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other ways to say its okay

Here’s a list of alternative ways to say “It’s okay” in roughly 200 lines:

  1. No worries
  2. Don’t sweat it
  3. It’s all good
  4. No problem
  5. That’s alright
  6. No big deal
  7. It’s fine
  8. Don’t worry about it
  9. Not to worry
  10. It’s cool
  11. Hakuna matata
  12. No stress
  13. Forget about it
  14. Don’t mention it
  15. It’s nothing
  16. Nevermind
  17. No sweat
  18. Don’t fret
  19. It happens
  20. C’est la vie
  21. Such is life
  22. That’s life
  23. Easy come, easy go
  24. Water under the bridge
  25. Let it go
  26. No harm done
  27. It’s not the end of the world
  28. Que será, será
  29. It is what it is
  30. These things happen
  31. It’ll be alright
  32. No biggie
  33. Don’t give it another thought
  34. Shake it off
  35. It’s no bother
  36. Think nothing of it
  37. Not a problem
  38. It’s all right
  39. No worries mate (Australian)
  40. No drama
  41. Relax
  42. Take it easy
  43. Chill out
  44. It’s all good in the hood
  45. No need to apologize
  46. Don’t beat yourself up
  47. It’s water off a duck’s back
  48. Fuhgeddaboudit (New York slang)
  49. No skin off my nose
  50. It’s neither here nor there
  51. Hakuna matata (Swahili)
  52. Pas de problème (French)
  53. Kein Problem (German)
  54. No pasa nada (Spanish)
  55. Nessun problema (Italian)
  56. Bez problemu (Polish)
  57. Sem problemas (Portuguese)
  58. Ingen problem (Swedish)
  59. Ei hätää (Finnish)
  60. Inget problem (Norwegian)
  61. Geen probleem (Dutch)
  62. Det går nok (Danish)
  63. Tidak apa-apa (Indonesian)
  64. Mai pen rai (Thai)
  65. Walang problema (Filipino)
  66. Daijoubu (Japanese)
  67. Meiyou wenti (Mandarin Chinese)
  68. Koi baat nahi (Hindi)
  69. Koi masla nahi (Urdu)
  70. La ba’as (Arabic)
  71. Ein be’ayah (Hebrew)
  72. Ne volnuysya (Russian)
  73. Hiç önemli değil (Turkish)
  74. It’ll blow over
  75. Time heals all wounds
  76. This too shall pass
  77. Keep your chin up
  78. It’s just a bump in the road
  79. Every cloud has a silver lining
  80. Tomorrow is another day
  81. It’s not worth worrying about
  82. Don’t let it get you down
  83. It’s all part of life’s journey
  84. You live and learn
  85. It’s all part of growing up
  86. It’s not worth losing sleep over
  87. Keep calm and carry on
  88. Roll with the punches
  89. Take it in stride
  90. It’s all part of the process
  91. You win some, you lose some
  92. It’s just a minor setback
  93. Look on the bright side
  94. Count your blessings
  95. It could be worse
  96. It’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things
  97. Don’t cry over spilled milk
  98. It’s just a hiccup
  99. Brush it off
  100. Pick yourself up and move on
  101. It’s just a blip on the radar
  102. Keep your head up
  103. Stay positive
  104. It’s all uphill from here
  105. This too will pass
  106. You’ll bounce back
  107. It’s not the end of the road
  108. Keep pushing forward
  109. Don’t let it ruffle your feathers
  110. It’s just a small hurdle
  111. Take it one day at a time
  112. It’s a learning experience
  113. You’ve got this
  114. It’s just a temporary setback
  115. Keep your spirits up
  116. It’s not worth dwelling on
  117. Look ahead, not behind
  118. Onward and upward
  119. It’s just a speed bump
  120. Keep moving forward
  121. It’s all water under the bridge now
  122. Don’t let it get to you
  123. It’s just a minor inconvenience
  124. Keep your cool
  125. It’s not worth stressing over
  126. Stay strong
  127. It’s just a passing phase
  128. Keep your chin up
  129. It’s not the be-all and end-all
  130. Chin up, buttercup
  131. It’s just a small bump in the road
  132. Keep calm and soldier on
  133. It’s not worth losing your cool over
  134. Stay the course
  135. It’s just a temporary glitch
  136. Keep your head in the game
  137. It’s not worth getting worked up about
  138. Steady as she goes
  139. It’s just a minor setback
  140. Keep pushing through
  141. It’s not worth breaking a sweat over
  142. Stay focused on the big picture
  143. It’s just a small obstacle
  144. Keep your eye on the prize
  145. It’s not worth losing your composure over
  146. Stay grounded
  147. It’s just a fleeting moment
  148. Keep your wits about you
  149. It’s not worth getting bent out of shape over
  150. Stay the path
  151. It’s just a momentary lapse
  152. Keep your head above water
  153. It’s not worth getting your knickers in a twist
  154. Stay cool, calm, and collected
  155. It’s just a passing cloud
  156. Keep your balance
  157. It’s not worth losing sleep over
  158. Stay centered
  159. It’s just a minor hiccup
  160. Keep your equilibrium
  161. It’s not worth getting your feathers ruffled
  162. Stay level-headed
  163. It’s just a small wrinkle
  164. Keep your composure
  165. It’s not worth getting your panties in a bunch
  166. Stay on an even keel
  167. It’s just a brief interruption
  168. Keep your perspective
  169. It’s not worth getting hot under the collar
  170. Stay balanced
  171. It’s just a minor disturbance
  172. Keep your cool head
  173. It’s not worth flying off the handle
  174. Stay grounded in reality
  175. It’s just a slight detour
  176. Keep your bearings
  177. It’s not worth losing your marbles over
  178. Stay anchored
  179. It’s just a small ripple
  180. Keep your head screwed on straight
  181. It’s not worth getting your dander up
  182. Stay on track
  183. It’s just a passing storm
  184. Keep your feet on the ground
  185. It’s not worth blowing a gasket over
  186. Stay focused on what matters
  187. It’s just a temporary rough patch
  188. Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground
  189. It’s not worth getting your knickers in a knot
  190. Stay true to yourself
  191. It’s just a minor turbulence
  192. Keep your head on straight
  193. It’s not worth having a conniption over
  194. Stay the course, come what may
  195. It’s just a small wave in the ocean of life
  196. Keep your cool as a cucumber
  197. It’s not worth getting your hackles up
  198. Stay steady as a rock
  199. It’s just a brief interlude
  200. Keep calm and remember it’s okay

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