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signs his ex is jealous of you

Signs that his ex is jealous of you can manifest in various subtle and overt ways. Here are some possible indicators:

  1. Frequent Contact: She contacts him more often than necessary, especially about trivial matters.
  2. Negative Comments: She makes negative comments about you to him or others.
  3. Comparisons: She frequently compares herself to you or compares their past relationship with your current one.
  4. Social Media Stalking: She likes or comments on his social media posts, especially those that involve you.
  5. Interference: She tries to interfere in your relationship by creating drama or misunderstandings.
  6. Over-friendliness: She tries to be overly friendly with you in a way that feels insincere or forced.
  7. Reminiscing: She frequently brings up old memories and shared experiences with him in your presence.
  8. Attention-seeking: She engages in attention-seeking behavior, such as posting suggestive photos or status updates meant to provoke a reaction.
  9. Unsolicited Advice: She gives him unsolicited advice about his life or your relationship, often in a critical or undermining way.
  10. Inappropriate Gifts: She gives him gifts that are personal or reminiscent of their past together.
  11. Possessiveness: She shows signs of possessiveness over him, such as getting upset if he mentions you.
  12. Rumor Spreading: She spreads rumors or gossip about you to mutual friends or on social media.
  13. Showing Up Unexpectedly: She shows up at places where she knows you and your partner will be.
  14. Frequent Texts: She texts him often, especially late at night or about non-urgent matters.
  15. Emotional Manipulation: She tries to manipulate his emotions by playing the victim or using guilt.
  16. Bringing Up Old Flaws: She brings up his past mistakes or flaws to make you question your relationship.
  17. Third-Party Involvement: She involves mutual friends or his family to express her feelings or create tension.
  18. Feigning Concern: She pretends to be concerned about him or your relationship in a way that seems disingenuous.
  19. Flirting: She flirts with him or tries to rekindle physical attraction.
  20. Overt Hostility: She is openly hostile or rude to you.
  21. Seeking Validation: She seeks validation from him for her looks or accomplishments.
  22. Insinuations: She makes subtle insinuations about your relationship, suggesting it’s not as serious or stable as it seems.
  23. Playing on Nostalgia: She frequently talks about “the good old days” when they were together.
  24. Unfriendly Body Language: Her body language is cold or dismissive when you’re around.
  25. Overly Critical: She criticizes your appearance, personality, or lifestyle choices.
  26. Seeking Allies: She tries to get his friends or family on her side by badmouthing you.
  27. Acting Out: She engages in self-destructive behavior and makes sure he knows about it.
  28. Mimicking You: She mimics your style or interests in a way that feels competitive.
  29. Emotional Outbursts: She has emotional outbursts when your relationship is mentioned.
  30. Nostalgic Gifts: She gives him gifts that have sentimental value from their past.
  31. Sabotaging Plans: She tries to sabotage plans you have with him by creating conflicts or emergencies.
  32. Over-apologizing: She frequently apologizes for things in an exaggerated manner, seeking his reassurance.
  33. Proximity: She moves closer to where you both live or frequently visits places you go together.
  34. Competing: She competes with you, trying to outdo you in various aspects like career, looks, or hobbies.
  35. Feigning Friendliness: She tries to be your friend in a way that feels invasive or insincere.
  36. Inappropriate Jokes: She makes inappropriate jokes or comments about you in front of him.
  37. Crying on Cue: She cries or gets emotional whenever your relationship is brought up.
  38. Boundary Testing: She tests boundaries by asking him for favors that make you uncomfortable.
  39. Public Displays: She posts old pictures of them together or tags him in memories.
  40. Making Excuses: She makes excuses to spend time alone with him.
  41. Downplaying Your Relationship: She downplays the significance of your relationship to others.
  42. Subtle Digs: She makes subtle digs or backhanded compliments towards you.
  43. Exaggerating Past Issues: She exaggerates issues they had to make their relationship seem more significant.
  44. Lying: She lies about things to create doubt in your mind about him or your relationship.
  45. Showing Vulnerability: She shows vulnerability in front of him to elicit his sympathy and support.
  46. Rekindling Memories: She tries to rekindle memories by talking about special dates or anniversaries.
  47. Over-complimenting Him: She over-compliments him in front of you to make you feel insecure.
  48. Financial Ties: She tries to maintain financial ties or dependencies with him.
  49. Inviting to Events: She invites him to events where you are excluded or not welcome.
  50. Unexpected Visits: She makes unexpected visits to his home or work.
  51. Manipulative Praise: She praises him for qualities she knows you might feel insecure about.
  52. Selective Memory: She has selective memory about their past, emphasizing only the good times.
  53. Reaching Out When You’re Happy: She reaches out to him when she knows you’re having a good time together.
  54. Undermining You: She undermines your opinions or decisions in front of him.
  55. Exaggerating Their Connection: She exaggerates their emotional or intellectual connection.
  56. Playing Dumb: She plays dumb about things that clearly bother you, feigning innocence.
  57. Seeking Relationship Advice: She seeks relationship advice from him, especially about her new partners.
  58. Creating Triangulation: She creates a triangle dynamic, where she tries to make you feel like you’re competing for his attention.
  59. Mocking Your Relationship: She mocks or makes fun of your relationship in a passive-aggressive way.
  60. Guilt Trips: She uses guilt trips to get his attention or sympathy.
  61. Inquiring About You: She asks about you a lot, more than seems normal.
  62. Feigning Indifference: She pretends to be indifferent about your relationship but her actions suggest otherwise.
  63. Sudden Interest in His Life: She shows sudden, intense interest in his life when she didn’t before.
  64. Sabotaging His Mood: She tries to sabotage his mood before he spends time with you.
  65. Possessive Language: She uses possessive language like “we” or “our” when talking about past experiences.
  66. Tearful Reminiscence: She gets tearful when reminiscing about their past.
  67. Sudden Breakdowns: She has sudden emotional breakdowns when he talks about you.
  68. Unnecessary Proximity: She stands or sits too close to him when you’re around.
  69. Playing the Victim: She constantly plays the victim about their breakup to gain his sympathy.
  70. Overemphasizing Shared History: She overemphasizes the significance of their shared history.
  71. Highlighting Flaws: She subtly highlights his flaws that she knows will bother you.
  72. Acting Vulnerable: She acts vulnerable or needy around him.
  73. Faux Concern: She expresses faux concern for him, questioning if he’s truly happy with you.
  74. Inviting to Solo Events: She invites him to events where she knows you can’t come.
  75. Pretending to Move On: She pretends to have moved on but her actions suggest otherwise.
  76. Reigniting Old Habits: She tries to reignite old habits or traditions they shared.
  77. Constant Check-ins: She constantly checks in on him under the guise of friendship.
  78. Highlighting Similarities: She highlights their similarities and shared interests.
  79. Downplaying Your Role: She downplays your role in his life.
  80. Seeking Emotional Support: She seeks emotional support from him about her personal issues.
  81. Making Plans Without You: She makes plans with him that exclude you.
  82. Gossiping: She gossips about you to mutual friends.
  83. Emphasizing Past Connection: She emphasizes their deep past connection.
  84. Involving Mutual Friends: She involves mutual friends to talk about their past relationship.
  85. Tearful Goodbyes: She makes tearful goodbyes or emotional displays when leaving.
  86. Highlighting Insecurities: She subtly highlights insecurities she knows you have.
  87. Frequent Emergencies: She has frequent “emergencies” that require his help.
  88. Flirting with Others: She flirts with other men in his presence to make him jealous.
  89. Bringing Up Ex-Couples: She frequently brings up other ex-couples and their dynamics.
  90. Playing Coy: She plays coy or acts overly innocent about her intentions.
  91. Sudden Interest in Mutual Activities: She shows sudden interest in activities he enjoys.
  92. Highlighting Past Sacrifices: She highlights sacrifices she made for him.
  93. Manipulating Shared Spaces: She manipulates shared spaces, leaving items that remind him of their past.
  94. Highlighting Emotional Bond: She emphasizes their emotional bond.
  95. Seeking Validation: She seeks validation from him about her looks or life choices.
  96. Overreacting to Your Presence: She overreacts to your presence, either by ignoring you or being overly nice.
  97. Over-explaining Past Breakup: She over-explains the reasons for their breakup, making it seem more significant.
  98. Using Nicknames: She uses old nicknames or pet names in front of you.
  99. Highlighting Her Struggles: She highlights her struggles since the breakup.
  100. Feigning Cluelessness: She feigns cluelessness about why you might feel uncomfortable with her actions.

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