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15+ Best Responses to I Want to be With You

I feel the same way about you, being apart doesn’t feel right.

Explains mutually missing one another’s presence and wanting increased closeness.

This reply highlights the shared feelings and discomfort at separation, setting up taking the next step.

You took the words right out of my mouth – I want that too.

Aligns enthusiastically wanting the same advancement of the relationship.

Echoing their sentiments word-for-word emphasizes being completely on the same page about coupledom.

I’m so glad you feel that way because I was hoping we could make things official!

Enthusiastic response at mutual desire for an official relationship.

After validating their feelings, this reveals already envisioning progressing the relationship further.

Hearing you say that means the world, especially since I feel the same.

Underscores an emotional impact at mutual desires and vision.

That makes my heart so happy! I was hoping you’d want that.

Conveys sincere joy at the alignment of feelings and hopes for the relationship trajectory.

I want that more than anything – spending time together always leaves me wanting more.

Explains intense longing for increased commitment due to unsatisfied desire for closeness from current interactions.

You just made me grin from ear to ear over here! Being with you sounds perfect.

Describes a visible, bodily reaction implying sincerity and happiness.

I was worried you’d never ask! Of course I feel the same.

Reveals insecure fears they wouldn’t want an official relationship, amplifying relief and excitement at their initiation.

Then let’s stop wasting any more time apart and really do this!

Proposes immediately acting on mutual wishes to make the relationship officially exclusive and progress intimacy.

You took the words right out of my mouth – being with you just feels right.

Echoing their phrasing emphasizes being completely aligned regarding relationship readiness and intuitive sense it’s the right move.

That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day! My answer is a big yes!

Excited exclamation conveys supreme happiness at the proposition and enthusiastic confirmation of reciprocated feelings.

Hearing we’re on the same page means so much. Let’s make it official!

Names mutual understanding as deeply meaningful and reason to finally formalize the commitment.

Nothing would make me happier than sharing this connection and seeing where it leads!

Conveys supreme excitement at the prospect of advancing intimacy through an exclusive relationship.

Our time together has me catching feelings – let’s explore that and see where this goes!

Describes developing emotional attachments prompting desire to investigate the depth of romantic possibility.

Music to my ears! Being apart has felt so wrong lately.

Idiom emphasizes thrilled reaction at their voiced desire before explaining growing discomfort at separation.

You read my mind! My heart skips a beat whenever we’re together.

Cliché aligns feeling like they’ve verbalized inner thoughts before confessing a visible, physical reaction when interacting.

I’ve been wishing you’d say those words for so long now – dreams do come true!

Reveals pent-up longing for reciprocation finally being wonderfully fulfilled.

Count me in times a million! Being your person sounds absolutely perfect.

Emphatic confirmation with creative hyperbole conveys supreme excitement to progress the relationship.

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