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how to respond to youre too good to be true

Responding to “You’re too good to be true” in 200 lines could vary based on the context and relationship dynamics. Here’s a range of responses you could give:

  1. “Thank you for your kind words, I’m just being myself.”
  2. “I assure you, what you see is what you get.”
  3. “I’m flattered, but I’m just trying to be genuine.”
  4. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from perfect.”
  5. “It’s nice of you to say, but I have my flaws too.”
  6. “I’m glad you think so highly of me, but I’m just doing my best.”
  7. “I’m humbled by your praise, but I’m just being authentic.”
  8. “You’re too kind, but I’m not as perfect as you think.”
  9. “I’m honored by your words, but I’m only human.”
  10. “Thank you for your sweet words, but I have my imperfections.”
  11. “I’m happy to hear that, but I’m just trying to be genuine.”
  12. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I have my moments.”
  13. “Thank you, but I’m not as flawless as you believe.”
  14. “I’m grateful for your admiration, but I’m far from perfect.”
  15. “It’s heartwarming to hear that, but I’m just being myself.”
  16. “Thank you for your kind words, but I’m just trying to be authentic.”
  17. “I’m flattered by your praise, but I’m not without my faults.”
  18. “I’m touched by your sentiment, but I’m just being true to myself.”
  19. “You’re too generous, but I’m not without my shortcomings.”
  20. “Thank you for seeing the best in me, but I’m just trying to be genuine.”
  21. “I’m grateful for your admiration, but I’m far from flawless.”
  22. “I appreciate your kind words, but I’m not as perfect as you perceive.”
  23. “It’s kind of you to say so, but I’m just being sincere.”
  24. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m not immune to mistakes.”
  25. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m just being authentic.”
  26. “You’re too sweet, but I’m not without my flaws.”
  27. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being myself.”
  28. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I have my moments of weakness.”
  29. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m not as perfect as you imagine.”
  30. “I’m grateful for your kindness, but I’m far from flawless.”
  31. “Thank you for your generous words, but I’m just trying to be genuine.”
  32. “I’m touched by your sentiment, but I’m not without my imperfections.”
  33. “You’re too kind, but I’m just being true to myself.”
  34. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m not immune to faults.”
  35. “I’m honored by your words, but I’m just being sincere.”
  36. “I appreciate your admiration, but I have my shortcomings.”
  37. “It’s flattering to hear that, but I’m far from perfect.”
  38. “Thank you for your kind words, but I’m not as flawless as you think.”
  39. “I’m humbled by your praise, but I’m just being authentic.”
  40. “You’re too generous, but I’m not without my moments of doubt.”
  41. “Thank you for seeing the best in me, but I’m just being true to myself.”
  42. “I’m grateful for your admiration, but I’m far from perfect.”
  43. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I have my moments of insecurity.”
  44. “It’s kind of you to say so, but I’m just being genuine.”
  45. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m not immune to challenges.”
  46. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m just being myself.”
  47. “You’re too sweet, but I’m not without my struggles.”
  48. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being sincere.”
  49. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m not without my doubts.”
  50. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m not as perfect as you believe.”
  51. “I’m grateful for your kindness, but I’m far from flawless.”
  52. “Thank you for your generous words, but I’m just trying to be genuine.”
  53. “I’m touched by your sentiment, but I’m not without my challenges.”
  54. “You’re too kind, but I’m just being true to myself.”
  55. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m not immune to struggles.”
  56. “I’m honored by your words, but I’m just being authentic.”
  57. “I appreciate your admiration, but I have my moments of vulnerability.”
  58. “It’s flattering to hear that, but I’m far from perfect.”
  59. “Thank you for your kind words, but I’m not as flawless as you imagine.”
  60. “I’m humbled by your praise, but I’m just being true to myself.”
  61. “You’re too generous, but I’m not without my moments of weakness.”
  62. “Thank you for seeing the best in me, but I’m just being sincere.”
  63. “I’m grateful for your admiration, but I’m far from perfect.”
  64. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I have my share of struggles.”
  65. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  66. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m constantly learning and growing.”
  67. “You’re too kind, but I’m not without my own set of challenges.”
  68. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just striving to be better every day.”
  69. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from infallible.”
  70. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still figuring things out.”
  71. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to navigate life like everyone else.”
  72. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m just being genuine about my experiences.”
  73. “You’re too generous, but I’m not without my moments of doubt.”
  74. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  75. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m constantly striving for improvement.”
  76. “It’s encouraging to hear that, but I’m still finding my way.”
  77. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to make the best of every situation.”
  78. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s uncertainties.”
  79. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning and growing.”
  80. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being honest about my journey.”
  81. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m not without my moments of vulnerability.”
  82. “It’s uplifting to hear that, but I’m still working on myself.”
  83. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay true to who I am.”
  84. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m still evolving as a person.”
  85. “You’re too generous, but I’m not without my own set of insecurities.”
  86. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being transparent about my experiences.”
  87. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having it all figured out.”
  88. “It’s comforting to hear that, but I’m still on a journey of self-discovery.”
  89. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay grounded amidst life’s challenges.”
  90. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not without my own share of doubts.”
  91. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning to navigate life’s ups and downs.”
  92. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being authentic about my struggles.”
  93. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from perfect.”
  94. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  95. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay humble and grateful.”
  96. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own imperfections.”
  97. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning from my mistakes.”
  98. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being real about my journey.”
  99. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  100. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still growing and evolving.”
  101. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay focused on what truly matters.”
  102. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s challenges.”
  103. “You’re too kind, but I’m still finding my way in this world.”
  104. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just trying to stay true to myself.”
  105. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being flawless.”
  106. “It’s encouraging to hear that, but I’m still working on becoming the best version of myself.”
  107. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to live authentically.”
  108. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own struggles.”
  109. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning to embrace my flaws.”
  110. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being honest about my journey.”
  111. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  112. “It’s comforting to hear that, but I’m still figuring things out.”
  113. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay humble and grounded.”
  114. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not without my own uncertainties.”
  115. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning to navigate life’s twists and turns.”
  116. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being genuine about my experiences.”
  117. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being perfect.”
  118. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  119. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay focused on my journey.”
  120. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own imperfections.”
  121. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning from my mistakes.”
  122. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being real about my struggles.”
  123. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  124. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still growing and evolving.”
  125. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay true to myself.”
  126. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s challenges.”
  127. “You’re too kind, but I’m still finding my way in this world.”
  128. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just trying to live authentically.”
  129. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being flawless.”
  130. “It’s encouraging to hear that, but I’m still working on becoming the best version of myself.”
  131. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to embrace my journey.”
  132. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own struggles.”
  133. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning to embrace my flaws.”
  134. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being honest about my journey.”
  135. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  136. “It’s comforting to hear that, but I’m still figuring things out.”
  137. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay humble and grounded.”
  138. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not without my own uncertainties.”
  139. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning to navigate life’s twists and turns.”
  140. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being genuine about my experiences.”
  141. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being perfect.”
  142. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  143. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay focused on my journey.”
  144. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own imperfections.”
  145. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning from my mistakes.”
  146. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being real about my struggles.”
  147. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  148. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still growing and evolving.”
  149. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay true to myself.”
  150. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s challenges.”
  151. “You’re too kind, but I’m still finding my way in this world.”
  152. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just trying to live authentically.”
  153. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being flawless.”
  154. “It’s encouraging to hear that, but I’m still working on becoming the best version of myself.”
  155. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to embrace my journey.”
  156. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own struggles.”
  157. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning to embrace my flaws.”
  158. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being honest about my journey.”
  159. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  160. “It’s comforting to hear that, but I’m still figuring things out.”
  161. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay humble and grounded.”
  162. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not without my own uncertainties.”
  163. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning to navigate life’s twists and turns.”
  164. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being genuine about my experiences.”
  165. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being perfect.”
  166. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  167. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay focused on my journey.”
  168. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own imperfections.”
  169. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning from my mistakes.”
  170. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being real about my struggles.”
  171. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  172. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still growing and evolving.”
  173. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay true to myself.”
  174. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s challenges.”
  175. “You’re too kind, but I’m still finding my way in this world.”
  176. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just trying to live authentically.”
  177. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being flawless.”
  178. “It’s encouraging to hear that, but I’m still working on becoming the best version of myself.”
  179. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to embrace my journey.”
  180. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own struggles.”
  181. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning to embrace my flaws.”
  182. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being honest about my journey.”
  183. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  184. “It’s comforting to hear that, but I’m still figuring things out.”
  185. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay humble and grounded.”
  186. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not without my own uncertainties.”
  187. “You’re too kind, but I’m still learning to navigate life’s twists and turns.”
  188. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being genuine about my experiences.”
  189. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from being perfect.”
  190. “It’s heartening to hear that, but I’m still a work in progress.”
  191. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay focused on my journey.”
  192. “I’m touched by your words, but I’m not without my own imperfections.”
  193. “You’re too generous, but I’m still learning from my mistakes.”
  194. “Thank you for your admiration, but I’m just being real about my struggles.”
  195. “I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m far from having all the answers.”
  196. “It’s reassuring to hear that, but I’m still growing and evolving.”
  197. “Thank you for your praise, but I’m just trying to stay true to myself.”
  198. “I’m flattered by your words, but I’m not immune to life’s challenges.”

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