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18+ Best Replies When Someone Says “Whats up”

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Same old, just working away. What’s new with you?

  • A casual response acknowledging routine while expressing interest in the other person’s updates.

Oh, you know, living the dream over here! How about yourself?

  • Playfully suggesting a positive outlook on life, inviting the other person to share their experiences.

Hanging in there! Up to much this weekend?

  • Indicating a moderate mood while initiating a conversation about weekend plans, showing interest in the other person’s activities.

Hustling as usual! Taking a quick lunch break. How’s your day going?

  • Communicating a busy schedule but creating an opportunity for a brief chat about the other person’s day.

Hunky-dory! Catching up on errands and emails. Anything fun happening in your world?

  • Using a light and optimistic tone, mentioning daily tasks, and prompting the other person to share any exciting events.

Taking it easy, recovering from a long week. How are things on your end?

  • Conveying a relaxed state and opening the door for the other person to share updates about their own week.

Can’t complain! Was just thinking I’m due for a catch-up call with you. How have you been?

  • Expressing contentment while expressing a desire to catch up, showing genuine interest in the other person’s well-being.

Hanging out, happy it’s Friday eve! Big plans for the weekend?

  • Acknowledging the approaching weekend and asking about the other person’s plans, creating a conversational opening.

Just tackling a few chores but keeping the vibes chill. What kind of trouble are you getting into?

  • Mentioning mundane tasks with a relaxed attitude and playfully asking about the other person’s activities.

Oh just plotting global domination over here, you know how I do! How’s your world spinning?

  • Using humor to describe daily ambitions and prompting the other person to share their perspective.

Living that laptop lifestyle as always. Please tell me you have something more exciting going on!

  • Playfully referring to a tech-centric routine and encouraging the other person to share exciting updates.

Hey! Not too much, just taking a mental break. How’s your week been treating ya so far?

  • Describing a need for a break and initiating a conversation about the other person’s week.

Same soup, different day over here. We need to mix things up soon! What’s new on your plate?

  • Playfully acknowledging routine and expressing a desire for change while inquiring about the other person’s activities.

If it was any better I shouldn’t legally be allowed to have it! Any fun happenings going on with you?

  • Humorously stating an exceptionally good mood and prompting the other person to share any enjoyable events.

You know me, hustling hard! But I need some drama, entertain me!

  • Expressing a busy lifestyle with a playful request for entertaining updates from the other person.

Well hello there! I’m mid-deep cleaning frenzy but will gladly take a break for some happy news!

  • Describing a current activity with humor and expressing a willingness to take a break for positive news.

Oh just over here waiting not-so-patiently for the weekend, as per usual. What kind of shenanigans are you up to?

  • Eagerly anticipating the weekend and asking the other person about their plans with a playful tone.

Girl, sorting out more messes than I can count! Wanna run away together?

  • Playfully acknowledging challenges and suggesting a whimsical escape, creating a humorous conversational tone.

I am straight up vibing over here, thanks for asking! Tell me something wondrous in your world!

  • Expressing a positive vibe and inviting the other person to share something positive happening in their life.

Oh, you know me, a rolling stone gathers no moss! How about yourself?

  • Describing a dynamic and active lifestyle with a metaphor and prompting the other person to share their experiences.

Feel free to use these explanations as a guide for using the responses in various conversational contexts!

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