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other ways to say butter someone up

Sure, here are 200 other ways to say “butter someone up”:

  1. Grease the wheels
  2. Sweet-talk
  3. Flatter
  4. Stroke their ego
  5. Shower with compliments
  6. Praise profusely
  7. Lay it on thick
  8. Schmooze
  9. Brown-nose
  10. Fawn over
  11. Flatter shamelessly
  12. Gush over
  13. Suck up to
  14. Soft-soap
  15. Charm
  16. Cajole
  17. Sway with flattery
  18. Make nice
  19. Sweeten up
  20. Court favor
  21. Coax
  22. Woo
  23. Fawn upon
  24. Grovel
  25. Lay it on with a trowel
  26. Slather with compliments
  27. Adulate
  28. Sycophant
  29. Ingratiate
  30. Flannel
  31. Build up
  32. Use honeyed words
  33. Stroking their feathers
  34. Overpraise
  35. Blandish
  36. Lay on the charm
  37. Snow
  38. Fawn
  39. Pander
  40. Lick someone’s boots
  41. Smooth-talk
  42. Eulogize
  43. Glorify
  44. Fulsome praise
  45. Gild the Lily
  46. Soften up
  47. Win over
  48. Press the flesh
  49. Make a fuss of
  50. Soften the blow
  51. Smear with praise
  52. Sugarcoat
  53. Melt their heart
  54. Honey up
  55. Sing their praises
  56. Overstate their virtues
  57. Make much of
  58. Get on their good side
  59. Be all over someone
  60. Gush
  61. Compliment excessively
  62. Purr over
  63. Turn on the charm
  64. Smooth over
  65. Persuade with compliments
  66. Fawn over
  67. Inveigle
  68. Toot their horn
  69. Stroke their hair
  70. Pet their ego
  71. Stroke their back
  72. Use honeyed phrases
  73. Heap on praise
  74. Bask in their glory
  75. Shower them with adoration
  76. Overdo the compliments
  77. Lard them with flattery
  78. Talk them up
  79. Pour on the praise
  80. Suck up
  81. Butter them up like a biscuit
  82. Charm offensive
  83. Overhype
  84. Pour it on thick
  85. Smother with praise
  86. Gild the Lily
  87. Overemphasize their qualities
  88. Be lavish with praise
  89. Make someone’s day
  90. Inflate their ego
  91. Work the charm
  92. Be syrupy sweet
  93. Lay it on with a shovel
  94. Slather with flattery
  95. Sugar them up
  96. Be overly complimentary
  97. Dote upon
  98. Make them feel special
  99. Drown them in compliments
  100. Wrap them in flattery
  101. Dance attendance on
  102. Make much of
  103. Overpraise
  104. Soft-soap
  105. Sweeten the pot
  106. Put on the charm
  107. Make someone’s head swell
  108. Talk up
  109. Soften them up
  110. Puff up their ego
  111. Be a smooth talker
  112. Wax lyrical
  113. Smother with kindness
  114. Be sycophantic
  115. Turn up the charm
  116. Play up to
  117. Make their day
  118. Build them up
  119. Use honeyed phrases
  120. Flatter to deceive
  121. Use flattery as a weapon
  122. Be cloyingly sweet
  123. Be overly fawning
  124. Bathe them in flattery
  125. Be obsequious
  126. Be ingratiating
  127. Be slyly flattering
  128. Be subtly ingratiating
  129. Puff up their ego
  130. Be a sycophant
  131. Be a flatterer
  132. Lay it on with a trowel
  133. Be an apple-polisher
  134. Be a toady
  135. Be a bootlicker
  136. Be a yes-man
  137. Be a brown-noser
  138. Be a flunkey
  139. Be a flatterer
  140. Be a groveler
  141. Be a truckler
  142. Be a kowtower
  143. Be a minion
  144. Be a lickspittle
  145. Be a sniveler
  146. Be a stooge
  147. Be a suck-up
  148. Be a time-server
  149. Be a hanger-on
  150. Be a parasite
  151. Be a sponger
  152. Be a leech
  153. Be a moocher
  154. Be a sponge
  155. Be a freeloader
  156. Be a bottom-feeder
  157. Be a user
  158. Be a climber
  159. Be a social climber
  160. Be a ladder-climber
  161. Be a bootlicker
  162. Be a brownnoser
  163. Be a suck-up
  164. Be a kiss-up
  165. Be a fawner
  166. Be a groveler
  167. Be a flunky
  168. Be a yes-man
  169. Be a doormat
  170. Be a pushover
  171. Be a soft touch
  172. Be a mark
  173. Be a patsy
  174. Be a sap
  175. Be a chump
  176. Be a mug
  177. Be a stooge
  178. Be a tool
  179. Be a lackey
  180. Be a minion
  181. Be a puppet
  182. Be a marionette
  183. Be a pawn
  184. Be a dupe
  185. Be a fall guy
  186. Be a scapegoat
  187. Be a whipping boy
  188. Be a yes-person
  189. Be a conformist
  190. Be a follower
  191. Be a yes-woman
  192. Be a flunkey
  193. Be a sycophant
  194. Be a toady
  195. Be a brownnose
  196. Be a teacher’s pet
  197. Be a suck-up
  198. Be a kiss-up
  199. Be a fawner
  200. Be a groveler

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