try recalibrating.”
  62. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘desperate’ these days?”
  63. “Coolness status: Still loading. Maybe try rebooting.”
  64. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just step out of a freezer?”
  65. “Coolness level: Room temperature. Not exactly setting the bar high.”
  66. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolest person in the universe.’ Oh wait, we’re not.”
  67. “Coolness factor: Missing in action. Maybe try searching for it.”
  68. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘cringeworthy’ these days?”
  69. “Coolness status: Error 404. Maybe try refreshing.”
  70. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a snowbank?”
  71. “Coolness level: Still stuck in first gear. Maybe try shifting.”
  72. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolest person on the planet.’ Oh wait, my mistake.”
  73. “Coolness factor: Underwhelming. Maybe try a different approach.”
  74. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘trying too hard’ these days?”
  75. “Coolness status: Still in beta testing. Maybe try upgrading.”
  76. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just binge-watch too many ‘cool’ characters on TV?”
  77. “Coolness level: Average. Just like everyone else.”
  78. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘self-proclaimed coolness ambassador.'”
  79. “Coolness factor: Questionable. Maybe try consulting with a coolness expert.”
  80. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘clueless’ these days?”
  81. “Coolness status: Low battery. Maybe try recharging.”
  82. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just swallow a snow cone whole?”
  83. “Coolness level: Room temperature. Not exactly making waves.”
  84. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness connoisseur.’ My bad.”
  85. “Coolness factor: Fading fast. Maybe try CPR.”
  86. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘cringe’ these days?”
  87. “Coolness status: Out of stock. Maybe try back later.”
  88. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just get stuck in a ‘coolness’ time warp?”
  89. “Coolness level: Meh. Just… meh.”
  90. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness czar.’ How enlightening.”
  91. “Coolness factor: Up for debate. Maybe try polling some friends.”
  92. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  93. “Coolness status: Under review. Maybe try submitting an appeal.”
  94. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  95. “Coolness level: Questionable. Maybe try consulting the coolness manual.”
  96. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness dictator.’ Pardon my ignorance.”
  97. “Coolness factor: TBD. Maybe try conducting a survey.”
  98. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘trying too hard’ these days?”
  99. “Coolness status: Pending approval. Maybe try submitting a resume.”
  100. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just binge-watch too many episodes of ‘The Fonz’?”
  101. “Coolness level: Stuck in neutral. Maybe try shifting gears.”
  102. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness overlord.’ My apologies.”
  103. “Coolness factor: Still buffering. Maybe try refreshing the page.”
  104. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘epic fail’ these days?”
  105. “Coolness status: Under construction. Maybe try wearing a hard hat.”
  106. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  107. “Coolness level: TBD. Still waiting on the results.”
  108. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  109. “Coolness factor: Needs improvement. Maybe try a coolness boot camp.”
  110. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘laughable’ these days?”
  111. “Coolness status: Processing. Maybe try installing updates.”
  112. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just get frostbite from trying too hard?”
  113. “Coolness level: Still calculating. Maybe try a coolness algorithm.”
  114. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness messiah.’ How enlightening.”
  115. “Coolness factor: In beta testing. Maybe try a coolness focus group.”
  116. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  117. “Coolness status: Undergoing maintenance. Maybe try a coolness tune-up.”
  118. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  119. “Coolness level: Still searching. Maybe try a coolness scavenger hunt.”
  120. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness prodigy.’ My bad.”
  121. “Coolness factor: TBD. Maybe try a coolness trial run.”
  122. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  123. “Coolness status: Loading. Maybe try a coolness progress bar.”
  124. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  125. “Coolness level: Still buffering. Maybe try a coolness refresh button.”
  126. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness savant.’ Pardon my ignorance.”
  127. “Coolness factor: Under review. Maybe try a coolness audit.”
  128. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘epic fail’ these days?”
  129. “Coolness status: Up in the air. Maybe try a coolness skydiving adventure.”
  130. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just get frostbite from trying too hard?”
  131. “Coolness level: Still recalibrating. Maybe try a coolness recalibration.”
  132. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness virtuoso.’ How enlightening.”
  133. “Coolness factor: Undergoing testing. Maybe try a coolness pilot program.”
  134. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘laughable’ these days?”
  135. “Coolness status: Rebooting. Maybe try a coolness system update.”
  136. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  137. “Coolness level: Still optimizing. Maybe try a coolness optimization.”
  138. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness mastermind.’ My bad.”
  139. “Coolness factor: In development. Maybe try a coolness development cycle.”
  140. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  141. “Coolness status: Debugging. Maybe try a coolness debug session.”
  142. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  143. “Coolness level: Still in beta. Maybe try a coolness beta test.”
  144. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness genius.’ Pardon my ignorance.”
  145. “Coolness factor: Alpha testing. Maybe try a coolness alpha test.”
  146. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  147. “Coolness status: Error 404. Maybe try a coolness error check.”
  148. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just get frostbite from trying too hard?”
  149. “Coolness level: Still compiling. Maybe try a coolness compiler.
  150. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness expert.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  151. “Coolness factor: Booting up. Maybe try a coolness boot sequence.”
  152. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  153. “Coolness status: Accessing. Maybe try a coolness access code.”
  154. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  155. “Coolness level: Still in progress. Maybe try a coolness progress bar.”
  156. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness visionary.’ My bad.”
  157. “Coolness factor: Loading. Maybe try a coolness loading screen.”
  158. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  159. “Coolness status: Initializing. Maybe try a coolness initialization.”
  160. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  161. “Coolness level: Under construction. Maybe try a coolness construction site.”
  162. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  163. “Coolness factor: Recharging. Maybe try a coolness recharge station.”
  164. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  165. “Coolness status: Rebooting. Maybe try a coolness reboot.”
  166. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  167. “Coolness level: Still buffering. Maybe try a coolness buffering.”
  168. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness mastermind.’ My bad.”
  169. “Coolness factor: Loading. Maybe try a coolness loading bar.”
  170. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  171. “Coolness status: Powering up. Maybe try a coolness power-up.”
  172. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  173. “Coolness level: Under review. Maybe try a coolness review.”
  174. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness expert.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  175. “Coolness factor: Booting. Maybe try a coolness boot.”
  176. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  177. “Coolness status: Initializing. Maybe try a coolness initialize.”
  178. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  179. “Coolness level: Under maintenance. Maybe try a coolness maintenance.”
  180. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness visionary.’ My bad.”
  181. “Coolness factor: Powering. Maybe try a coolness power.”
  182. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  183. “Coolness status: Updating. Maybe try a coolness update.”
  184. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  185. “Coolness level: Undergoing testing. Maybe try a coolness test.”
  186. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  187. “Coolness factor: Booting up. Maybe try a coolness boot sequence.”
  188. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?”
  189. “Coolness status: Accessing. Maybe try a coolness access code.”
  190. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just fall into a vat of liquid nitrogen?”
  191. “Coolness level: Still in progress. Maybe try a coolness progress bar.”
  192. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness visionary.’ My bad.”
  193. “Coolness factor: Loading. Maybe try a coolness loading screen.”
  194. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘awkward’ these days?”
  195. “Coolness status: Initializing. Maybe try a coolness initialization.”
  196. “Are you trying to be cool, or did you just inhale too much liquid nitrogen?”
  197. “Coolness level: Under construction. Maybe try a coolness construction site.”
  198. “I didn’t realize we were in the presence of the ‘coolness guru.’ Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.”
  199. “Coolness factor: Recharging. Maybe try a coolness recharge station.”
  200. “Oh, is ‘cool’ the new term for ‘ridiculous’ these days?” Feel free to use these comebacks the next time someone thinks they’re the epitome of cool!

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