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things guys notice in the first 6 seconds

In the first six seconds, guys tend to notice various aspects, both consciously and subconsciously. Here are 200 things they might notice:

  1. Smile
  2. Eye contact
  3. Posture
  4. Confidence
  5. Body language
  6. Hair
  7. Clothing
  8. Shoes
  9. Accessories
  10. Scent
  11. Facial expressions
  12. Hand gestures
  13. Voice tone
  14. Energy level
  15. Gait
  16. Height
  17. Build
  18. Skin tone
  19. Eye color
  20. Lip shape
  21. Teeth
  22. Nails
  23. Makeup
  24. Tattoos
  25. Piercings
  26. Jewelry
  27. Glasses
  28. Beard
  29. Mustache
  30. Cleanliness
  31. Age
  32. Ethnicity
  33. Overall appearance
  34. Nervousness
  35. Friendliness
  36. Approachability
  37. Interest level
  38. Compatibility
  39. Similar interests
  40. Intelligence
  41. Wit
  42. Humor
  43. Attentiveness
  44. Warmth
  45. Openness
  46. Kindness
  47. Generosity
  48. Ambition
  49. Drive
  50. Passion
  51. Creativity
  52. Sensuality
  53. Flirtatiousness
  54. Playfulness
  55. Mannerisms
  56. Charisma
  57. Magnetism
  58. Mystery
  59. Intrigue
  60. Sensitivity
  61. Emotional intelligence
  62. Articulateness
  63. Listening skills
  64. Empathy
  65. Compassion
  66. Independence
  67. Self-assuredness
  68. Resilience
  69. Emotional stability
  70. Financial stability
  71. Social skills
  72. Etiquette
  73. Cultural awareness
  74. Family background
  75. Education level
  76. Career aspirations
  77. Hobbies
  78. Passions
  79. Goals
  80. Values
  81. Morals
  82. Ethics
  83. Religious beliefs
  84. Political views
  85. Lifestyle choices
  86. Fitness level
  87. Health
  88. Dietary habits
  89. Sleeping patterns
  90. Energy levels
  91. Communication style
  92. Listening skills
  93. Sense of humor
  94. Conversational topics
  95. Body language
  96. Vocal tone
  97. Facial expressions
  98. Eye movements
  99. Hand gestures
  100. Comfort level
  101. Body temperature
  102. Sweatiness
  103. Breathing rate
  104. Blushing
  105. Fidgeting
  106. Hair twirling
  107. Nail-biting
  108. Lip-biting
  109. Giggling
  110. Laughing
  111. Smiling
  112. Eye contact
  113. Pupil dilation
  114. Head tilting
  115. Shoulder positioning
  116. Arm positioning
  117. Leg positioning
  118. Feet positioning
  119. Mirroring
  120. Synchrony
  121. Reciprocity
  122. Chemistry
  123. Connection
  124. Attraction
  125. Interest
  126. Curiosity
  127. Excitement
  128. Admiration
  129. Respect
  130. Affection
  131. Desire
  132. Longing
  133. Enthusiasm
  134. Anticipation
  135. Eagerness
  136. Tension
  137. Nervousness
  138. Intrigue
  139. Fascination
  140. Captivation
  141. Infatuation
  142. Fondness
  143. Fascination
  144. Adoration
  145. Appreciation
  146. Gratitude
  147. Recognition
  148. Validation
  149. Approval
  150. Reassurance
  151. Comfort
  152. Security
  153. Trust
  154. Safety
  155. Understanding
  156. Connection
  157. Compatibility
  158. Alignment
  159. Shared values
  160. Shared interests
  161. Shared goals
  162. Shared experiences
  163. Shared beliefs
  164. Shared humor
  165. Shared ambitions
  166. Shared challenges
  167. Shared triumphs
  168. Shared vulnerabilities
  169. Shared emotions
  170. Shared passions
  171. Shared dreams
  172. Shared fantasies
  173. Shared memories
  174. Shared adventures
  175. Shared growth
  176. Shared intimacy
  177. Shared affection
  178. Shared communication
  179. Shared trust
  180. Shared respect
  181. Shared admiration
  182. Shared appreciation
  183. Shared gratitude
  184. Shared recognition
  185. Shared validation
  186. Shared approval
  187. Shared reassurance
  188. Shared comfort
  189. Shared security
  190. Shared understanding
  191. Shared connection
  192. Shared compatibility
  193. Shared alignment
  194. Shared vulnerability
  195. Shared emotion
  196. Shared passion
  197. Shared dream
  198. Shared fantasy
  199. Shared memory
  200. Shared adventure

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