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how to reply when a girl calls you king

When someone refers to you as “king,” it’s often a term of endearment or admiration. Here are various ways to reply to such a compliment:

  1. “Thank you, but you’re the real queen here.”
  2. “You’re too kind! You’re the real royalty.”
  3. “I appreciate the compliment, but you’re the one ruling my heart.”
  4. “Coming from you, that means a lot. You’re the queen of my world.”
  5. “You’re making me blush! But you’re the true ruler of my heart.”
  6. “Thank you, but you’re the one with the crown in my eyes.”
  7. “Aw, thanks! But you’re the one who reigns supreme.”
  8. “That’s so sweet of you! But you’re the one who deserves the crown.”
  9. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who deserves all the praise.”
  10. “Thank you! But you’re the one who deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  11. “You’re too kind! But in my eyes, you’re the true queen.”
  12. “Thank you for the compliment! But you’re the queen of my world.”
  13. “I appreciate the sentiment, but you’re the one who deserves the title.”
  14. “That’s really flattering, but you’re the one who deserves to be celebrated.”
  15. “Thank you, but you’re the one who deserves all the royal treatment.”
  16. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  17. “Thanks! But you’re the one who deserves the crown.”
  18. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who reigns supreme in my life.”
  19. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who deserves all the praise and admiration.”
  20. “Thank you! But you’re the true queen in my eyes.”
  21. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  22. “Thanks for the compliment! But you’re the one who deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  23. “I appreciate it! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of royalty.”
  24. “Thank you, but you’re the one who deserves to be celebrated.”
  25. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who deserves all the love and admiration.”
  26. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  27. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who deserves all the royal treatment.”
  28. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  29. “Thank you! But you’re the one who deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  30. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  31. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who deserves all the love and affection.”
  32. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme.”
  33. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who deserves all the admiration.”
  34. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  35. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  36. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  37. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  38. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  39. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  40. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  41. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who deserves all the love and affection.”
  42. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  43. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  44. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  45. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and admiration.”
  46. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  47. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  48. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  49. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  50. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  51. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  52. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  53. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  54. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  55. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  56. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  57. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  58. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  59. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  60. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  61. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  62. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  63. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  64. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  65. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  66. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  67. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  68. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  69. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  70. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  71. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  72. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  73. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  74. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  75. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  76. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  77. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  78. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  79. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  80. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  81. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  82. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  83. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  84. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  85. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  86. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  87. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  88. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  89. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  90. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  91. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  92. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  93. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  94. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  95. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  96. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  97. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  98. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  99. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  100. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  101. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  102. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  103. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  104. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  105. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  106. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  107. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  108. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  109. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  110. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  111. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  112. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  113. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  114. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  115. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  116. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  117. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  118. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  119. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  120. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  121. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  122. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  123. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  124. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  125. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  126. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  127. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  128. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  129. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  130. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  131. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  132. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  133. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  134. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  135. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  136. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  137. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  138. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  139. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  140. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  141. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  142. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  143. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  144. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  145. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be treated like royalty.”
  146. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves the title of queen.”
  147. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the praise and recognition.”
  148. “I’m flattered! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated.”
  149. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly deserves the crown.”
  150. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly rules my heart.”
  151. “Thanks! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the respect and admiration.”
  152. “You’re too sweet! But you’re the one who truly reigns supreme in my life.”
  153. “I’m honored! But you’re the one who truly deserves to be celebrated like royalty.”
  154. “Thank you! But you’re the one who truly rules my world.”
  155. “You’re too kind! But you’re the one who truly deserves all the love and affection.”
  156. “You’re the real MVP here. Thanks for the compliment!”
  157. “I’m blushing! You’re amazing too.”
  158. “Wow, thank you! But you’re the true royalty.”
  159. “You just made my day! You’re the queen.”
  160. “Thanks! You’re the best.”
  161. “I appreciate that! You’re the real star.”
  162. “You’re too kind! You’re my queen.”
  163. “Thank you! But you wear the crown.”
  164. “Thanks! You’re the true royalty.”
  165. “I feel honored! You’re amazing.”
  166. “I’m flattered! You’re incredible.”
  167. “You’re the best for saying that!”
  168. “Wow, thanks! You’re the real queen.”
  169. “I appreciate it! You’re awesome.”
  170. “You’re too sweet! Thank you.”
  171. “Thank you! You’re the real MVP.”
  172. “I’m honored! You’re fantastic.”
  173. “You made my day! Thanks.”
  174. “You’re amazing! Thanks a lot.”
  175. “I appreciate that! You’re wonderful.”
  176. “You’re the queen here! Thanks.”
  177. “Thanks! You’re incredible.”
  178. “You’re awesome for saying that!”
  179. “Thank you! You’re the real star.”
  180. “I’m flattered! Thanks a lot.”
  181. “You’re too kind! I appreciate it.”
  182. “Thank you! You’re fantastic.”
  183. “Thanks! You’re wonderful.”
  184. “You’re the best! Thanks.”
  185. “I’m honored! You’re amazing.”
  186. “Thank you! You’re incredible.”
  187. “You just made my day! Thanks.”
  188. “You’re amazing! Thanks a lot.”
  189. “I appreciate that! You’re awesome.”
  190. “You’re too sweet! Thank you.”
  191. “Thank you! You’re fantastic.”
  192. “You’re the best for saying that!”
  193. “Wow, thanks! You’re wonderful.”
  194. “I appreciate it! You’re amazing.”
  195. “You’re the queen here! Thanks.”
  196. “Thanks! You’re the real star.”
  197. “You’re awesome for saying that!”
  198. “Thank you! You’re incredible.”

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