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other ways to say i was wondering

Sure! Here are various alternatives to “I was wondering”:

  1. May I ask?
  2. Could you tell me?
  3. Is it possible to know?
  4. Do you mind if I inquire?
  5. Can I inquire about?
  6. Would you mind if I asked?
  7. Is there any chance I could find out?
  8. Might I inquire?
  9. Could you enlighten me on?
  10. Do you have any information on?
  11. Would it be possible to know?
  12. Is there any chance you could clarify?
  13. Could you shed some light on?
  14. Do you have any insights into?
  15. Would you happen to know?
  16. Is it possible for you to tell me?
  17. Can you provide me with some details on?
  18. Might you have any information on?
  19. Is it within your knowledge?
  20. Can you give me some guidance on?
  21. Would you be able to provide some information on?
  22. Might you be able to assist me with?
  23. Could you give me some clarity on?
  24. Do you have any thoughts on?
  25. Would you be so kind as to inform me about?
  26. Might I trouble you for some information on?
  27. Could I trouble you to explain?
  28. Would you be able to help me understand?
  29. Is it possible for you to shed some light on?
  30. Could you possibly give me some insight into?
  31. Would you be willing to share your thoughts on?
  32. Can you provide any information on?
  33. Might you know anything about?
  34. Could you possibly give me some context on?
  35. Would you happen to have any knowledge of?
  36. Do you have any information regarding?
  37. Would it be possible for you to elaborate on?
  38. Could you possibly provide some details on?
  39. Would you mind giving me some background on?
  40. Can you offer any insight into?
  41. Might you be able to offer any information on?
  42. Would you mind explaining?
  43. Could you possibly provide some clarification on?
  44. Might you have any knowledge of?
  45. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on?
  46. Can you give me some background on?
  47. Might you be able to offer some guidance on?
  48. Could you possibly give me some further information on?
  49. Would you be able to give me some context on?
  50. Might I trouble you to explain?
  51. Could you possibly give me some background on?
  52. Would you happen to have any information on?
  53. Might you be able to provide some insight into?
  54. Could you offer any insight into?
  55. Would it be possible for you to offer any information on?
  56. Might you have any thoughts on?
  57. Could you possibly provide some guidance on?
  58. Would you be able to shed some light on?
  59. Can you offer any clarification on?
  60. Might you have any insight into?
  61. Could you possibly provide any context on?
  62. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  63. Can you provide any clarification on?
  64. Might you know anything about?
  65. Could you possibly provide any background on?
  66. Would it be possible for you to give me some insight into?
  67. Might you have any information regarding?
  68. Could you possibly enlighten me on?
  69. Would you mind giving me some context about?
  70. Can you offer any clarification about?
  71. Might you have any thoughts regarding?
  72. Could you possibly offer any guidance on?
  73. Would it be possible for you to explain?
  74. Might you know anything about?
  75. Could you possibly enlighten me about?
  76. Would you mind giving me some clarification on?
  77. Can you provide any background about?
  78. Might you be able to offer any insights into?
  79. Could you possibly shed some light on?
  80. Would you be able to offer any clarification on?
  81. Can you provide any insights into?
  82. Might you know anything about?
  83. Could you possibly provide any information about?
  84. Would it be possible for you to give me some clarification about?
  85. Might you have any insights into?
  86. Could you possibly give me some guidance about?
  87. Would you mind sharing any information about?
  88. Can you offer any details about?
  89. Might you have any knowledge about?
  90. Could you possibly provide any insights about?
  91. Would it be possible for you to give me some details about?
  92. Might you have any thoughts about?
  93. Could you possibly enlighten me with some information about?
  94. Would you be able to provide some background about?
  95. Can you offer any clarification about?
  96. Might you know anything about?
  97. Could you possibly provide some context about?
  98. Would it be possible for you to give me some insights about?
  99. Might you have any knowledge about?
  100. Could you possibly enlighten me with some insights about?
  101. Would you mind giving me some details about?
  102. Can you offer any information about?
  103. Might you know anything about?
  104. Could you possibly provide some guidance about?
  105. Would it be possible for you to explain?
  106. Might you have any insights about?
  107. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  108. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  109. Can you provide any clarification about?
  110. Might you have any knowledge about?
  111. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  112. Would it be possible for you to give me some context about?
  113. Might you know anything about?
  114. Could you possibly provide some information about?
  115. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  116. Can you offer any guidance about?
  117. Might you have any thoughts about?
  118. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  119. Would you be able to provide some insight about?
  120. Can you offer any clarification about?
  121. Might you know anything about?
  122. Could you possibly provide some details about?
  123. Would you mind giving me some insights about?
  124. Can you offer any information about?
  125. Might you have any knowledge about?
  126. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  127. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  128. Can you provide any clarification about?
  129. Might you have any thoughts about?
  130. Could you possibly provide some information about?
  131. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  132. Can you offer any insights about?
  133. Might you know anything about?
  134. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  135. Would you be able to provide some guidance about?
  136. Can you offer any clarification about?
  137. Might you have any knowledge about?
  138. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  139. Would you mind giving me some details about?
  140. Can you offer any information about?
  141. Might you have any thoughts about?
  142. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  143. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  144. Can you provide any clarification about?
  145. Might you have any knowledge about?
  146. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  147. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  148. Can you offer any insights about?
  149. Might you know anything about?
  150. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  151. Would you be able to provide some guidance about?
  152. Can you offer any clarification about?
  153. Might you have any knowledge about?
  154. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  155. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  156. Can you offer any insights about?
  157. Might you know anything about?
  158. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  159. Would you be able to provide some guidance about?
  160. Can you offer any clarification about?
  161. Might you have any knowledge about?
  162. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  163. Would you mind giving me some details about?
  164. Can you offer any information about?
  165. Might you have any thoughts about?
  166. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  167. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  168. Can you provide any clarification about?
  169. Might you have any knowledge about?
  170. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  171. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  172. Can you offer any insights about?
  173. Might you know anything about?
  174. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  175. Would you be able to provide some guidance about?
  176. Can you offer any clarification about?
  177. Might you have any knowledge about?
  178. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  179. Would you mind giving me some details about?
  180. Can you offer any information about?
  181. Might you have any thoughts about?
  182. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  183. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  184. Can you provide any clarification about?
  185. Might you have any knowledge about?
  186. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  187. Would you mind giving me some background about?
  188. Can you offer any insights about?
  189. Might you know anything about?
  190. Could you possibly enlighten me with some context about?
  191. Would you be able to provide some guidance about?
  192. Can you offer any clarification about?
  193. Might you have any knowledge about?
  194. Could you possibly provide some insights about?
  195. Would you mind giving me some details about?
  196. Can you offer any information about?
  197. Might you have any thoughts about?
  198. Could you possibly enlighten me with some guidance about?
  199. Would you mind sharing your thoughts about?
  200. Can you provide any clarification about?

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