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other ways to say angry

Sure, here are 200 different ways to say “angry”:

  1. Furious
  2. Enraged
  3. Irate
  4. Livid
  5. Incensed
  6. Mad
  7. Fuming
  8. Wrathful
  9. Infuriated
  10. Outraged
  11. Seething
  12. Boiling
  13. Upset
  14. Agitated
  15. Annoyed
  16. Exasperated
  17. Peeved
  18. Irritated
  19. Riled up
  20. Ticked off
  21. Heated
  22. Worked up
  23. Cross
  24. Snappy
  25. Testy
  26. Irked
  27. Displeased
  28. Pissed
  29. Pissed off
  30. Choleric
  31. Miffed
  32. Vexed
  33. Steamed
  34. Mad as a hornet
  35. Beside oneself
  36. Apoplectic
  37. In a huff
  38. Hot under the collar
  39. Fed up
  40. Perturbed
  41. Raging
  42. Rabid
  43. Seeing red
  44. In a rage
  45. On the warpath
  46. Up in arms
  47. In high dudgeon
  48. Fit to be tied
  49. Foaming at the mouth
  50. Foul-tempered
  51. In a snit
  52. In a stew
  53. In a lather
  54. In a fit
  55. Grumpy
  56. Grouchy
  57. Cranky
  58. Touchy
  59. Peevish
  60. Churlish
  61. Sulky
  62. Sullen
  63. Spiteful
  64. Vindictive
  65. Ballistic
  66. Unhinged
  67. Explosive
  68. Out of control
  69. Berserk
  70. Maniacal
  71. Insane
  72. Deranged
  73. Disturbed
  74. Fretful
  75. Frustrated
  76. Irrascible
  77. Implacable
  78. Wrathy
  79. Vindictive
  80. Berserk
  81. In a frenzy
  82. Foaming at the mouth
  83. Fuming mad
  84. Boiling mad
  85. Absolutely livid
  86. Raging mad
  87. Angered
  88. Bitter
  89. Belligerent
  90. Bellicose
  91. Provoked
  92. Aggravated
  93. Antagonized
  94. Outraged
  95. Contemptuous
  96. Discontented
  97. Hostile
  98. Malcontent
  99. Miffed
  100. Provoked
  101. Resentful
  102. Wrathful
  103. Irate
  104. Fiery
  105. Volcanic
  106. Thunderous
  107. Explosive
  108. Heated
  109. Inflamed
  110. Rabid
  111. Infuriated
  112. Beside oneself with anger
  113. Raging
  114. Choleric
  115. Wrathful
  116. Boiling over
  117. Apoplectic
  118. Foaming at the mouth
  119. In a fit of rage
  120. On the rampage
  121. In a temper
  122. Foul-tempered
  123. Short-tempered
  124. Hot-tempered
  125. Quick-tempered
  126. Fiery-tempered
  127. Short-fused
  128. Easily angered
  129. Easily provoked
  130. In a storm of rage
  131. Trembling with rage
  132. Blazing mad
  133. Spitting mad
  134. Frothing at the mouth
  135. Seeing stars
  136. Blind with rage
  137. Consumed with anger
  138. Enflamed with anger
  139. Gripped by anger
  140. In the grip of anger
  141. White-hot with rage
  142. Simmering with anger
  143. Overcome with anger
  144. Raging with anger
  145. In the throes of anger
  146. Overwhelmed with anger
  147. Surging with anger
  148. Violent with anger
  149. Searing with anger
  150. Exploding with anger
  151. Boiling with rage
  152. Seething with anger
  153. Fuming with anger
  154. Bubbling with anger
  155. Simmering with rage
  156. Churning with anger
  157. Roiling with anger
  158. Raging with fury
  159. Fuming with fury
  160. Bursting with anger
  161. Crackling with anger
  162. Brimming with anger
  163. Fizzing with anger
  164. Quivering with rage
  165. Quaking with anger
  166. Quivering with fury
  167. Quaking with rage
  168. Seething with fury
  169. Trembling with fury
  170. Seething with rage
  171. Foaming with anger
  172. Boiling with fury
  173. Fuming with rage
  174. Bubbling with rage
  175. Exploding with rage
  176. Bursting with rage
  177. Blazing with rage
  178. Roiling with rage
  179. Surging with rage
  180. Quivering with rage
  181. Crackling with rage
  182. Fizzing with rage
  183. Quaking with rage
  184. Brimming with rage
  185. Quaking with fury
  186. Trembling with fury
  187. Bursting with fury
  188. Roiling with fury
  189. Exploding with fury
  190. Blazing with fury
  191. Surging with fury
  192. Overcome with rage
  193. Surging with rage
  194. Raging with wrath
  195. Consumed with rage
  196. Enflamed with rage
  197. Seething with wrath
  198. Exploding with wrath
  199. Overcome with wrath
  200. Raging with wrath

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