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other ways to say you as well

Certainly! Here are 50 alternative ways to say “you as well”:

  1. Likewise
  2. Same to you
  3. You too
  4. And to you
  5. Back at you
  6. Ditto
  7. Right back atcha
  8. And you
  9. Also to you
  10. Similarly
  11. Right back to you
  12. In return
  13. And the same to you
  14. In like manner
  15. Mutual sentiments
  16. Equal wishes
  17. Correspondingly
  18. Reciprocally
  19. Return the sentiment
  20. Shared sentiment
  21. Also for you
  22. And for you as well
  23. In the same vein
  24. With the same sentiment
  25. With equal regard
  26. Back in your direction
  27. Responding in kind
  28. Returning the sentiment
  29. In agreement
  30. Following suit
  31. Mirroring your sentiment
  32. Reflecting your sentiment
  33. Corresponding sentiment
  34. Parallel sentiment
  35. Symmetrical sentiment
  36. Mutually expressed
  37. Identically
  38. In harmony
  39. In accord
  40. Symmetrically
  41. In concurrence
  42. Agreed
  43. In unison
  44. Unitedly
  45. Harmoniously
  46. In synchrony
  47. Consistently
  48. In agreement with you
  49. Harmonizing with your sentiment
  50. Echoing your sentiment
  51. Responding similarly
  52. Consistently with your sentiment
  53. In harmony with your sentiment
  54. In agreement with your sentiment
  55. Reflecting your sentiment
  56. Paralleling your sentiment
  57. Corresponding with your sentiment
  58. In unison with your sentiment
  59. In accord with your sentiment
  60. In sync with your sentiment
  61. Agreeably
  62. Corresponding to your sentiment
  63. Aligning with your sentiment
  64. Echoing your thoughts
  65. Reciprocating your sentiment
  66. Concurring with your sentiment
  67. Sympathizing with your sentiment
  68. In resonance with your sentiment
  69. Harmonizing with your thoughts
  70. Aligned with your thoughts
  71. Parallel with your thoughts
  72. Reflective of your thoughts
  73. In agreement with your thoughts
  74. Corresponding to your thoughts
  75. Echoing your feelings
  76. In alignment with your feelings
  77. Reciprocating your feelings
  78. Sympathizing with your feelings
  79. In resonance with your feelings
  80. Harmonizing with your feelings
  81. Aligned with your feelings
  82. Reflective of your feelings
  83. Corresponding to your feelings
  84. Consistent with your feelings
  85. Responding in kind to your feelings
  86. Agreeing with your feelings
  87. In harmony with your feelings
  88. Mirroring your feelings
  89. Paralleling your feelings
  90. Consistent with your emotions
  91. Reflecting your emotions
  92. Paralleling your emotions
  93. Corresponding to your emotions
  94. Sympathizing with your emotions
  95. Echoing your emotions
  96. In alignment with your emotions
  97. Harmonizing with your emotions
  98. In resonance with your emotions
  99. Mirroring your emotions
  100. Consistent with your sentiments
  101. Reflecting your sentiments
  102. Paralleling your sentiments
  103. Corresponding to your sentiments
  104. Sympathizing with your sentiments
  105. Echoing your sentiments
  106. In alignment with your sentiments
  107. Harmonizing with your sentiments
  108. In resonance with your sentiments
  109. Reciprocating your sentiments
  110. Mirroring your sentiments
  111. Consistent with your response
  112. Reflecting your response
  113. Paralleling your response
  114. Corresponding to your response
  115. Sympathizing with your response
  116. Echoing your response
  117. In alignment with your response
  118. Harmonizing with your response
  119. In resonance with your response
  120. Mirroring your response
  121. Consistent with your reaction
  122. Reflecting your reaction
  123. Paralleling your reaction
  124. Corresponding to your reaction
  125. Sympathizing with your reaction
  126. Echoing your reaction
  127. In alignment with your reaction
  128. Harmonizing with your reaction
  129. In resonance with your reaction
  130. Mirroring your reaction
  131. Consistent with your feedback
  132. Reflecting your feedback
  133. Paralleling your feedback
  134. Corresponding to your feedback
  135. Sympathizing with your feedback
  136. Echoing your feedback
  137. In alignment with your feedback
  138. Harmonizing with your feedback
  139. In resonance with your feedback
  140. Mirroring your feedback
  141. Consistent with your input
  142. Reflecting your input
  143. Paralleling your input
  144. Corresponding to your input
  145. Sympathizing with your input
  146. Echoing your input
  147. In alignment with your input
  148. Harmonizing with your input
  149. In resonance with your input
  150. Mirroring your input
  151. Consistent with your opinion
  152. Reflecting your opinion
  153. Paralleling your opinion
  154. Corresponding to your opinion
  155. Sympathizing with your opinion
  156. Echoing your opinion
  157. In alignment with your opinion
  158. Harmonizing with your opinion
  159. In resonance with your opinion
  160. Mirroring your opinion
  161. Consistent with your perspective
  162. Reflecting your perspective
  163. Paralleling your perspective
  164. Corresponding to your perspective
  165. Sympathizing with your perspective
  166. Echoing your perspective
  167. In alignment with your perspective
  168. Harmonizing with your perspective
  169. In resonance with your perspective
  170. Mirroring your perspective
  171. Consistent with your view
  172. Reflecting your view
  173. Paralleling your view
  174. Corresponding to your view
  175. Sympathizing with your view
  176. Echoing your view
  177. In alignment with your view
  178. Harmonizing with your view
  179. In resonance with your view
  180. Mirroring your view
  181. Consistent with your stance
  182. Reflecting your stance
  183. Paralleling your stance
  184. Corresponding to your stance
  185. Sympathizing with your stance
  186. Echoing your stance
  187. In alignment with your stance
  188. Harmonizing with your stance
  189. In resonance with your stance
  190. Mirroring your stance
  191. Consistent with your belief
  192. Reflecting your belief
  193. Certainly! Here are additional alternatives to “you as well”:
  194. In like fashion
  195. In response
  196. With reciprocal regards
  197. Offering the same sentiment
  198. Sharing the sentiment
  199. In mutual exchange
  200. Replying in kind
  201. Extending the sentiment back
  202. Offering equal wishes
  203. Returning the sentiment in kind
  204. Responding with equal kindness
  205. Returning the favor
  206. Reciprocating the sentiment
  207. Replying with equal warmth
  208. Offering the same goodwill
  209. With equal affection
  210. Expressing mutual sentiment
  211. Offering symmetrical sentiments
  212. Responding with equal enthusiasm
  213. Reflecting your sentiment back
  214. Responding with similar sentiment
  215. Offering parallel sentiments
  216. Responding with equal appreciation
  217. Offering symmetrical regards
  218. Mirroring your sentiment back
  219. Responding with equal gratitude
  220. In reciprocity
  221. Echoing your sentiment back
  222. Responding with similar regards
  223. Offering equivalent sentiments
  224. With matched sentiment
  225. In mirroring fashion
  226. Returning your sentiment with gratitude
  227. Responding with reciprocal warmth
  228. With matching sentiment
  229. Responding with reciprocal sentiment
  230. With equal sentiment in return
  231. Responding with the same warmth
  232. Echoing your sentiment with gratitude
  233. Responding with equal respect
  234. Offering equivalent warmth
  235. With matching regards
  236. In mirrored response
  237. Responding with the same goodwill
  238. With reciprocal goodwill
  239. Echoing your sentiment with equal warmth
  240. Offering parallel regards
  241. In echoed sentiment
  242. Reflecting your sentiment in kind
  243. Responding with mirrored sentiment
  244. With echoed sentiment
  245. Responding with the same sentiment in kind
  246. In mirrored warmth
  247. Offering reciprocal regards
  248. With matched warmth
  249. In returned sentiment
  250. Responding with the same sentiment
  251. In reciprocated sentiment
  252. I hope you find these alternatives helpful! If you need more, just let me know!

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