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Sympathy Card for Teenager Texts

Front of the Card:

Title: “With Deepest Sympathy”

Inside the Card:

  1. In moments of sorrow, you’re not alone,
  2. Though words may fail, our love is shown.
  3. For every tear, a hug we send,
  4. With love and care that’ll never end.
  5. Life’s journey takes us through highs and lows,
  6. In moments like these, our empathy grows.
  7. Though the pain feels too much to bear,
  8. We’re here for you, always ready to share.
  9. Memories cherished, moments held dear,
  10. Even in darkness, your light is near.
  11. Each heartbeat echoes a tale untold,
  12. With love and support, may your spirit unfold.
  13. Like stars in the night, guiding your way,
  14. Our thoughts and prayers with you always stay.
  15. Through stormy seas and winds that blow,
  16. Our love for you continues to grow.
  17. In silence, we stand, in sorrow, we weep,
  18. Yet in your heart, our love will keep.
  19. Though the path ahead may seem unclear,
  20. We walk beside you, forever near.
  21. Like a gentle breeze, we whisper your name,
  22. Amidst the darkness, a flicker of flame.
  23. Through trials and tribulations, you’ll find,
  24. Strength within, a resilient mind.
  25. For every question that lingers in your mind,
  26. Answers may come when the time is kind.
  27. In the embrace of sorrow, find solace sweet,
  28. In the arms of love, may your heart find its beat.
  29. Through every tear shed, a rainbow appears,
  30. Dispelling the darkness, calming your fears.
  31. Though today may be filled with shadows deep,
  32. Tomorrow holds promises you can keep.
  33. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon,
  34. May you find peace, even in this gloom.
  35. In the tapestry of life, every thread has its place,
  36. Weaving together, with love and grace.
  37. Though words may falter, and silence may reign,
  38. Our love for you will forever remain.
  39. Through the darkest night, there’s a glimmer of light,
  40. Leading you through, till the morning bright.
  41. Like a phoenix rising from ashes anew,
  42. May you find strength, in all that you do.
  43. Though the road ahead may seem long and steep,
  44. Our love for you, eternally deep.
  45. With every heartbeat, with every breath,
  46. Know that you’re loved, in life and in death.
  47. Though grief may linger, and pain may stay,
  48. Love heals all wounds, come what may.
  49. Like a beacon of hope, shining so bright,
  50. Our love for you, a guiding light.
  51. Through the darkest of nights, you’re not alone,
  52. In our hearts, your light is shone.
  53. For every tear that falls like rain,
  54. Our love for you, an eternal chain.
  55. Though words may fail, and actions may cease,
  56. Our love for you will never decrease.
  57. Like a flower that blooms in the harshest of lands,
  58. May you find peace in the touch of our hands.
  59. Though sorrow may linger, and sadness may cling,
  60. Our love for you, a song to sing.
  61. With every heartbeat, with every sigh,
  62. Our love for you, like the endless sky.
  63. Though clouds may gather, and storms may brew,
  64. Our love for you, forever true.
  65. Like a river that flows, steady and strong,
  66. Our love for you, an everlasting song.
  67. Through valleys low and mountains high,
  68. Our love for you will never die.
  69. For every tear that falls, a prayer we send,
  70. With love and hope, that’ll never end.
  71. Though the night may be dark, and the path unclear,
  72. Our love for you will always be near.
  73. Like a phoenix rising from ashes so still,
  74. May you find peace, and the strength to heal.
  75. Though the journey ahead may seem long and rough,
  76. Our love for you, gentle and tough.
  77. With every sunrise, a new day begins,
  78. Our love for you, like a melody that wins.
  79. Through trials and tribulations, you’ll find your way,
  80. With love as your guide, come what may.
  81. Like a beacon of light in the darkest of night,
  82. Our love for you, a comforting sight.
  83. Though clouds may gather, and thunder may roar,
  84. Our love for you, forevermore.
  85. For every smile lost, a new one will bloom,
  86. With love and hope, to brighten the gloom.
  87. Though the path may be rocky, and the journey long,
  88. Our love for you, steadfast and strong.
  89. Like a tree standing tall, rooted deep in the ground,
  90. Our love for you, an unbreakable bond.
  91. Through storms and tempests, you’ll find your way,
  92. With love as your compass, come what may.
  93. With every tear shed, a rainbow will appear,
  94. Our love for you, wiping away every tear.
  95. Though the night may be long, and the darkness deep,
  96. Our love for you, a promise to keep.
  97. Like a star shining bright in the midnight sky,
  98. Our love for you, never saying goodbye.
  99. Though shadows may fall, and the night may be cold,
  100. Our love for you, a warmth to behold.
  101. For every heartache endured, a lesson learned,
  102. With love and compassion, our hearts yearn.
  103. Though the road may be rough, and the journey tough,
  104. Our love for you, more than enough.
  105. Like a flower that blooms in the harshest of lands,
  106. Our love for you, forever stands.
  107. Through trials and tribulations, you’ll find your way,
  108. With love as your guide, come what may.
  109. With every breath taken, a moment cherished,
  110. Our love for you, never to perish.
  111. Though the path may be winding, and the way unclear,
  112. Our love for you, always sincere.
  113. Like a bird taking flight, soaring high above,
  114. Our love for you, a testament of love.
  115. Through storms and tempests, you’ll find your way,
  116. With love as your compass, come what may.
  117. For every tear shed, a heartache felt,
  118. With love and compassion, our hearts melt.
  119. Though the night may be long, and the darkness deep,
  120. Our love for you, a promise to keep.
  121. Like a lighthouse guiding ships in the night,
  122. Our love for you, a beacon shining bright.
  123. Though storms may rage, and waves may crash,
  124. Our love for you, an anchor to lash.
  125. With every heartbeat, with every sigh,
  126. Our love for you, like the endless sky.
  127. Though clouds may gather, and storms may brew.

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