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Should You Return Your Gifts After Break Up[14 points you know]

When relationships end, what to do with gifts from your ex can become a tricky dilemma. Whether it’s a token of affection or a reminder of past love, handling these items requires tact and consideration.

In this guide, we’ll explore seven ways to approach break-up etiquette with gifts, weighing the benefits of keeping or getting rid of them.

Benefits of Getting Rid of Ex’s Things

Letting go of gifts from your ex can provide emotional closure and help you move forward. Here are some benefits:

  1. Emotional Healing: Removing reminders of the past can aid in the healing process and promote emotional well-being.
  2. Decluttering Space: Getting rid of items associated with your ex can declutter your living space and create a fresh start.

Benefits of Keeping Gifts from Ex

On the flip side, there are also reasons why you might choose to hold onto gifts from your ex:

  1. Sentimental Value: Some gifts may hold sentimental value, reminding you of positive memories or aspects of the relationship.
  2. Practical Use: Certain items, like clothing or electronics, may still be useful to you regardless of their origin.

What to Do with Gifts from Ex

When deciding what to do with gifts from your ex, consider these seven options:

  1. Donate the Gifts: If the gifts are in good condition, consider donating them to charity. This not only benefits others but also helps you let go of the past by giving the items a new purpose.
  2. Sell the Gifts: Turn your ex’s gifts into cash by selling them online or at a consignment store. Use the money for something that brings you joy or invest it in yourself.
  3. Keep the Gifts: If certain items hold sentimental value or are still useful to you, there’s no harm in keeping them. Just be sure they don’t hinder your emotional healing process.
  4. Regift the Gifts: If you receive a gift that you don’t want to keep but think someone else would appreciate, consider regifting it. Just make sure the new recipient doesn’t have any connection to your ex.
  5. Throw the Gifts Away: For items that hold no sentimental or practical value and only serve as painful reminders, it’s okay to dispose of them. This can be a cathartic way to let go of the past.
  6. Burn the Gifts: In some cases, particularly if the gifts evoke strong negative emotions, you may find closure in ceremoniously burning them. This symbolic act can signify a release of attachment to the past.
  7. Give the Gifts Back: If you feel comfortable doing so, returning gifts to your ex can provide a sense of closure for both parties. However, only do this if it won’t reopen old wounds or lead to further conflict.
  8. Transform the Energy: Repurpose gifts into new items or memories.
  9. Closure Through Therapy: Seek professional guidance for closure.
  10. Family and Friend Support: Lean on loved ones for emotional support.
  11. Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries with your ex regarding gifts.
  12. Reflect on Growth: Use the experience as an opportunity for personal growth.
  13. Reclaiming Independence: Embrace your independence by making decisions for yourself.
  14. Artistic Expression: Use creative outlets like art or writing to process emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it okay to keep gifts from an ex?
    It depends on your emotional attachment to the items and how they impact your well-being. If they bring you joy or serve a practical purpose, there’s no harm in keeping them.
  2. What should I do if my ex asks for their gifts back?
    Consider whether returning the gifts will help you both move on amicably. If it feels like a gesture of closure, it may be worth doing so. However, prioritize your own emotional needs.


Navigating break-up etiquette with gifts requires careful consideration of your emotional well-being and the significance of the items involved. Whether you choose to keep, donate, or dispose of them, prioritize your own healing and closure.

By approaching this process with mindfulness and self-care, you can emerge from the experience stronger and more resilient.

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