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Would you rather questions?

Sure! Here are 200 “Would you rather” questions for you:

  1. Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
  2. Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited power?
  3. Would you rather be able to speak all languages or be able to communicate with animals?
  4. Would you rather live in a world without internet or without music?
  5. Would you rather have the ability to time travel to the past or to the future?
  6. Would you rather be able to read minds or have the power to see into the future?
  7. Would you rather have the power of super strength or super speed?
  8. Would you rather live in a world without wars or without hunger?
  9. Would you rather be a famous actor or a renowned scientist?
  10. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island alone or with someone you dislike?
  11. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
  12. Would you rather live in the past where life was simpler or in the future where technology has advanced beyond imagination?
  13. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather or control time?
  14. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?
  15. Would you rather have the ability to teleport or to be able to read minds?
  16. Would you rather be a famous artist or a successful entrepreneur?
  17. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or to speak all foreign languages?
  18. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to teleport?
  19. Would you rather live in a world with no laws or no consequences?
  20. Would you rather have the ability to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?
  21. Would you rather have the power of healing or the power of time travel?
  22. Would you rather have the ability to control fire or water?
  23. Would you rather be famous for something good or infamous for something bad?
  24. Would you rather be able to control minds or manipulate matter?
  25. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is always happy but you’re the only one sad or live in a world where everyone is always sad but you’re the only one happy?
  26. Would you rather live without your smartphone or without your computer?
  27. Would you rather have the ability to stop time or to rewind time?
  28. Would you rather have the power to change the past or see into the future?
  29. Would you rather always know the truth or always believe a comforting lie?
  30. Would you rather live without music or without movies?
  31. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
  32. Would you rather be able to control animals or control machines with your mind?
  33. Would you rather have the power to make anyone fall in love with you or to erase someone from existence?
  34. Would you rather be able to speak with ghosts or with aliens?
  35. Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous athlete?
  36. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world or to be able to speak and understand any language instantly?
  37. Would you rather have the power to change the past or to predict the future?
  38. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or to fly through the air?
  39. Would you rather have the ability to control the elements or control time?
  40. Would you rather live in a world where magic exists or where superpowers exist?
  41. Would you rather have the ability to teleport or to fly at the speed of sound?
  42. Would you rather be able to speak with animals or to speak all human languages?
  43. Would you rather be able to travel to any point in time or to any place in the world?
  44. Would you rather have the power of telekinesis or telepathy?
  45. Would you rather be able to fly but only at walking speed or run as fast as a car but only on foot?
  46. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s thoughts are broadcasted or where everyone’s dreams are shared?
  47. Would you rather have the ability to control dreams or to never have nightmares?
  48. Would you rather have the ability to freeze time or to rewind time?
  49. Would you rather have the power to control minds or to control emotions?
  50. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or to understand any foreign language?
  51. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate the weather or to control luck?
  52. Would you rather have the power to change your appearance at will or to change your age?
  53. Would you rather be able to control the minds of others or to be immune to mind control?
  54. Would you rather be able to travel to parallel universes or to alternate timelines?
  55. Would you rather live in a world where everyone can read minds or where everyone has super strength?
  56. Would you rather have the ability to see into the future or to change the past?
  57. Would you rather have the power of telekinesis or the power of teleportation?
  58. Would you rather live in a world without pain or without pleasure?
  59. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate time or to manipulate space?
  60. Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently or to be a master of every musical instrument?
  61. Would you rather live in a world without books or without movies?
  62. Would you rather have the power to control fire or to control ice?
  63. Would you rather live in a world without emotions or without memories?
  64. Would you rather have the ability to control dreams or to never have to sleep?
  65. Would you rather have the power to control technology or to control nature?
  66. Would you rather be able to control your dreams or to control the dreams of others?
  67. Would you rather live in a world without wars or without poverty?
  68. Would you rather have the ability to speak any language fluently or to play any musical instrument perfectly?
  69. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate matter or to manipulate energy?
  70. Would you rather have the power to cure any disease or to prevent any disaster?
  71. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is immortal or where everyone is invincible?
  72. Would you rather be able to control the weather or to control luck?
  73. Would you rather have the ability to control animals or to control plants?
  74. Would you rather have the power of flight or the power of telekinesis?
  75. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or to fly through the air?
  76. Would you rather have the ability to control your dreams or to control your nightmares?
  77. Would you rather have the power to stop time or to reverse time?
  78. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world or to be able to fly like a bird?
  79. Would you rather have the power to control fire or to control lightning?
  80. Would you rather live in a world without pain or without fear?
  81. Would you rather have the ability to speak with animals or to understand any language?
  82. Would you rather have the power to control minds or to control gravity?
  83. Would you rather be able to control the elements or to control technology?
  84. Would you rather have the ability to time travel or to teleport?
  85. Would you rather have the power to heal others or to heal yourself?
  86. Would you rather live in a world without darkness or without loneliness?
  87. Would you rather have the ability to shapeshift into any animal or to possess superhuman strength?
  88. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or to fly through space?
  89. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible at will or to teleport anywhere instantly?
  90. Would you rather have the power to control minds or to control the weather?
  91. Would you rather be able to travel back in time and change one event in history or see into the future but not be able to change it?
  92. Would you rather have the ability to speak to the dead or to see into the spirit realm?
  93. Would you rather be able to control the actions of others or to predict the future accurately?
  94. Would you rather live in a world with no pain but also no pleasure or a world with intense pleasure but also intense pain?
  95. Would you rather have the ability to control machines with your mind or to control the elements like fire, water, earth, and air?
  96. Would you rather have the power to bring people back from the dead or to prevent any death from occurring?
  97. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate dreams or to create new realities?
  98. Would you rather be able to communicate with extraterrestrial beings or to understand the language of plants?
  99. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible when you’re sad or to turn into a giant when you’re angry?
  100. Would you rather have the power to travel to alternate dimensions or to pause time whenever you want?
  101. Would you rather be able to control the minds of others but lose control of your own thoughts, or retain control of your mind but never have the ability to influence others?
  102. Would you rather have the ability to change your appearance at will or to change your age at will?
  103. Would you rather have the power to create life or to resurrect the dead?
  104. Would you rather be able to see 10 years into your own future or 10 years into the future of humanity?
  105. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly but lose all memories of the place you left, or be able to fly slowly but retain all memories?
  106. Would you rather be able to talk to animals but never be able to communicate with humans again, or be able to speak all languages but lose the ability to understand animals?
  107. Would you rather have the ability to control dreams but never be able to remember your own dreams, or always remember your dreams but never be able to control them?
  108. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate time but never be able to control it fully, or have no control over time at all?
  109. Would you rather be able to hear the thoughts of everyone around you but not be able to turn it off, or be completely deaf to everyone’s thoughts forever?
  110. Would you rather have the power to teleport but not be able to choose where you go, or have the power to fly but only at night?
  111. Would you rather be able to see the future but not be able to change it, or have the power to change the future but not know what it holds?
  112. Would you rather have the ability to teleport objects but never be able to teleport yourself, or be able to teleport yourself but never be able to take anything with you?
  113. Would you rather have the power to control fire but always be cold, or have the power to control ice but always be hot?
  114. Would you rather be able to communicate with ghosts but never be able to see them, or be able to see ghosts but never be able to communicate with them?
  115. Would you rather have the ability to control the minds of others but suffer from migraines every time you use it, or be immune to mind control but suffer from temporary memory loss every time someone tries to control your mind?
  116. Would you rather have the power to control the emotions of others but feel their emotions as if they were your own, or be immune to the emotions of others but never be able to feel your own emotions?
  117. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather but cause natural disasters every time you use it, or have the power to prevent natural disasters but never be able to control the weather?
  118. Would you rather have the power to heal others but shorten your own lifespan every time you use it, or be immortal but unable to heal anyone else?
  119. Would you rather have the power to bring peace to the world but lose all memories of your own past, or retain your memories but live in a world of perpetual conflict?
  120. Would you rather have the ability to teleport but always end up a few feet away from your intended destination, or have the power to fly but only at walking speed?
  121. Would you rather have the power to control your dreams but never be able to wake up, or be able to wake up from any dream but never be able to control them?
  122. Would you rather have the ability to see through walls but not be able to see anything else, or have the power to turn invisible but not be able to see anything while invisible?
  123. Would you rather be able to control gravity but never be able to turn it off, or be able to turn off gravity but never be able to control it?
  124. Would you rather have the ability to see the past but never be able to change it, or have the power to change the past but never be able to see it?
  125. Would you rather have the power to control the minds of others but never be able to turn it off, or be completely immune to mind control but never be able to influence others?
  126. Would you rather have the ability to control time but never be able to experience it, or be able to experience time but never be able to control it?
  127. Would you rather have the power to manipulate reality but always be unsure if what you’re experiencing is real, or have no control over reality but always be certain of what is real?
  128. Would you rather have the ability to speak any language fluently but forget your native language, or retain your native language but never be able to learn any other languages?
  129. Would you rather have the power to control animals but never be able to communicate with them, or be able to communicate with animals but never be able to control them?
  130. Would you rather have the ability to control the minds of others but lose your own sense of identity, or retain your identity but never be able to control the minds of others?
  131. Would you rather have the power to control time but never be able to control your own fate, or have control over your fate but never be able to control time?
  132. Would you rather have the ability to manipulate dreams but never be able to wake up, or be able to wake up from any dream but never be able to manipulate them?
  133. Would you rather have the power to control the weather but always be at the mercy of your own emotions, or be able to control your emotions but never be able to influence the weather?
  134. Would you rather have the ability to speak with the dead but never be able to see them, or be able to see the dead but never be able to communicate with them?
  135. Would you rather have the power to teleport but always end up in a random location, or have the ability to fly but only during thunderstorms?
  136. Would you rather be able to control the elements but always be at the mercy of nature, or be able to control nature.

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