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other ways to say please be reminded

Creating 80 unique variations of “please be reminded” might be a bit much, but I can certainly offer you a diverse range of alternatives. Here are 30 different ways to say “please be reminded”:

  1. Kindly recall that…
  2. Allow me to bring to your attention…
  3. I would like to emphasize…
  4. Just a gentle nudge about…
  5. It’s worth noting that…
  6. May I remind you that…
  7. I want to remind you…
  8. A quick reminder that…
  9. I’d like to highlight…
  10. It’s important to remember that…
  11. Just to jog your memory…
  12. I need to stress…
  13. Let me remind you…
  14. It’s pertinent to keep in mind…
  15. I wish to draw your attention to…
  16. Please don’t forget that…
  17. I’d like to point out…
  18. Allow me to remind you…
  19. I want to underscore…
  20. I’d like to reiterate…
  21. Just a gentle reminder…
  22. Kindly remember that…
  23. I’d like to bring back to mind…
  24. Please recall that…
  25. I need to bring this to your attention…
  26. Permit me to remind you…
  27. It’s crucial to bear in mind that…
  28. It’s imperative to remember…
  29. I’d like to stress the importance of…
  30. Just to reiterate…
  31. Please keep in mind that…
  32. I want to reemphasize…
  33. Allow me to refresh your memory…
  34. I’d like to draw your attention back to…
  35. It’s essential to remember…
  36. Let’s not forget…
  37. A gentle prompt regarding…
  38. It’s crucial to bear in mind…
  39. I’d like to call your attention to…
  40. I need to bring this to your mind again…
  41. Kindly be reminded that…
  42. It’s worth noting once more…
  43. Please be mindful of…
  44. I’d like to remind you once more…
  45. Just a friendly reminder that…
  46. I want to stress again…
  47. I’d like to echo the importance of…
  48. It’s important to bear in mind…
  49. I want to reiterate the importance of…
  50. Just to restate…
  51. I’d like to bring back to your awareness…
  52. It’s pertinent to recall…
  53. I want to emphasize anew…
  54. Allow me to underscore once more…
  55. It’s crucial to keep in mind…
  56. I’d like to remind you once again…
  57. Just a quick heads-up about…
  58. Let me emphasize again…
  59. It’s important to note once more…
  60. I’d like to remind you afresh…
  61. Permit me to bring this to your attention again…
  62. I’d like to reiterate the need for…
  63. It’s imperative to keep in mind once more…
  64. Please bear in mind that…
  65. Let’s not overlook…
  66. I want to stress anew…
  67. I’d like to remind you for the umpteenth time…
  68. Just a gentle reminder to remember…
  69. Kindly recall once again…
  70. I want to stress the significance of…
  71. Please don’t lose sight of…
  72. It’s important to remember yet again…
  73. Permit me to remind you once more…
  74. Let’s revisit the importance of…
  75. I’d like to reemphasize the importance of…
  76. Kindly be reminded once more…
  77. Just to reiterate for clarity…
  78. I want to bring this back to your attention…
  79. I’d like to stress once more…
  80. Please don’t overlook the fact that…
  81. Allow me to remind you once again…
  82. Let’s not forget once more…
  83. I’d like to draw your attention once more to…
  84. It’s essential to keep in mind yet again…
  85. Permit me to emphasize once more…
  86. Kindly remember once more that…
  87. I want to highlight once again…
  88. Just a quick reminder to remember…
  89. I’d like to restate for emphasis…
  90. Please don’t disregard the fact that…

Feel free to mix and match these phrases or let me know if you’d like more!

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