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other ways to ask are we still on

  1. Is our plan still happening?
  2. Are we still meeting up?
  3. Is the arrangement still in place?
  4. Are we still good to go?
  5. Is everything still set for our meeting?
  6. Are we still on for [date/time]?
  7. Is our get-together still happening?
  8. Are we still going ahead with our plans?
  9. Is our appointment still confirmed?
  10. Are we still scheduled to [activity]?
  11. Are we still up for [activity]?
  12. Are we still on track for our [activity]?
  13. Are we still on for our [event]?
  14. Are we still going to [place]?
  15. Is our arrangement still valid?
  16. Are we still planning to [activity]?
  17. Is everything still on for [date/time]?
  18. Are we still in for our [activity]?
  19. Are we still planning to [action]?
  20. Are we still going through with [plan]?
  21. Is our agreement still in effect?
  22. Are we still going forward with our [activity]?
  23. Are we still on the same page for [activity]?
  24. Is our meeting still on the agenda?
  25. Are we still on for our [event] at [location]?
  26. Are we still set for our [activity]?
  27. Are we still locked in for [activity]?
  28. Is our plan still a go?
  29. Are we still on target for [activity]?
  30. Are we still aligned for [activity]?
  31. Is our plan still a green light?
  32. Are we still going ahead as planned?
  33. Is our arrangement still happening as agreed?
  34. Are we still on for our [event] at [time]?
  35. Are we still good for [activity]?
  36. Is our scheduled [activity] still happening?
  37. Are we still planning on [activity]?
  38. Is our plan still a firm yes?
  39. Are we still set to [activity]?
  40. Are we still on schedule for [activity]?
  41. Is our plan still a definite?
  42. Are we still committed to [activity]?
  43. Are we still moving forward with [activity]?
  44. Is our agreement still on the table?
  45. Are we still proceeding with [activity]?
  46. Is our commitment to [activity] still valid?
  47. Are we still proceeding with our original plan?
  48. Are we still good to proceed with [activity]?
  49. Is our agreement to [activity] still intact?
  50. Are we still intending to [activity]?
  51. Is our decision to [activity] still standing?
  52. Are we still set to follow through with [activity]?
  53. Is our intention to [activity] still unchanged?
  54. Are we still holding to our plan for [activity]?
  55. Is our intent to [activity] still firm?
  56. Are we still intending to go ahead with [activity]?
  57. Is our plan to [activity] still valid?
  58. Are we still intending to follow through with [activity]?
  59. Is our intention to proceed with [activity] still unchanged?
  60. Are we still resolved to [activity]?
  61. Is our plan to [activity] still on the agenda?
  62. Are we still committed to our plan for [activity]?
  63. Is our intention to [activity] still in place?
  64. Are we still on board for [activity]?
  65. Is our resolve to [activity] still firm?
  66. Are we still planning to go ahead with [activity]?
  67. Is our plan to [activity] still unchanged?
  68. Are we still prepared to go through with [activity]?
  69. Is our resolve to proceed with [activity] still unwavering?
  70. Are we still determined to go ahead with [activity]?
  71. Is our intention to proceed with [activity] still unwavering?
  72. Are we still committed to our plan to [activity]?
  73. Is our decision to [activity] still unaltered?
  74. Are we still steadfast in our plan to [activity]?
  75. Is our commitment to [activity] still resolute?
  76. Are we still planning to carry out [activity]?
  77. Is our determination to [activity] still strong?
  78. Are we still resolved to follow through with [activity]?
  79. Is our resolve to [activity] still unchanged?
  80. Are we still holding to our intention to [activity]?
  81. Is our determination to proceed with [activity] still firm?
  82. Are we still sticking to our plan for [activity]?
  83. Is our intent to [activity] still unchanged?
  84. Are we still dedicated to [activity]?
  85. Is our intention to follow through with [activity] still strong?
  86. Are we still adhering to our plan for [activity]?
  87. Is our resolve to carry out [activity] still steadfast?
  88. Are we still committed to our decision to [activity]?
  89. Is our plan to [activity] still fixed?
  90. Are we still committed to proceeding with [activity]?
  91. Is our decision to go ahead with [activity] still unwavering?
  92. Are we still set on our plan to [activity]?
  93. Is our resolve to [activity] still solid?
  94. Are we still sticking to our intention to [activity]?
  95. Is our plan to [activity] still intact?
  96. Are we still set on our decision to [activity]?
  97. Is our resolve to [activity] still firm?
  98. Are we still holding fast to our plan for [activity]?
  99. Is our decision to [activity] still unchanged?
  100. Are we still unwavering in our commitment to [activity]?
  101. Is our intention to proceed with [activity] still resolute?
  102. Are we still determined to carry out [activity]?
  103. Is our resolve to follow through with [activity] still unchanged?
  104. Are we still adhering to our intention to [activity]?
  105. Is our commitment to [activity] still strong?
  106. Are we still dedicated to our plan for [activity]?
  107. Is our decision to [activity] still resolute?
  108. Are we still sticking to our resolve to [activity]?
  109. Is our intention to [activity] still unwavering?
  110. Are we still committed to our intention to [activity]?
  111. Is our determination to [activity] still unaltered?
  112. Are we still holding to our decision to [activity]?
  113. Is our resolve to [Activity] still intact?
  114. Are we still in agreement about [activity]?
  115. Is [activity] still the plan?
  116. Are we still aligned on [activity]?
  117. Are we still on board with [activity]?
  118. Is our [activity] still on?
  119. Is [activity] still happening?
  120. Are we still synced up for [activity]?
  121. Are we still synchronized for [activity]?
  122. Is [activity] still on the agenda?
  123. Are we still a go for [activity]?
  124. Is our plan for [activity] still a go?
  125. Are we still synced for [activity]?
  126. Is [activity] still on the docket?
  127. Are we still in sync for [activity]?
  128. Is our [activity] still a go?
  129. Are we still lined up for [activity]?
  130. Is our arrangement for [activity] still set?
  131. Is our [activity] plan still set?
  132. Are we still slated for [activity]?
  133. Is our commitment to [activity] still solid?
  134. Is our plan to [activity] still solid?
  135. Are we still firm on [activity]?
  136. Is our intention to [activity] still solid?
  137. Is our decision on [activity] still solid?
  138. Are we still definite on [activity]?
  139. Is our agreement on [activity] still solid?
  140. Is our resolution on [activity] still solid?
  141. Is our determination for [activity] still solid?
  142. Is our intention for [activity] still steadfast?
  143. Is our resolve for [activity] still steadfast?
  144. Is our decision for [activity] still steadfast?
  145. Is our commitment to [activity] still steadfast?
  146. Is our plan for [activity] still steadfast?
  147. Is our determination to [activity] still steadfast?
  148. Is our resolve to [activity] still steadfast?
  149. Is our agreement to [activity] still steadfast?
  150. Is our intention to [activity] still unwavering?
  151. Is our decision to [activity] still unwavering?
  152. Is our commitment to [activity] still unwavering?
  153. Is our plan to [activity] still unwavering?
  154. Is our determination to [activity] still unwavering?
  155. Is our resolve to [activity] still unwavering?
  156. Is our agreement to [activity] still unwavering?
  157. Is our intention to [activity] still unchanged?
  158. Is our decision to [activity] still unchanged?
  159. Is our commitment to [activity] still unchanged?
  160. Is our plan to [activity] still unchanged?
  161. Is our determination to [activity] still unchanged?
  162. Is our resolve to [activity] still unchanged?
  163. Is our agreement to [activity] still unchanged?
  164. Is our intention to [activity] still unchanged?
  165. Is our decision to [activity] still the same?
  166. Is our commitment to [activity] still the same?
  167. Is our plan to [activity] still the same?
  168. Is our determination to [activity] still the same?
  169. Is our resolve to [activity] still the same?
  170. Is our agreement to [activity] still the same?
  171. Is our intention to [activity] still the same?
  172. Is our decision to [activity] still intact?
  173. Is our commitment to [activity] still intact?
  174. Is our plan to [activity] still intact?
  175. Is our determination to [activity] still intact?
  176. Is our resolve to [activity] still intact?
  177. Is our agreement to [activity] still intact?
  178. Is our intention to [activity] still intact?
  179. Is our decision to [activity] still valid?
  180. Is our commitment to [activity] still valid?
  181. Is our plan to [activity] still valid?
  182. Is our determination to [activity] still valid?
  183. Is our resolve to [activity] still valid?
  184. Is our agreement to [activity] still valid?
  185. Is our intention to [activity] still valid?
  186. Is our decision to [activity] still on?
  187. Is our commitment to [activity] still on?
  188. Is our plan to [activity] still on?
  189. Is our determination to [activity] still on?
  190. Is our resolve to [activity] still on?
  191. Is our agreement to [activity] still on?
  192. Is our intention to [activity] still on?
  193. Is our decision to [activity] still happening?
  194. Is our commitment to [activity] still happening?
  195. Is our plan to [activity] still happening?
  196. Is our determination to [activity] still happening?
  197. Is our resolve to [activity] still happening?
  198. Is our agreement to [activity] still happening?
  199. Is our intention to [activity] still happening?
  200. Is our decision to [activity] still going ahead?

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